Can I Admit A Cc Pet Peeve?? :o)

Lounge By jessieb578 Updated 2 Oct 2007 , 5:32pm by Heath

Denae Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Denae Posted 18 Sep 2007 , 6:44pm
post #151 of 552

don't sweat the small stuff!

CranberryClo Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
CranberryClo Posted 18 Sep 2007 , 7:10pm
post #152 of 552

My flippin' pet peeve is that I've been sitting here for an hour reading this and the "The Wedding Coordinator said my cake was ...." thread when I really should be unloading and reloading the dishwasher, ironing, folding laundry, sewing the valance, scrubbing the floor or any other number of more pressing, productive tasks. (I sound like I do the work of Ma Ingalls with that list!)

I think there are subliminal hypnotic forces at work on this website and they piss me off. icon_wink.gif

Thanks for letting me share my peeve!


(Edited for spelling so I wouldn't peeve off the editors and perfectionists! icon_wink.gif )

Melvira Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Melvira Posted 18 Sep 2007 , 7:24pm
post #153 of 552

Hehehehe Christy... you made me chuckle out loud. Bless your heart. NOW GET THOSE DISHES DONE!!! SHEESH WOMAN!!! icon_wink.gif

mariannedavis Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
mariannedavis Posted 18 Sep 2007 , 7:31pm
post #154 of 552

I agree with Christy; there's some weird force that causes an instant CC addiction.

Jeez, my life was fine a few months ago (I call it the BCC period -- before Cake Central) but now I carry around my laptop to check the posts and see what new photos have been added! icon_eek.gif

CakeDesigns Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
CakeDesigns Posted 18 Sep 2007 , 7:31pm
post #155 of 552

Adding to the list
Repeating and repeating the same thing over and over like my pet peeve is *save*, the other person responds my pet peeve is *save*. OK that one was already said, can you just add your pet peeve, please? icon_smile.gif

I feel better now that I got that out of my chest.

Brickflor Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Brickflor Posted 18 Sep 2007 , 7:55pm
post #156 of 552

icon_redface.gif Ok, I am guilty of a few of these things! Like posting sizes and flavors, only because I like reading them in other peoples photos icon_biggrin.gif

And putting my cake pics in the forum but my reasons for that are the fact that no one I know is into cakes like I am and I always want to talk about something new I have tried. Just to give a quick example-finally mastered square corners-when I told my MIL I only had a blurry pic to go on for an anniversary cake her reply was, 'It's nothing special, just a square cake.' icon_eek.gif Just a square cake?!?! Anyway, I get excited when something turns out better than hoped for and I'm always wanting to talk to people who will understand WHY I'm so darn excited icon_lol.gif

I also don't like posts that read 'help' or 'does anyone know....' etc. It takes too much time to read them all that say that and know I can't help the minute I read something about fondant!

Oh, one more thing, I want to say thank you when people comment on my cakes but unless they've made it a favorite will they see that I said thanks? I used to do this but then that thought occured to me. Do you guys PM everyone to say thanks? I also don't post directions, when someone asks I PM them the answer, mainly for the same reason. Didn't know what the CC etiquette is for that icon_redface.gif

MissCathcart Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
MissCathcart Posted 18 Sep 2007 , 9:20pm
post #157 of 552

I must whisper this one.

When Heath gets grumpy about people emailing him about their pictures not showing up.

ceshell Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
ceshell Posted 18 Sep 2007 , 9:34pm
post #158 of 552
Originally Posted by Brickflor

And putting my cake pics in the forum but my reasons for that are the fact that no one I know is into cakes like I am and I always want to talk about something new I have tried.

That is a really good point, sometimes you just want to talk about your creation, and your own "comments" section surely isn't the place to do it! It's so fun to chat with the people who share your excitement about decorating, when you've created a cake that was special to you.

Originally Posted by Brickflor

Oh, one more thing, I want to say thank you when people comment on my cakes but unless they've made it a favorite will they see that I said thanks? I used to do this but then that thought occured to me. Do you guys PM everyone to say thanks? I also don't post directions, when someone asks I PM them the answer, mainly for the same reason. Didn't know what the CC etiquette is for that icon_redface.gif

Of course it's ok to thank people by PM if you really want to do it individually, otherwise if they are expecting to see a "thanks" they'll just visit your cake again. I certainly don't expect a personal thanks for every comment I post --egad! So on the flip side, I don't PM to thank each person who comments. Yeesh I hope that's not wrong?

