Absolutely, @kakeladi . It is so heartbreaking to see on the news. Prayers and best wishes to all.

This has gotten sooo bad :( My heart goes out to all impacted by this horrible event. Some 55 yrs (?) ago I lived through something similar....living at the end of a 6 mile long box canyon where we had so much rain it soaked the ground some 9" deep and a major mudslide killed 9 of my neighbors so I have a bit of a feeling for what many are going through .... so very sad. Many people will *never* be able to rebuild/go back to where thay were living!

Hi on behalf of all those who are dealing with Harvey and his aftermath. I want to thank you for your prayers. Pray for those who are going through this in Louisiana and where every else.he goes.
I feel more than blessed right now. Other than not being home until earlier today, since Friday. My house didn't get water and we never loss power. My friend I stayed with also didn't get water. We loss power early yesterday, but it came on in a couple of hours. I was able to get into work yesterday and home today.
I can't tell how many people I know who have lost everything. We have had several floods that have affect one or two areas at a time, but never so many places at once. The devastation is so surreal at this time, but the Texans spirit is as high as ever.
Continue prayers this is going to be such a long cleanup and healing process. As many of my friends have posted Texas Strong.

When I was very active on Cake Central, there was always a large group of wonderful people on the site from Texas and Louisiana. In particular, I remember that some of the friendliest, most helpful bakers and decorators came from the area now being hit the hardest by Harvey. I keep these people in my thoughts and prayers and ask that if anyone is able to, please donate to the charities that are best suited to give aid to those affected.
We are glued to the television coverage once again witnessing the everyday heroes of neighbours helping professionals to help their fellowmen and women. Though there has been and will be more heartbreaking loss of life and loss of homes and valuables, it seems that these truly awful disasters that bring out the worst in a tiny percentage of people also serve to expose the angels among us. Who knew that there were so many angels hiding in plain view in this world of ours?
Squirrelly Cakes

................it seems that these truly awful disasters that bring out the worst in a tiny percentage of people also serve to expose the angels among us. Who knew that there were so many angels hiding in plain view in this world of ours? ........
Certainly can agree w/that! For the most part most people will help and not hurt further when someone is in trouble. Such a ig event like this shows exactly how many are willing to go out of th eir way to be helpful.
Merian64 - thank you for checking in w/us. Yesterday on FB there was a gal/decorator in Beaumont, TX who told us she was doing ok but on the news there was nothing but bad news for that area. Haven't been back to her posts to see if there is any update so sure hope everything is still ok for her and the many others who are impacted w/this guy. So add Denise in Beaumont to your prayer list

Will definitely be praying for Denise and all the others.
@SquirrellyCakes with disasters you always see both the best and the worst of mankind, but the worst has been a very small percent. I hope the best is overshadowing the small percentages.
My day job is at a hospital and our clinics are officially close and are trying to reschedule the most urgent cases. I was called yesterday and went in to work. I had been planning to go help in one of the neighborhoods that had been destroyed. It was nice to hear that most of my coworkers couldn't make it in because they were out volunteering. Which is what I am about to go out and do today.
I am so thankful to all who have come to help and risk their lives doing so. All the prayers are welcome.

Blessings to you Marian64. We watch the coverage here in Canada and a lot of what we are seeing is the kindness of volunteers alongside the professionals. Neighbours helping neighbours - that is what it is all about. I think it does everyone's heart good to be reminded by this example.
It breaks our hearts to see the loss of life which of course is the worst of it. It is so sad to see the destruction of everything people have worked so hard for. Sadder still to see the loss of photos and things that were handed down from one generation to another. Wondering how and when people will get back to school, work and some form of home again, must be mind boggling. Worrying about even the most basic of necessities must be so challenging. It is going to be a long road back to some semblance of normal.

Saw posts from Denise - she seems to be o.k. She has horses but can't get to them. She tried 3 or 4 different routes but too much water for her to get through. Her cake kitchen did take on some water but I think they were able to get almost everything up before hand. Also she recently was in an accident & has a broken back :(

Wow poor thing hope she gets to her horses soon.
Helped out at my church today sorting donations. It is amazing the generousity of people. You can't live in Southeast Texas and not know someone who has lost it all. One of the older couples has had water in their house 3 times in 2 years and they aren't rebuilding this time it was so much worse. Their son lost his house in Rockport and their daughter had 3 feet of water. They can't even help each other out. It is very sad.
Most schools are trying to start late next week or the following Monday. People are slowly going back to work and trying to get back some normalcy.

Yes my prayers also to everyone in Texas!! I was in SC when hurricane Hugo came through which was a category 4. The store shelves empty out within one hour and nothing left. We were without electricity for a full 2 weeks. Luckily my company had connections and we were able to go to the railroad where people had shipped in a lot of canned food, bread among other stuff that people needed. They also notified many people to come out and get food. My heart goes out to those who have lost their homes and to the families of those who lost their loved ones!! Let us all come together in our prayers for them all. Hopefully the hurricane that is out there now will not do as much damage!!!!

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