I Now Hate Wilton!

Lounge By cake_freak Updated 25 Jun 2007 , 2:05am by Heath

CakesbyMonica Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
CakesbyMonica Posted 18 May 2007 , 6:37pm
post #601 of 11980

AND Summernoelle WINS, the 600th post, the 599th reply! Whoo hoo!

Sorry, there was no prize...

summernoelle Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
summernoelle Posted 18 May 2007 , 6:39pm
post #602 of 11980

icon_biggrin.gif Funny.
You guys are nuts.

CakesbyMonica Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
CakesbyMonica Posted 18 May 2007 , 6:41pm
post #603 of 11980

arsenio hall style "whoop whoop whoop" with your arm!

Janette Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Janette Posted 18 May 2007 , 6:46pm
post #604 of 11980

Monica is the top nut icon_surprised.gif

summer, my suggestion to you, don't stay away so long. icon_rolleyes.gif

cake, cookies, Wilton, fondant, gumpaste thumbs_up.gif

roxxxy_luvs_duff Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
roxxxy_luvs_duff Posted 18 May 2007 , 6:47pm
post #605 of 11980

yeahhhh i just noiticed im finally a junior member!!!!

summernoelle Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
summernoelle Posted 18 May 2007 , 6:47pm
post #606 of 11980

SO, since there seems to be no rhyme or reason to this, I have been scrubbing chocolate ice krispies off the wall in our kitchen. We are lazy parents and let our kids eat in their highchairs for breakfast and watch...Scooby Doo. They have been throwing their bowls onto the floor and it gets on the walls it is such a mess!
And since I was busy on this website, I was distracted and just found them outside with the ENTIRE 24 pack box of new popscicles, sitting on the porch, and sharing them with out two dogs. They were pretty much all melted or eaten. Chaos insues....but I get to go on a date with my husband tonight, so all is well.

CakesbyMonica Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
CakesbyMonica Posted 18 May 2007 , 6:48pm
post #607 of 11980

80 more posts to the next goal for you!

CakesbyMonica Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
CakesbyMonica Posted 18 May 2007 , 6:52pm
post #608 of 11980

Hey Hey, watch it with the Cooby Say Oo Day, you might scare Cathy!

Janette Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Janette Posted 18 May 2007 , 6:53pm
post #609 of 11980

I've been neglecting my pets because of chatting here.

roxxxy_luvs_duff Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
roxxxy_luvs_duff Posted 18 May 2007 , 6:56pm
post #610 of 11980

theres a desk next to to my daughters high chair and i finally opened one of the drawers and found nasty slimey banana in there mixed with some cheeze its and cereal YUMMY hahaha i better check in ther more often

roxxxy_luvs_duff Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
roxxxy_luvs_duff Posted 18 May 2007 , 7:01pm
post #611 of 11980

ok so i feel really dumb because the young and the restless made me cry if my hubby was here he would laugh so hard at me
have fun on the date night summernoelle i think date nights are so important for married people with kids i try and do that as often as possible we get the whole weekend alone starting tonight YEAH!

summernoelle Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
summernoelle Posted 18 May 2007 , 7:02pm
post #612 of 11980

There is always something like that in our diaper bag. Like chick fil a nuggets I forgot about, and bananas happen to be very common, too. I see all these moms at the park or mall who are so together, and I think, I bet they don't have gross stuff like I do in their bags. Now I am embarrassed that I just divulged that.

CakesbyMonica Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
CakesbyMonica Posted 18 May 2007 , 7:04pm
post #613 of 11980

mmm...chik fil a...{insert homer drooling here}

summernoelle Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
summernoelle Posted 18 May 2007 , 7:08pm
post #614 of 11980

Gotta take the kids to the pool now. Have a great weekend, everyone!!

roxxxy_luvs_duff Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
roxxxy_luvs_duff Posted 18 May 2007 , 7:09pm
post #615 of 11980

my fav so far was the open packet of honey from KFC that was stuck in my couch cushions that was fun fun fun to clean...NOT!!! i just love my kids and cant help but to laugh when they do something like that then i found out my 9 yo did itand he is old enough to know better than that

itsloops Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
itsloops Posted 18 May 2007 , 7:09pm
post #616 of 11980
Originally Posted by summernoelle

SO, since there seems to be no rhyme or reason to this, I have been scrubbing chocolate ice krispies off the wall in our kitchen. We are lazy parents and let our kids eat in their highchairs for breakfast and watch...Scooby Doo. They have been throwing their bowls onto the floor and it gets on the walls it is such a mess!
And since I was busy on this website, I was distracted and just found them outside with the ENTIRE 24 pack box of new popscicles, sitting on the porch, and sharing them with out two dogs. They were pretty much all melted or eaten. Chaos insues....but I get to go on a date with my husband tonight, so all is well.

icon_lol.gif yer so funny!!!

Disneyland is only about a 5-10 minute drive from Knotts.

