How Much Batter Do You Use For An 11X15 (2 Inch) Cake?
Decorating By butternut Updated 23 Mar 2018 , 5:18pm by BakeMiaCake

Good morning. I'm making an 11x15 cake in a couple of days and I just read a post where a member said that she uses about 16 cups of batter for this size pan. I know that Wilton suggests 11 cups and that is what I was going on and thought I would do. However, now I'm wondering how many of you use much more batter than Wilton suggests. I'd hate to do as Wilton suggests and my cake not be a full 2 inches. Thanks everyone.

Hello... For this pan I use 2 boxes of cake mix. I then bake it at 325 instead of 350 and it rises the full 2 inches unless it is strawberry. Strawberry needs 2.5 boxes of cake mix. Hope this helps.

What you can do is take your pan and fill it cup by cup with water until it's about 2/3's they way full. That way you can see it for yourself. I did this with my round pans and I found that the wilton nubers are a little on the low side.

I did one yesterday with a scratch white cake that makes 6 cups of batter, used a double batch baked at 350 and got a perfectly risen cake just slightly higher than the edge of the pan.
Make sure you use bake-even strips and a heat core, and it'll be nice and level.

jkalman that is a GREAT tip! Thank you for the idea!

I use 2 boxes of mix, I also use 3 flower nails in that pan instead of a heating core, because the core leaves such a large hole you have to refill with more cake and the flower nails leave such a small pin sized hole no one ever notices and can be filled with icing if needed but it's never needed lol

No problem-o! I was sitting in the kitchen wondering how the heck I was going to figure out how much batter because the wilton number seemed small to me and it occured to me to just pour water in there.. LOL. And the wilton numbers didn't fill the pans enough at all.. for my liking any way.. you needed at least 1/2-1 cup more.

I need to get some strips for the outside of my pans... but I use 2 mixes with an extra egg each if I'm going to use more than one layer. I like the Duncan Hines French vanilla mix. With 2, when I level it, it's not a tall cake. But if I'm only using one layer, I use 3 mixes and then it levels to a nice size, easy to torte. I also bake at 325 to help with the leveling. I need to try the nails again. Haven't done that in a while.

When I don't know how much of batter I need for a particular pan, I place the pan on the scale , set it to zero, pour water to the brim of the pan , and then divide the weight by 10. I make mostly butter/pound cakes/chocolate cakes. i.e if the pan hold 2000gms divide by 10 = 200gms x 4 (egg,flour,butter &sugar) that particular pan can hold upto 800gms of ingredients approximately.

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