Missing Cake Central

Business By wrosado Updated 28 Jun 2024 , 9:58pm by kakeladi

wrosado Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
wrosado Posted 18 Nov 2023 , 2:13am
post #1 of 16

I miss Cake Central

15 replies
kakeladi Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
kakeladi Posted 20 Nov 2023 , 2:23am
post #2 of 16

Many of us do also.   

Just don’t understand the problem/why of the l o n g time it has been unattended.   A few of us have been hanging in now & then to help anyone who stumbles in  Anything You need/want?? 

tmelrose Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
tmelrose Posted 27 Nov 2023 , 6:20am
post #3 of 16

Does anyone know who is supposed to be responsible for this website? You would think someone could help take over and get this site back to its old glory days 

ASimpleBaker Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
ASimpleBaker Posted 27 Nov 2023 , 4:04pm
post #4 of 16

I miss those times all day long.  Unfortunately, this site is a shell of what used to be.  I know that Jackie and Heath( (I think) are/were the owners and worked so hard for a long time to upkeep it.  And boy in the heyday it was an AMAZING site, with massive information, people of all levels and abilities, from the most humble beginner to the most prestigious decorator/business caker. And the past information it contains is truly invaluable.  But that was before the rise of popularity in sites like YouTube and Instagram and so on, where every technique and short cuts to techniques are provided and easily accessible. Couple that with a spike in home based businesses nationwide, and that has lead to sites like this who do not evolve so to speak into upholding this newer generation of caking that has the mystery removed to limp along as it does now.  Do note, this is not a dig at the site or any operating as a CFO business, as I am one myself in my last state and my current one.  I have specialized for a market not found normally among CFO's and even store front businesses rather than a general caking/baking site, etc.  I think that only specialty businesses can truly survive under CFO, because literally everyone is baking who can under most CFO laws and pricing is all over the place.  And market dilution ensures that it is extremely difficult to charge a rate for profitability. 

And that circles back to this truly wonderful, dying site.  As recently as three months ago, I have seen CFO's transition from baking to creating similar sites but doing so in methods that work with those seeking to enter CFO as well as technique sharing.  And some of these offer lots for free but then membership for expanded support, coupled with online video content and live meetings showing technique, etc. They also sell products that are supported through their video and live content. Sadly, almost all of that has been provided here for years at no cost.  But with out dated views coupled with a lack of support, this draws no one in.  It would take a massive overhaul along with likely some tiered offerings ( some paid) with live and recorded content along with matching product and product support. And a huge campaign on all social medias with baker content and noting online classes/live content, etc.  I think the need still exists  (and likely at some point always will), but without the noted updating, this once lovely site will not be competitive enough to survive.  Even against content that requires payment, because those payment sites have created perceived value to many caking at all levels. 

I continue on here, reviewing the save database information that is still effective and useful.  I try to answer questions when I have the knowledge to do so.  And I value everyone who still posts here, because we all take the time to post even today.  But I fear that one day, i will log on and it will be gone. And it will be a huge loss when that happens.

kakeladi Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
kakeladi Posted 28 Nov 2023 , 3:16pm
post #5 of 16

We all fear the day of doom will come.  And have for several years now.  A few of us still hang around hoping against hope that it remains up for all the information still available 

kakeladi Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
kakeladi Posted 28 Nov 2023 , 3:16pm
post #6 of 16

We all fear the day of doom will come.  And have for several years now.  A few of us still hang around hoping against hope that it remains up for all the information still available 

MBalaska Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
MBalaska Posted 7 Jan 2024 , 10:37pm
post #7 of 16

I don't even bake much anymore and I still look into CakeCentral on occasion. 

jchuck Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
jchuck Posted 4 Feb 2024 , 5:29pm
post #8 of 16


You pretty much nailed it. Back in 2005 when I joined CC, they were IT. Nothing around. Now it’s mostly facebook groups. Free or paid. And YouTube. 