But if instructions are requested and they're simple enough to post in the comments then I do both: post 'em in comments so everyone has access, but also PM people since you're right, they don't get a notification if you respond to a photo comment they made.

jenlg Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
jenlg Posted 18 Sep 2007 , 9:41pm
post #159 of 552

Yes...I do believe there is a magnetic force that sucks us in here for ever.......We have crossed over!!!!!!

redpanda Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
redpanda Posted 18 Sep 2007 , 9:59pm
post #160 of 552
Originally Posted by CranberryClo

(I sound like I do the work of Ma Ingalls with that list!)

Actually, it sounds like you're not doing the work of Ma Ingalls--it's waiting for you to finish reading CC. icon_lol.gif

(My work often suffers the same neglect! icon_redface.gif

cakedreamer13 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
cakedreamer13 Posted 18 Sep 2007 , 10:16pm
post #161 of 552

I agree with jmt1714, why nit pick at the small stuff. This is an informational website isn't it? I mean there could be worse things other than someone asking a redundant question.

wgoat5 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
wgoat5 Posted 18 Sep 2007 , 10:23pm
post #162 of 552

Oops double post...please dont kill me icon_cry.gif

wgoat5 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
wgoat5 Posted 18 Sep 2007 , 10:24pm
post #163 of 552

One of my many pet peeves is...Looking at the 6 layer chocolate mousse cake on here...THEN....having to eat a banana icon_sad.gif


Trying to get the BC off of my keyboards, off of the screen and my butt from getting any bigger then it already is!

I want to hire a maid so all I have to do all day is decorate cakes and play with friends on CC icon_biggrin.gif

(Still looking for the money tree to do so)

Melvira can I honestly tell you...when I first came to CC and seen your name on here I honestly pictured a woman in all black with long black hair whipping out black cakes and carrying around a python! icon_biggrin.gif

sunlover00 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
sunlover00 Posted 18 Sep 2007 , 10:25pm
post #164 of 552

OK, I have to chime in at the risk of repeating someone...I've read about 7 pages and I just don't have time to read my computer is realllly slow on this site for some here I go.

I hate it when someone puts out a 'teaser' about some great secret or great recipe or tutorial, etc. and then says "if you would like it, PM me".

Then you have about 5 pages of nothing but people saying "Yes! PM me" and 100 "me too please".

If you're putting it out there...then really put it out there! Drives me crazy because if you actually do take the time to click through all of the pages, sometimes they actually do post what everyone is asking for anyway! I know we can't post certain types of documents but this is my peeve.


addietx Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
addietx Posted 18 Sep 2007 , 10:29pm
post #165 of 552

Have you all clicked on the "Warning! This website is highly addictive"? Ellyrae wrote an exact description of my addiction.
Thanks to all who have given me help, answering my dumb questions, being patient with us newbies. You guys are the best.

nicolevoorhout Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
nicolevoorhout Posted 18 Sep 2007 , 10:35pm
post #166 of 552
Originally Posted by sunlover00

OK, I have to chime in at the risk of repeating someone...I've read about 7 pages and I just don't have time to read my computer is realllly slow on this site for some here I go.

I hate it when someone puts out a 'teaser' about some great secret or great recipe or tutorial, etc. and then says "if you would like it, PM me".

Then you have about 5 pages of nothing but people saying "Yes! PM me" and 100 "me too please".

If you're putting it out there...then really put it out there! Drives me crazy because if you actually do take the time to click through all of the pages, sometimes they actually do post what everyone is asking for anyway! I know we can't post certain types of documents but this is my peeve.


Ohhhhh yes, I feel the same, it's like is it a secret? Are only the people who say yes please PM allowed to see it? It's like when people ask for instructions in the comments of photos, can you please email me how you did, cause there might not be anyone else interested, except the 5 other people that make the same request.... icon_confused.gif

DEBBIE157 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
DEBBIE157 Posted 18 Sep 2007 , 10:43pm
post #167 of 552

Ok, I'll play!!

I'm new here, and don't have many cakes posted YET but....

My peeve is when someone says "I NEED IDEAS PLEASE"

Then a bunch of folks offer really great ideas, and instead of saying "thank you" they say "No, I need really good ideas".

Would you like someone to bake it for you too?????? And decorate it tooooo? icon_surprised.gif

ps. I think sometimes when someone has a question, and the replies are "i want to know too" they are just offering support. No one likes to be ignored. But I can see the other side of this one: useless information. So I am neutral on that subject. tapedshut.gif

ziggytarheel Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
ziggytarheel Posted 18 Sep 2007 , 11:01pm
post #168 of 552

I'm very guilty of not adding comments for my cake views. The first day I found this site, I must have clicked on pictures for several hours! 98.7% of the time I'm incredibly impressed with what I've seen, but as an exceptionally green cake decorator who knows almost zilch, I don't think I have anything to add to what has been said.

