60Th Birthday Cupcakes For Birthday Recipient, His Family And 125 Guests
My husband and I created 125 cupcakes (white, strawberry, chocolate fudge and German chocolate) in celebration of a friend's 60th birthday. The top of the cupcake tree had a small red velvet cake that was decorated with edible transfers that displayed a photo of the birthday recipient, which he used on the invitations that were sent to the guests on the party's invitation.
John Chapter 14 (Niv) Created For S. F. Community Fellowship Church 14Th Anniversary
I created edible transfers of the church's logo and displayed John Chapter 14 (New International Version) on a half sheet cake sized book plus adding an additional half sheet under the book. The cakes were white cake with fresh berry mousse filling and Pastry Pride icing. The bookmark consisted of imprinted fondant that I hand brushed metallic gold luster dust on. Side of book was airbrushed in a metallic gold airbrush color. The adorning orchids were real and removed before anyone ate the cake.
Graduation Tiered Cakes
7 tiered cakes (one tier was shown in the middle of the stand in back to give balance to the stand), each cake displayed different levels of graduate's education and the cakes came in assorted flavors. The customer's origin is from Pakistan. So the top heart shaped cake displayed 2 endearments/well wishes in his language.
Hamburger Cake
A 14" giant hamburger cake made of white cake for the "bun" and a fudge chocolate cake to resemble the "hamburger". After coating the "hamburger" layer with a Kahlua ganache icing, crumbled chocolate cookie wafers were pressed on that layer to resemble the different texture of the hamburger. Pickles, chopped onions, tomatoes, olives, & lettuce were formed with fondant. The "buns" were iced with Pastry Pride that I airbrushed. My husband and I worked together on this for a staff picnic at his school for 70 people. There was no cake left over!
Replica Of Fender Electric Guitar
My 1st attempt at replicating my 15 year old grandson's electric Fender Guitar. I made the guitar's body out of a chocolate/banana cake batter with a chocolate/banana mousse filling and the neck out of Rice Krispies homemade candy. My husband made the knobs, metallic silver-looking parts (I don't know what they are called exactly), & electrical plug out of fondant/gumpaste. Strings were metallic silver embroidery string. This turned out more difficult than it looked but it was for MY GRANDSON. :o} Entire cake & neck were covered with fondant.
21St Birthday
I created this German chocolate 1/2 sheet cake for a friend's daughter. He handed me 2 photos of her - one when she was a child, the other photo was current. Somehow, he wanted a penquin included on the cake. I couldn't help but say, "Include a penquin???". Well, this is the best idea I could come up with. Sometimes our customers have some really strange ideas in their decoration ideas!
3 Tier Golf Retirement Cake
This cake consisted of an 8" strawberry top layer cake, a 12" white layer middles cake that was filled with strawberry filling, and a bottom 18" very dark chocolate with mousse willing layer cake. The edible transfers were in honor or a retiring local TV president of Channel 26 and integrated his 1st love - a golfing theme with a brook that ran down the length of the cakes. Cake size for 183 people.
Monarch Butterflies
These butterflies were made by my husband, Steve, and they consisted of compound chocolate/candy melts. I finished off his creations by making a rich yellow cupcake with Toba Garrett's buttercream on top. Little multicolored sprinkles finished off the tops to resemble tiny flowers or imperfections in the grass.
Sweet 16 Birthday
A three tier cake that was designed and made in too short a time. I handpainted the leopard pattern on the second tier. The blasted stars on the top tier were written with food color pens with various short sayings pertaining to the birthday girl. Cake was covered with Choco-Pan fondant.
Giant Martini Glass Cake
A friend of mine mentioned to me that she was trying to limit her intake of martinis to "one martini glass a day". I found this 12" high martini glass, I decided to do her "one martini glass a day" birthday celebration. I made a 6" fudge cake, with chocolate mousse, and iced with a dark, rich chocolate ganache for her special day. You can imagine her shock when the waiter at a local restaurant came in to present this cake to my friend. That was her "one martini a day glass" that she would long remember!
Tennis Group Edible Transfer Cake
I made this cake today for the vice principal of our local high school. The photo was of a tennis group that she is part of. She was amazed by the technology of edible transfers. The cake was a classic vanilla cake with a fresh strawberry mousse filling and Toba Garrett's white buttercream icing made with creme bouquet flavoring. I really liked the creme bouquet flavor.
Professionally Crafted Replica Of At&t Giants Baseball Park
Replication of AT&T Giants Baseball Park was a "team effort" by head carpenter, electrician, painter, and locksmith of our local high school district for a retiring administrator, an avid Giant's fan/season ticket holder/local childrens' baseball team manager. Stadium was designed, engineered and built after work hours. The flood lights illuminated the entire stadum and room's surroundings. The 300 cupcakes were created out of 8 different flavors. (Note photos: menu on stadium & handmade "Coke" bottle)
Three Tier Wedding Cake With Live Flowers.
Fudge wedding cake that contained chocolate mousse, iced with a dark chocolate ganache, a sparing coat of buttercream icing and a final coat of white ChocoPan fondant. Pearls were handmade ChocoPan fondant and covered with luster dust. The central flowers were stargazers, pale pink roses and some white filler flowers. The bride and her mother choose the cake topper, which was rather interesting. Attached view of draft wedding cake for bride/groom's contract before wedding.