i mean i like pumpkin but i just saw some pumpkin flavored sugar -- next will be pumpkin flavored shopping bags -- pumpkin scented tuna, pumpkin flavored back to school books, pumpkinized polar bears -- i hope we draw the line soon --
but in the meantime -- what would be your worst case scenario pumpkin something -- a pumpkin scented insurance policy, firetruck, computer, etc.?
when do you think the pumpkin craze will die down pumpkinly speaking that is

Must be some weird American thing - no pumpkin stuff here I don't think..... except delicious pumpkin scones mmmm mmmm

Pumpkin flavored sugar to add to a pumpkin spice latte maybe? Perhaps they'll have pumpkin flavored honey. I'll draw the line a pumpkin scented paper products... like paper towels and tp
Unfortunately, I don't think the pumpkin craze will die down... same reason we see Christmas stuff at the stores in July...

@-K8memphis , you crazy woman! You made me laugh out loud! I think pumpkin air freshener would be beyond my limit. I do love a good pumpkin pie or cake (or cookies) though!

We just finished 3 pumpkin pies with whipped cream on top of them. This is one of my husband's favorite and he had a hankering for it. We ate all 3 pies in three days just the two of us!!! I did use stevia blend of sugar which was 75 percent less sugar content but it was so good I never noticed it did not have regular cane sugar in it. I never cared for the grocery store's pumpkin pies but the fresh ones with lots of spices are so good!!!
Pumpkin scented tuna would be awful!! Yuk!!!!

bubs1stb, heads up -- this epidemic will spread across the pond/s with my apologies

nmbakes-- christmas in july is normal -- pumpkin extravaganza is becoming normal and that's the challenge here
> shudder <

rychevamp -- so i'ts keeping up with the trader joes -- beginning to make sense and that in itself is scary --

sandra, my husband, who's not a baker likes the cake mix + can of pumpkin puree = muffins so much he makes them himself-- it's adorable even though it's pumpkin ha!

remnant -- pumpkin pie is good, normal, allowed, ok -- made with stevia even better -- pumpkin scented bug spray, just say no

My husband's favorite pie is pumpkin, so we have it year round. I love pumpkin cake (so does he), so we have it year round, too. Guess we are part of the problem! I made this one for Thanksgiving last year.

@SandraSmiley That pie is beautiful!! Looks absolutely delicious. Are the nuts/seeds mixture glazed?

Yes, @nmbakes , they were glazed. It is a topping that I used on a pumpkin cake and we liked it so much, I added it to our next pumpkin pie, which was for Thanksgivings dinner. Everyone loved the topping, which is a mixture of pecans, pumpkin seeds, candied ginger ... I think that is all. Here's the cake. It was delicious, if you like pumpkin and spices. Thank you so much for your sweet compliment!

Here in Canada where I live, there's no hint of pumpkin. Not even after Labour day. Nothing pumpkiny shows up until mid to late September. Just before our Thanksgiving. Then there's a plethora of products. A week or so after that...poof..all gone. Then the Christmas flavours and baking arrive.
Worst woykd be pumpkin flavoured toothpaste..Ewww

Quote by @-K8memphis on 14 hours ago
rychevamp -- so i'ts keeping up with the trader joes -- beginning to make sense and that in itself is scary --
Yeah, and now over the summer, everything imaginable is mango. And I hate mango!! I don't know why they pick one flavor and go nuts. I figure pumpkin will be back though

I'm feeling left off out of something big. In Australia we don't go much past roasted pumpkin and pumpkin soup. Currently holidaying in Italy, where pumpkin ravioli seems to be about it. All delicious, I must say.
As an aside, has anyone tried infusing sugar with lemon zest? Wonderful in certain cakes and biscuits (sorry - cookies). Try not to eat the odd teaspoonful as is.

I'm feeling left off out of something big. In Australia we don't go much past roasted pumpkin and pumpkin soup. Currently holidaying in Italy, where pumpkin ravioli seems to be about it. All delicious, I must say.
As an aside, has anyone tried infusing sugar with lemon zest? Wonderful in certain cakes and biscuits (sorry - cookies). Try not to eat the odd teaspoonful as is.

Oh yes, @Cher2309b , lemon zest infused sugar sounds delightful! It is on my list!

Quote by @Cher2309b on 20 hours ago
I'm feeling left off out of something big...
As an aside, has anyone tried infusing sugar with lemon zest? Wonderful in certain cakes and biscuits (sorry - cookies). Try not to eat the odd teaspoonful as is.
cher, count your blessings -- it's like an orange zombie apumpcalypse -- a general (jack-o-lantern) assault on civilization --
i'm drawing a firm line at pumpkin scented bathroom tissue --
and a comment on the lemon zest dealio -- i recommend rubbing the zest into the sugar -- it releases the oils and ramps it up considerably -- molto bene

and for the record -- butternut squash beats pumpkin by a long shot -- in the pasta department -- but i do like pumpkin -- i'm punch drunk in the pumpkiramadrama

Yes K8memphis
My Mom taught me to use butternut squash in place of pumpkin from everything. Pies, muffins...etc. When roasted, you can't tell the difference. And there cousin's anyway. You can only get pumpkins end of October..especially the sweet small sugar pumpkins that make the best puree. But butternut squash is available all year round.

no no no no no no no i got it! the next one will be pumpkin flavored butternut squash

You crazies must have gotten into the sugar jar! LOL! I have often substituted sweet potatoes in pumpkin recipes and I think it is even better than pumpkin in some.
Pumpkin Bubble Gum!
Quote by @%username% on %date%