I also read lots of threads and rarely say anything. I mean, look at my total number of posts! I'm reading because I'm learning. I don't often have anything to contribute yet. I wish I did!

I guess all of my pet peeve have to do with what I perceive as someone being rather selfish. Like the gorgeous, complicated cakes with tons of demands for instructions. Sometimes it just seems like people are asking people they don't know to go to a whole lot of trouble for them for possibly no real reason.

And one last thing...I almost always enjoy seeing a picture of a cake in a thread. I love hearing the story and learning anything about how it was made. That is a lot more interesting and helpful to me, and I really enjoy getting to know people through their writings.

beachcakes Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
beachcakes Posted 18 Sep 2007 , 11:04pm
post #169 of 552

OK, I guess I'm guilty of a few things... icon_redface.gif

I really like to see the flavors and the sizes of cakes posted in the description. Sometimes I can figure out the sizes, but I like to know for sure icon_wink.gif and flavors, well it gets me thinking of things I want to try!

I'm also guilty of bumping people to get answers. But not in the first few pages. Threads move so quickly on here, that posts very quickly get buried on page 3, 4, or 5. I look for the posts that didn't receive a reply and I like to at least give a response, even if it's not very helpful, so someone else will see it. Oftentimes, these posts end up getting valuable replies 12 hours or a day later. When I was a newbie, it was very discouraging to post and not receive a response. It was nice to get some sort of reply, even if it was just a bump!

My biggest pet peeve is the sheer amount of wedding cake photos in the gallery. Even with keywords, it's impossible to search them. Maybe it could be divided up somehow.

indydebi Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
indydebi Posted 18 Sep 2007 , 11:24pm
post #170 of 552
Originally Posted by beachcakes

My biggest pet peeve is the sheer amount of wedding cake photos in the gallery. Even with keywords, it's impossible to search them. Maybe it could be divided up somehow.

I try to keep up by going into the gallery every night and clicking "Latest updates". This shows me all the pics loaded in reverse order (the most recent first, etc.). This helps me keep up and not miss some really good creations.

Melvira Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Melvira Posted 18 Sep 2007 , 11:27pm
post #171 of 552
Originally Posted by wgoat5

Melvira can I honestly tell you...when I first came to CC and seen your name on here I honestly pictured a woman in all black with long black hair whipping out black cakes and carrying around a python! icon_biggrin.gif

Yah... and...? For some reason you DON'T think that anymore? I can tell you, I have only gone to blonde because of the baby... the black wouldn't stay in my hair while I was pregnant! It washed right out! And... well... I don't have a python... anymore. It was albino and it ended up living with my ex. Apparently I'm a sucker for a sad face. icon_wink.gif

ceshell Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
ceshell Posted 18 Sep 2007 , 11:35pm
post #172 of 552
Originally Posted by cakedreamer13

I agree with jmt1714, why nit pick at the small stuff. This is an informational website isn't it? I mean there could be worse things other than someone asking a redundant question.

Um, because it's fun?! icon_twisted.gif

No seriously, this thread is all just about the silliness of venting about ultimately irrelevant things. Of course there are worse things than anything listed here, of course not a single thing here is life and death - that's why we call 'em "pet peeves" and not "national crises". A pet peeve IS, by definition, a "minor annoyance" which causes some people frustration, yet doesn't bother other people in the least.

I think it's a gas to read thru these and learn which things really bug some people and yet are considered an ideal situation for others - we are all so different. And the hilarious moments peppered throughout are what keep me coming back.

So jmt1714, cakedreamer and I am sure countless others, you all have a valid point and it's great to hear from you, BUT now we know YOUR pet peeve - you could've just written "People airing their pet peeves is my pet peeve". ROTFL!! icon_lol.gificon_lol.gif Please take that with the humorous tone in which it's intended! There are not enough smilies to get that across but here are a few more just in case! icon_lol.gificon_lol.gif

jmt1714 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
jmt1714 Posted 18 Sep 2007 , 11:48pm
post #173 of 552
Originally Posted by JanetPlanet

Taking personal credit for their "amazing creativity!" when it was very clearly a copy (or minor change like colors) of another cakemaker's work ~ like Colette or great designers here at CC. The worst example of this was a copy of the "raw steak" cake done by Mike's Amazing Cakes (that he did several years ago). Mike put the cake in a foam tray just like at the grocery ~ covered in plastic with a bar-code sticker. I couldn't believe my eyes when somebody here made a copy and then accepted all the congratulations on her creative cake ty! ty! ~ and even said her clever hubby came up with the bar-code label idea! icon_surprised.gif That's plain wrong!!

a lot of people have "original ideas" that someone else also had at some point. Steaks. cheeseburgers (there are threads on that one ad nauseum). I think I know the cake you were talking about (I believe it was at the MACC this past year), but believe it or not, not everyone on here is familiar with every cake posted by every person on this site and/or other"famous" cakers' sites. I know who "Mike" is because I have seen him on Food network but I have never been on his website. Betting a lot of people haven't.

history is full of people "inventing" the same thing over and over again. It isn't always intentional. I like to give people the benefit of the doubt.

