Dragon Ball Z

Dragon Ball Z on Cake Central

6” x 5” chocolate with Bavarian filling. Buttercream frosting with fondant trims. A Cake4Kids creation My 1st rice paper sails that are supposed to be flames

Comments (4)


Thank you both for your kind remarks.     My daughter is trying to make me stop …. saying it is too much stress on my neck problems.

Don't know if I mentioned but I have discs nearly pressing on my spinal cord.  It causes a  lot of pain sometimes.   Now I have developed tendonitis in my right elbow :(    This getting old is no fun!!


Lynne, I spent a couple of months going to physical therapy for tendonitis, bursitis, and a pinched nerve (from three bulging discs).  After a lot of hard work, I am well.  Even the pinched nerve is healed.  My physical therapist gave me more advanced exercises to continue which will, hopefully, prevent a return of the problem.  So far, so good.  I was doubtful that PT would help the discs (so was my orthopedic doctor and spinal specialist), but my physical therapist never had a doubt and he was right.  No shots, no surgery, just a lot of hard, painful work, but I am healed.