it's been going on for a few days for me -- seems to work better on my laptop than my phone though

It's now Saturday noon (PDT) and still acting up....Like you aldonza, I can reply to some threads, read some replies but not all. I'm on a desktop computer at the library. Not only that, but I have tons of problems just typing any message......internet explorer keeps droping out or something. Some times right in the middle of a work. It took me over 10 minutes just to type this.

Oh my, can't believe it. Finally after 4 days I could actually "re-log in" and comment!!!!! I had given up. Couldn't comment using my phone, IPad or Desktop. On my IPad now, and surprised. I've also been inexplicably bumped out in the middle of typing a comment. Hope it's fixed soon. Very frustrating...

............was able to respond to one post, was asked to log in to respond to the next, yet I was able to respond to the third and this one..........
Having the same problems for the past 3-4 days. I know CC is working on the problems but still I feel sorry for those who are able to post ?s but don't get a reply. What I found is to click on a posters name to bring up their page then click on the post you want to reply to.....that is exactly how I'm replying to this. To explain further: I clicked on this post, then clicked on gscout73's last reply to get this box to come up so I could get a reply posted to the hole thread. Hopefully other's will read this and more ?s can be answered for all.

Ah..smart thinking kakeladi!!
I just ligfed in in my phone, and shocked I could post. Yesterday, I was on my IPad, and got on. Answered one post. That was it. 2nd post asked me to log in. But the 2 answers I posted showed up even tho CC said I wasn't logged in. Sure rhere madly trying to fix.

Haven't seen a response from Heath or Jackie. But perhaps I've missed it?? It's a roll of the dice if I can log in and comment. And after commenting, continue to look at other forum topics without having to log in again. If CC does let me log in again. I commented on a post 2 days ago, but my comments didn't show up. So I re-posted. Of course then, both of my comments appeared when I logged on again. Haven't been able to see all he cake pics posted either. So if I log in and have difficulties, I just log out. No point if I can't access the whole site.

Same here :( It's been this way for about 10 days now. I have been responding to some via IM but don't know if those are being recieved as none of those have been ackowledged. Hopefully Jackie &/or Heath will jump on here and explain what's going on OR at least acknowledge they are working on the problem(s).

Well AAtKT
I had to go through my account to answer/post this. I've recived several emails on another thread about doweling cakes. When I log on, the conversations aren't there. And any of my previous posts don't show up. Yup, stupid crazy annoying. Eventually, like all the other numerous glitches that seem to pop up and proliferate CC, this will be fixed too. When?? Who knows. Other than receiving emails of new conversations on 2 posts I'm involved with, I haven't bothered to go on CC. Lesson in frustration.

i have no inside knowledge on this disruption in the force here -- but i can assure you that while the people behind the curtain do not address every issue, complaint glitch and bug they are always working on this -- jackie loves all things cake and of course her cake central -- look at this place she created -- it's freakin' amazing
so my thought is -- didja ever have to take your bugged up computer system back to a certain date maybe all the way to original defaults -- just erase everything so that you can remove whatever ails it -- so obviously there's some kind of date issue going on -- i think it might be the latest spam slam -- but again i don't know for sure -- in fact i hope she's on the offense testing things that will protect us --
i'm glad jackie spends her time trying to fix things -- i think we can tell there's an issue -- i'm certain she's working on it -- we've seen the spam slams in the past -- we're not seeing them now -- but that doesn't mean they're not attacking us -- and not seeing that mess is an improvement, a huge gain -- that means somebody's been working hard on it yes?
we've come a loooong way baby :)

Hey Everybody,
First off, a BIG thanks to all of you that reported this bug! Last week we made some pretty big improvements to our back-end servers, load balancers, security and caching services. It looks like some people were getting partially cached "logged out" pages even though they were logged in. We think we have resolved this bug and everyone that is logged in should be seeing a reply forum, instead of a login link.
Thanks for hanging in there and helping CC get better all the time!

Thank you @Jackie I love this site and I go into panic mode when I can't communicate. Also, I'm having trouble "mentioning" or "tagging" someone in the comments. I type @ and the name and it usually gives me a list of choices that I select then it turns blue. Nada.

Hi everyone, just wanted to check in and let you know I made some more updates today which you can read about here:
I also belive the problem with tagging users has been fixes as well.
@aldonza can you verify?

me too -- although i was able to log in yesterday but no emojis today --
hi everybody --
best to y'all

Well..it's happening again!! Posted here an hour ago. Then got notification of your post K8memphis. Logged on, comment wasn't there?? Went through my account, clicked on Jackie's last post on my notifications. Wa la..got in. Sigh...thought all them darn bugs was gone... :o(

Received email notification of your comment. Logged in from my phone, comment wasn't there. Just like yesterday, had to go into my account, click on the post in my "Alerts" to get into the forum. Guess not 100% of the bugs have been fixed.. :o(

Quote by @%username% on %date%