Cake Decorator kakeladi


Retired many years now but still have a great interest

Center of CA both north and south, east and west US


kakeladi's Cake Photos view more

  • Purple & Rainbows Was The Theme Request Cake4Kids birthday creation. 8”x4” Chocolate cake with b’cream icing and fondant rainbow & clouds.
  • Birthday Cake For Teen Mom 6”&8” pineapple cake with cinnamon b’cream filing. After applying a rather heavy b’cream crumb...
  • Oreos For A Teen Boy Marble cake; Oreos b’cream; cookies for decorations. A request
  • Lots Of 1St On This One Cake4Kids request:Oreos. A 1st for me3 layers 6” chocolate batter with chunks of cookies added -another 1stIcing is b’...
  • Dragon Ball Z 6” x 5” chocolate with Bavarian filling. Buttercream frosting with fondant trims. A Cake4Kids creationMy 1st rice paper...
  • Doggie Doggie 8”x5” rounds; buttercream with fondant accents. Another Cake4Kids creation.
  • Jojo Birthday Cake For an underprivileged kids organization (Cake4Kids) this b’day cake is 8”x5”; fondant bows & harts. What...
  • Spiderman For a 6 year old boy. An 8” x5” round, top iced in b’cream, side wrapped with fondant.
  • Care Bears In Pink 6x4” on a 9x2” for a 3 year old girl.
  • Trying To Add A Pic me some 5-7 yrs ago
  • Tiered Baby Shower 9 & 6" rounds; buttercream; fondant molded rattle.
  • College Of Christmas Pictures Top left - 8" round; all buttercream; tree is an ice cream cone covered w/an leaf tip; mini candy canes; piped poinsettiastop right:...
  • Church Anniversary Celebration Celebrating Liberty church's birthday. 10x4"; 2/8"; 6" tiers with an open book displayed on stands from the SUS...

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