Your "undernoticed Cakes" Part Ii/continued

Decorating By ceshell Updated 20 May 2012 , 3:19pm by lomikesa

kittyskakes Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
kittyskakes Posted 12 Aug 2010 , 2:35am
post #451 of 778

Made this cake and only got a couple of views, no comments, no favorites. Happens to a lot of my pic posts, maybe it's because I add them late at night lol.

The bday girl screamed over this cake, lol.

Bskinne Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Bskinne Posted 12 Aug 2010 , 12:31pm
post #452 of 778

So I feel the need to add these two to this thread, because I did them both at the same time...a lot of work went into them....thanks for looking! icon_smile.gif

candoo Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
candoo Posted 20 Aug 2010 , 6:36am
post #453 of 778

I spent HOURS on this cake- the longest time I have ever spent on one, actually, and I've done much more impressive ones, but this one just gave me trouble. It didn't get much response, but the client loved it, so that's what counts, right? LOL!

candoo Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
candoo Posted 21 Aug 2010 , 3:47am
post #454 of 778

I just uploaded these 2- both have hardly any views, I think b/c the home page is messed up. I was proud of them- classic and simple.

Mikel79 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Mikel79 Posted 30 Aug 2010 , 10:05pm
post #455 of 778

I enjoyed making these cakes. I thought they came out ok...


HamSquad Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
HamSquad Posted 30 Aug 2010 , 10:40pm
post #456 of 778

I enjoyed making this cake this past Saturday. My first time making a Onsie cake for a baby shower. I experimented with making baby shoes for the first time, using leftover Duff's red fondant mixed with Wilton gumtex. It was hot and humid in Illinois and I was dissappointed with the shoes, they didn't hold their shape well. The cake is BC paper towel textured cake with fondant bib and shoes. 1-layer chocolate with 1-layer yellow cake, with strawberry and BC filling (choice of mother-to-be). 1st time using fudge can frosting for making black icing. I did get a call from sister Helen saying people loved the cake. Most of the ideals I used have come from you all when I read the forums. Thanks so much for sharing.

Karen421 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Karen421 Posted 31 Aug 2010 , 12:23pm
post #457 of 778

I never thought I would post here, because my cakes aren't great, but I just loved this cake I did for my best friend. It was a surprise for her and she loved it as much as I did and didn't want to cut it!

Polkadot79 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Polkadot79 Posted 31 Aug 2010 , 9:19pm
post #458 of 778

I think I post pics at the wrong time...from last weekend for a couples shower. It's not perfect, so don't look close, but my design idea.

janeoxo Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
janeoxo Posted 31 Aug 2010 , 9:42pm
post #459 of 778

This one does it for me and I had lots of positive comments from those that saw it.

I also really love this one, but perhaps its just my taste lol

lomikesa Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Karen421 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Karen421 Posted 1 Sep 2010 , 2:48pm
post #461 of 778

OK: I love the Viagra cake!!! Haven't seen one like that before!!

Sassy74 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Sassy74 Posted 1 Sep 2010 , 2:50pm
post #462 of 778

I usually post pix late at night, and don't always see them on the home page. Oh well, lol !

I did this cake this past weekend, and it's special to me because of how terribly I STRESSED over the scrollwork! My piping isn't the best, so I practiced a few times in the days before baking/decorating.

What I was most worried about was the fact that I was piping BLACK RI onto WHITE other words, NO MISTAKES haha!

But, I have to say, once I got the hang of it, the scrollwork wasn't so bad. It actually went very well, it was just time consuming. Took me about 2 1/2 hours to pipe it out and dampen down the little points on both tiers.

michel30014 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
michel30014 Posted 1 Sep 2010 , 4:09pm
post #463 of 778

Thanks for doing this thread. Sometimes I wonder if my cakes are any good since I actually have never had any comments at all, though Ive had 2 cakes favorited once a piece. Oh well, I hope someone enjoys looking at my cakes!

Thanks for looking!!!! I really appreciate it.

sugalips Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
sugalips Posted 1 Sep 2010 , 4:38pm
post #464 of 778

I just added this one last night. I'm a bit anxious as this is my first wedding cake. It's not as smooth as I wanted, but after many, many hours of work on it I gave up.