Even if he did it years ago, if she never saw it, then to her it was an original idea.

The whole thing about the "pet peeves" comments I don't get is what is the point of potentially inhibiting others from posting things just because it MIGHT annoy other people. What some people hate others adore. It isn't done to be rude or to annoy any specifically.

kakeladi Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
kakeladi Posted 18 Sep 2007 , 11:54pm
post #174 of 552

... it's a gas to read thru these and learn which things really bug some people and yet are considered an ideal situation for others - we are all so different. And the hilarious moments peppered throughout are what keep me coming back....

I agree. I have spent hrs & hrs reading this thread; even offered my 'pet peeve'. It's nothing life or death...just an annoyance that many times can be overlooked but on other days bothers the heck out of meicon_smile.gif
Many of us are learning what we probably should do and what we should try to avoid.

wgoat5 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
wgoat5 Posted 18 Sep 2007 , 11:55pm
post #175 of 552

I just think this topic is all in fun JMT icon_smile.gif

Melvira Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Melvira Posted 19 Sep 2007 , 12:12am
post #176 of 552
Originally Posted by jmt1714

The whole thing about the "pet peeves" comments I don't get is what is the point of potentially inhibiting others from posting things just because it MIGHT annoy other people. What some people hate others adore. It isn't done to be rude or to annoy any specifically.

I think what you're not taking into consideration is that we are laughing at ourselves and admitting that we are guilty of doing these things that annoy us! (I believe I pointed out numerous times that I am guilty of doing some of the things that annoy me.) At no point in this thread did anyone say anything like, "If you list flavors on your cake, we'll not like you, and leave negative feedback under the picture." I said I didn't like people listing flavors because it makes me hungry. Thats... A COMPLIMENT! There is a limit to how many times I can see the words "Ultimate Chocolate" and not run for the candy jar! We're just sharing little glimpses into our psyche here... showing others what makes us tick. I intend absolutely no malice with anything I've said, and I don't think anyone else does either.

jmt1714 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
jmt1714 Posted 19 Sep 2007 , 12:35am
post #177 of 552

Melvira - I do get that - for most of the posts. but some do come across as fairly mean-spirited and negative. I'm totally ok that not everyone sees that, but it was what I picked up on. again - just my 2 cents.

Gingoodies Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Gingoodies Posted 19 Sep 2007 , 12:41am
post #178 of 552

Well, I will throw my 2cents worth into the pot. tapedshut.gif My pet peeve is all the posts about do I or do I not dowel a NON TIERED CAKE. Doweling a non tiered cake, IMO, is useless. A layer of cake and filling will push right around that dowel.

I've said it before... if that cake wants to commit suicide... that little piece of wood and/or plastic will not stop it.

Melvira Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Melvira Posted 19 Sep 2007 , 12:54am
post #179 of 552
Originally Posted by jmt1714

Melvira - I do get that - for most of the posts. but some do come across as fairly mean-spirited and negative. I'm totally ok that not everyone sees that, but it was what I picked up on. again - just my 2 cents.

I totally understand! Sometimes a person can come across as harsh even if they don't mean to! And you are certainly entitled to notice/mention it!! You big meanie! icon_wink.gif Just teasin'!!

adven68 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
adven68 Posted 19 Sep 2007 , 1:13am
post #180 of 552
Originally Posted by jmt1714

Melvira - I do get that - for most of the posts. but some do come across as fairly mean-spirited and negative. I'm totally ok that not everyone sees that, but it was what I picked up on. again - just my 2 cents.

I agree

Some of the remarks written are a little offensive despite the attempt to keep it lively and fun. I appreciate that attempt but there are a couple of incidences posted that are just a little bit too detailed.

a side note...those of you who have posted : "icon_redface.gif I am guilty"....

please remember that nobody here is RIGHT...they are just stating their opinion just as you expressed yours when you "committed" their pet peeve. please don't be embarrassed....nobody here has any kind of authority except Jackie and Heath. thumbs_up.gif

My pet Peeve?: Those darn moving avatars that distract me from reading!!!!

Quote by @%username% on %date%
