Cake Decorator angesradieux

Nicole Mordarski

Tennessee US


angesradieux's Cake Photos view more

  • Purple And Gold Rose Cupcakes Chocolate cupcakes with vanilla buttercream, painted with some gold luster dust on the edges
  • Birch Stump Cake Birch tree stump with holly, white roses, and a pinecone
  • Ghost Cake Another Halloween design
  • Barbie Ballerina Decorated for the ballerina barbie decopac set.
  • Toy Story Cake Cake with the toy story logo
  • Harry Potter Cake Harry Potter themed cake. Mostly Gryffindor colors, with a flower for each house in the corners. Flowers are the primary house color and...
  • Beach Cake Beach themed ice cream cake
  • My Little Pony Only had three hours notice for this one. I think it still came out alright
  • Unicorn Ice Cream Cake I thought the sugar cones were just begging to become unicorn horns, so I had to give it a try
  • Flower Wreath My boss at the ice cream shop agreed to let me play a little and do some more detailed decorating than our standard candy toppers
  • Succulent Cake Helped my friend decorate a succulent cake for her sister. The cakes broke a bit when she was stacking it, so it's a bit lopsided, but...
  • Easter Bunny Cake Easter bunny cake for dinner at a friend's house
  • Unicorn Cake Unicorn cake for a potluck. Woke up this morning and realized I had forgotten to make something to bring, so this was my solution. The horn...

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