Monica, you're way too silly! Cooby say....!!! ha ha ha

itsloops Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
itsloops Posted 18 May 2007 , 7:13pm
post #617 of 11980

After a long night of making love, he notices a photo of another
man on her nightstand by the bed.

He begins to worry.. "Is this your husband?" he nervously asks.

"No, silly," she replies, snuggling up to him.

"Your boyfriend, then?" he continues.

"No, not at all," she says, nibbling away at his ear.

"Is it your dad or your brother?" he inquires, hoping t o be

"No, no, no! You are so hot when you're jealous!" she answers.

"Well, who in the hell is he, then?" he demands.

"That's me before the surgery." icon_surprised.gif

roxxxy_luvs_duff Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
roxxxy_luvs_duff Posted 18 May 2007 , 7:13pm
post #618 of 11980

thanks itsloops now i definately have to go get chicken since its closer than i thought ok so i guess this weekend is not gunna be a diet weekend ill just have to start back up on Monday

CakesbyMonica Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
CakesbyMonica Posted 18 May 2007 , 7:16pm
post #619 of 11980

The little boy I watch hides food like we're never going to feed him again. You couldn't imagine the food I've found where. Most often, thankfully, is his pocket. I found a mummified lime in my surround sound subwoofer, pop-tart under the couch, gummy bears (which he shoves all in his mouth at once and then when he gags from them, hides) under the toybox, pre-chewed chicken nuggets in the toybox, hot dog slices in the hamper, cheese (half-chewed) in the bathroom, behind the toilet, PB and J sandwich smashed in a book, hidden with the rest of the books. icon_smile.gif

itsloops Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
itsloops Posted 18 May 2007 , 7:16pm
post #620 of 11980


Don't worry about dieting. Monica is helping me to petition for someone to donate surgery for lipo and tummy tuck. Eat all you want. icon_twisted.gif

itsloops Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
itsloops Posted 18 May 2007 , 7:18pm
post #621 of 11980
Originally Posted by CakesbyMonica

I found a mummified lime in my surround sound subwoofericon_smile.gif

I almost pee'd my pants on this one.

Juliequeen Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Juliequeen Posted 18 May 2007 , 7:19pm
post #622 of 11980

Ok so, I leave home for a little while and when I get back you all are up to over 600 post. It cracks me up to think of the new people who see this topic on the home page and think OMG what has Wilton done that is so horrid?!!!!! Too funny!!!!
Glad to know that I was missed!!!

Juliequeen Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Juliequeen Posted 18 May 2007 , 7:21pm
post #623 of 11980

Sloops, it sounds like the little guy you watch took a tip from the lady in the post about the shrimp and caviar.. I love that one!!!!

CakesbyMonica Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
CakesbyMonica Posted 18 May 2007 , 7:21pm
post #624 of 11980

I don't know what you're talking about, this post is ALL about Wilton (sometimes). We haven't strayed at all (that we'll admit to).

The butt sucking petition will begin after the Wilton petition...

nrctermite Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
nrctermite Posted 18 May 2007 , 7:22pm
post #625 of 11980


The joke was great!!!

To all of the posters who have lost dear ones - I am so sorry. I never know the right words to say either.

Disneylanders - I am so jealous.

I still love neon colors, and how are those flowers looking anyway?

We're past 600 posts, on our way to 650 Did you guys see the cool babyccino cups posted by Rowls? OMG I have to try those, I'm a coffee fiend and I just love those little things. But first my tap shoe cake - did I mention hubby gave me an idea? I just don't know if I can pull it off, but I'm going to try.

The Wiggles are okay - fruit salad, yummy, yummy.

I had a lot to catch up on and I was only away for a short period of time, maybe an hour??? psh I'm sure I missed something!

roxxxy_luvs_duff Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
roxxxy_luvs_duff Posted 18 May 2007 , 7:23pm
post #626 of 11980

ok so i guess ill eat freely 35 more lbs then im getting the "mommy makeover" yeaahhh hmmm donating lipo i wish

itsloops Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
itsloops Posted 18 May 2007 , 7:24pm
post #627 of 11980

Welcome back. Monica is actually the one who sits the little guy with the mummified limes. icon_lol.gif

Juliequeen Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Juliequeen Posted 18 May 2007 , 7:26pm
post #628 of 11980

a note on The Wiggles I was walking through Wally Word once and as I was leaving heard a man singing to his child
Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack.
And I swear it was all I could do not to answer him Cock a doodle doo!!!!
The really scary part is that I don't have kids... I blame it on the neice and nephew.

CakesbyMonica Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
CakesbyMonica Posted 18 May 2007 , 7:28pm
post #629 of 11980

The cups are cute. I love the burgers by meghanb.

nikki, I promise you we didn't miss anything important, I mean you didn't.

Juliequeen Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Juliequeen Posted 18 May 2007 , 7:28pm
post #630 of 11980

interesting how they bleeped out part of my post... it didn't mean it like THAT!!!!! icon_redface.gificon_redface.gificon_redface.gif

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