Thanks for any helpful suggestions!

Bella-cakes Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Bella-cakes Posted 1 Sep 2010 , 5:07pm
post #465 of 778

I would love to hear what everyone thinks of my cakes I don't get many comments, sometimes it's just nice to hear from others besides my icon_biggrin.gif

michel30014 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
michel30014 Posted 1 Sep 2010 , 7:04pm
post #466 of 778

Here's a cake I thought I did well. See what you think, it had some views but had no comments.

Let me know what you think.

Pickulz Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Pickulz Posted 2 Sep 2010 , 10:02am
post #467 of 778

I made some sesame street cupcakes a while back...even though it had over 500 views and lots of favs...didnt get a single comment icon_smile.gif
I love reading comments!!!

Here is the link:

Also...some of my other cakes i enjoyed doing were:
babyshower onesie/booties

and my sushi cake:

Thanks for looking!!!

Win Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Win Posted 14 Sep 2010 , 1:52pm
post #468 of 778

Those are cute pics! I have to laugh... It's just so hard to figure what catches the attention of viewers. I posted two yesterday, a Green Eggs and Ham cake and a Hot Wheels cake. Personally, for me, the Green Eggs and Ham Cake was my favorite. I had worked so hard on the figure of Sam, and my oldest son who majors in Art did the illustrations. It barely got noticed. The Hot Wheels cake garnered much more attention. LOL Even funnier is that the one "favorite" on the Green Eggs and Ham Cake is mine --I mistakenly hit that button as I went to go in and add information with the "edit" option. So, it really got very little views, no comments and no favorites.

michel30014 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
michel30014 Posted 14 Sep 2010 , 6:42pm
post #469 of 778

Here's a cake I did last month that I have had trouble putting onto cakecentral, but finally it went through. It just didn't have hardly any views, though it did have 1 favorite. Yay, for that part! lol

Let me know what you think.

MrsNancyB1 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
MrsNancyB1 Posted 14 Sep 2010 , 11:43pm
post #470 of 778

Here's a cake that I made several months ago that I was really proud of, but barely anyone here has seen it. No comments, and hardly any views.


LisaPeps Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
LisaPeps Posted 15 Sep 2010 , 10:50am
post #471 of 778

Here's a cake I made recently, it has only had 23 views icon_sad.gif


kittyskakes Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Ivy383 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
kittyskakes Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
kittyskakes Posted 22 Sep 2010 , 6:01pm
post #474 of 778

Another cake that I thought people would love but only 1 fav and 1 comment, took 2 of us 30 hours to make this cake and we are very proud of it icon_smile.gif

michel30014 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
michel30014 Posted 23 Sep 2010 , 2:01am
post #475 of 778

Here's a recent cake I did. It seemed to do pretty decent in views but no favorites or comments. Let me know what you think.

Appreciate it, in advance!!

LisaPeps Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
LisaPeps Posted 23 Sep 2010 , 3:43pm
post #476 of 778

Hi, I thought this cake would get some favourites but it hasn't had any yet, tfl

pag41989 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
pag41989 Posted 23 Sep 2010 , 4:05pm
post #477 of 778

Here is a cake I did a couple weeks ago. I am new at this so I don't expect many comments like some of these amazing cakes I have seen however, I spent a lot of time and research on making these roses. I ended up using Edna's tutorial and I'm really happy with how they came out.

Cristi-Tutty Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Cristi-Tutty Posted 23 Sep 2010 , 7:58pm
post #478 of 778

This is one I made for my birthday I hope you like it!!

Any comments are appreciated

sunsational Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
sunsational Posted 23 Sep 2010 , 8:22pm
post #479 of 778

I made this cake for my dad's birthday, and I hand drew in butter cream the 68 camero. I thought considering I hand drew the car with a pastry bag onto the cake.

iluvpeeks Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
iluvpeeks Posted 27 Sep 2010 , 6:10am
post #480 of 778

I have been trying to attach pics, but I can't seem to do it. I would greatly aggpreciate it if you could take a look at my pics, and tell me what you think. I am still very new at this, and I was very proud of how the cake came out that I made for my mothers birthday. Its the blue/green cake with brown fondant bow. It was looked at alot, but no comments. Thanks everyone.

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