I’ve been bumped out of CC for the last couple of months. When I start typing a response, the page refreshes and my post disappears. So you can’t access information if you can’t stay logged on to the site. And honestly, not being able to post cake pictures??? For over 4 years. That’s ridiculous for a cake site. It’s unfortunately a dinosaur. I have to copy and paste my post because CC won’t let me type my response

RobzC8kz Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
RobzC8kz Posted 29 Feb 2024 , 10:16pm
post #9 of 16

We used to have a lot of fun here back in the day!  So sad that it's largely defunct.  Glad to see a few "old timers" still hanging in!  I come back every now and again just to see if anything has moved.  Hoping that the sight is "alive" again!  Hopefully someday that day will come.  The new FB groups are so impersonal and everyone gets so easily offended.  I don't even go on those anymore.  YT, IG, TikTok offer no sense of community...  

eastercand Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
eastercand Posted 11 Apr 2024 , 5:39pm
post #10 of 16

I do miss this site as well. I often come to get ideas, Seeing as a visual learner, I need to see an idea vs trying to come up with something in my head, which is usually nothing, lol.  This was a great site, and sad to see that it's not attended.  All  I get is one ad popping up as soon as I close it.  I guess that's how they are paying to keep it up and running somewhat.  But maybe they could see it and see if someone who has a passion for it would take it over.  But with a lot of the cake schools, they are either burned out or retiring, which I understand as a cake decorator and retired myself.  But one day, I hope it can come back to life, even though some of my may not be decorating it's still fun to see what others have created.  

eastercand Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
eastercand Posted 11 Apr 2024 , 5:39pm
post #11 of 16

I do miss this site as well. I often come to get ideas, Seeing as a visual learner, I need to see an idea vs trying to come up with something in my head, which is usually nothing, lol.  This was a great site, and sad to see that it's not attended.  All  I get is one ad popping up as soon as I close it.  I guess that's how they are paying to keep it up and running somewhat.  But maybe they could see it and see if someone who has a passion for it would take it over.  But with a lot of the cake schools, they are either burned out or retiring, which I understand as a cake decorator and retired myself.  But one day, I hope it can come back to life, even though some of my may not be decorating it's still fun to see what others have created.  

MBalaska Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
MBalaska Posted 12 May 2024 , 9:58pm
post #12 of 16

Good Points. I quit all that social media for caking/baking also. 

Quote by @RobzC8kz on 29 Feb 2024 , 5:16pm

......  The new FB groups are so impersonal and everyone gets so easily offended.  I don't even go on those anymore.  YT, IG, TikTok offer no sense of community...  

ShaunaNicole Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
ShaunaNicole Posted 15 May 2024 , 11:24pm
post #13 of 16

I miss this site soooo much!!!  I tried to ask some questions on Facebook, and some of the folks started attacking my morals because I asked if anyone had a buttercream that they buy and like.  

jchuck Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
jchuck Posted 17 May 2024 , 1:34am
post #14 of 16

ShaunaNicole You should never be shamed because you want to buy buttercream!! A few fb groups I’m in, you’re not allowed to debate box cake baking as opposed to scratch cake baking. Ditto homemade buttercream or  purchased buttercream. Admins will shut down the post. Because we’re individual bakers and do what’s best for ourselves. Doesn’t make it right or wrong. 

Janette Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Janette Posted 6 Jun 2024 , 1:09am
post #15 of 16

I'll try to make this short. I signed up about 15 years ago. I met a group of women from all over the country. about 10 years ago 5 of the girls flew into Michigan and stayed about a week with me. We had so much fun on this site, there were no ads back then. Time goes by and people move on. I'm still friends with 3 of them. One especially, she has flown in several times for a visit. I haven't been here in a few years, I came here today to look at the gallery. I was overwhelmed with ads. I can't look at anything without pop-ups. What in the world happened? Where is the couple that maintained the site?

kakeladi Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
kakeladi Posted 28 Jun 2024 , 9:58pm
post #16 of 16

Since this WONDERFUL site is not what it used to be I forget to check in now and then.   Like most others I sooo miss the wonderful community we had here.  Today I came here to find the post my I think Mac’s mom where sho gave 100s of flavor ideas using my WASC recipe.  Seeing this post side tracked my search.  I’m having trouble posting not only on this site but on Facebook too.  If I make paragraphs it only posts the 1st one so this post is running on & on as 1 thought. 

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