Weight Loss Help...with The Chunky Monkeys!

Lounge By TexasSugar Updated 28 Oct 2011 , 1:50pm by TexasSugar

TexasSugar Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
TexasSugar Posted 26 Oct 2009 , 1:23pm
post #301 of 1590

I'm still having trouble getting into the exerice. The two jobs just take alot of energy out of me and I just don't want to do anything when I'm not working. Yesterday I slept in and didn't do anything really and by 9 pm I was completely tired and ready to crawl in bed. Sigh.

I was finally able to get my pansies and snapdragons on Saturday and spent the after noon planting them. Yesterday I should have cleaned out the rest of my summer pots that have what is left of flowers when you don't water them in the summer in Texas. But I didn't And now it is raining here, again. I'm sooooooo tired of the rain! It does not do anything to help my moods at all. It sucks!!!

I'm having oatmeal for breakfast since I am out of Cherrios and should have bought some milk yesterday. I've got to go to the store tonight and stock up on that and more lettuce and tomatos. If I don't get to the store tonight I know I'll end up eating bad the rest of the week since I won't have that much good stuff in my fridge and freezer.

Okay sorry for the mood this morning. All this rain is getting to me I think. I hope everyone has a great beginning of the week.

Kay_NL Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Kay_NL Posted 26 Oct 2009 , 1:51pm
post #302 of 1590

Hugs Tracey! You need to get to the store tonight, should we send you email reminders frequently? lol!

I hear you on the rain, I try not to let it get me down, but we have had exactly 2 days in October that it didn't rain at some point. icon_sad.gif It was sunny this morning, but looks like my lunch time run will be a wet one. *sigh* I shall not use weather as an excuse to not exercise, it's too easy, and I would be stuck exercising indoors way too often.

Speaking of exercising indoors, I have never ever ran on a treadmill, not even sure what it's like! I am going to Toronto for a week possibly next week and have never been in such a big city, I am super paranoid about running outside, alone. icon_sad.gif I guess I will have to avail of the hotel fitness facilities and have to say I'm not looking forward to it. *sigh* I heart outdoors.

TexasSugar Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
TexasSugar Posted 26 Oct 2009 , 6:20pm
post #303 of 1590

It has rained several times a week for the last month. Part of my yard have standing water, and where it isn't standing it is just soggy as can be. Only good thing is that my flowers are doing better with the cooler weather and the rain. I'd like a chance to dry out though.

I haven't run on the treadmill either, so I can't help you there. But since you will be in a strange place I'd say it is probably better if you use the hotel's fitness facilities. Maybe you will find a piece of equipment you like. Or if they have a swimming pool you can swim laps? Heck you can always run up and down the stairs. icon_smile.gif

I go to Irving this weekend for the Wilton Training meeting, so Saturday and Sunday will be full days for me. I'm curious to see what is coming up for Wilton classes, but not overly excited about spending my weekend in a hotel either.

I just got an email inquiry about a cake for Nov. 14th. I keep saying I'm not going to do any more cakes and I keep getting ask to. Sigh. So now I have to decide if I want to do it, how much to charge for it, then wait to see if they balk on the price.

Guess I better go research submarine cakes...

Kay_NL Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Kay_NL Posted 27 Oct 2009 , 11:45am
post #304 of 1590

So far so good this week (I know, i know, it's only Tuesday lol!!). I didn't give in to any crazy cravings last night. I even made my girls PB sandwiches and didn't eat 2 huge spoonfuls of it out of the jar! icon_biggrin.gif This was a very strong move by me! icon_smile.gif

To satisfy my PB craving later I did have some multigrain snack breads with pure (so sugar, fat or salt added) PB. I love the PB with all the bad stuff added, but was satisfied with the real stuff. icon_smile.gif

Okay, way too many words spent on pb talk. LOL! I walked to work this morning (5.5 km) and have to walk at lunch time to borrow my Mom's car. I lifted weights last night too, and hope that I continue to exercise well.

TexasSugar Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
TexasSugar Posted 27 Oct 2009 , 1:17pm
post #305 of 1590

Sounds like you are doing great!

I had pie. Saturday night my dad made a chocolate and coconut pie. He was so proud of them that, of course, I had to try both. I had the coconut Sunday when I had dinner with them and had the chocolate last night. I'm okay with it though, cause we don't make alot of pie and I don't eat alot of it. I did make some pumpkin bread for the guys at work. I'll probably have a small piece of it, but after that I'm fine.

Other than the pie though I've done well with eating. And I'm all stocked up again, so no excuses. icon_smile.gif Guess I better go eat my cereal and strawberries then find something to do to keep me busy this morning. Have a good day everyone!

Barb1959 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Barb1959 Posted 27 Oct 2009 , 2:01pm
post #306 of 1590

I am fairly new to CC and I love this support. Unfortunately when you love cake, you tend to eat cake, which tends to put on the pounds. I know I have gained about 8 in the last month. I have to become more regimented and start exercising. I have a DVD that is great but my problem is I am too tired to get up at 5am to do it (even though the few weeks that I did I felt great) and I am too tired (and distracted) when I get home from work to do it. I think I am just going to have to bite the bullet and start getting up early. I'll let you all know if I succeeded.

Next week we are off of school (that's where I work) so manybe I will be able to exercise at a more decent hour.

ShelleyMJ Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
ShelleyMJ Posted 27 Oct 2009 , 2:29pm
post #307 of 1590

Hello everyone

Sorry, I haven't been on much this week. I have been distracted by a hectic schedule, husband, kids and grandbabies.

Congrats, Kay... I love PB too.

What is with all the rain? The more the fronts move through, the worse the headaches get. I don't know why but I always get a headache when the pressure changes. Never had this problem when I lived back home in Tampa.

Welcome Barb. You will find lots of support here.

Good news. I lost another 2 pounds last week. YAY! I am being met with a little resistance from the hubby. He does NOT like Whole wheat bread and I am making him eat it. LOL I'm mean, just mean I tell you!

I get to bake another cake this week for another co-worker. YAY! I love this hobby!

Have a great day ladies!

TexasSugar Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
TexasSugar Posted 27 Oct 2009 , 7:28pm
post #308 of 1590

Barb, I so wish I could blame my caking for my weight but I have always been heavy. I do notice though, when I am trying to be good that I do want to snack on those pieces of cake that we trim off or I have to taste teh buttercream to make sure it tastes right. Wearing gloves can help keep you from licking your fingers, You can also try brushing your teeth or chewing minty gum when caking. All scrap pieces of cake are now going straight into the trash can at my house.

I'm not a morning person, so I haven't mastered that getting up early thing either. And there are days like today that I work both jobs and won't get home until after 9 which doesn't inspire exercise either. So far, my eating better, has been responsible for weight loss. But I know that if I exercised too, it'd drop faster.

Shelley, I'm not a big fan of whole wheat bread either. It doesn't taste the same as white in a grill cheese or in garlic toast (a weakness of mine). You could try the whole wheat white bread for him. It is closer to whole wheat, but still has the softer white texture (which is also something I miss.) Maybe you can use it to ween him off white bread and on to wheat.

This afternoon we finally have sunshine and blue skies. Of course I'm stuck at work, then have to go teach basket weave this evening, so I don't get to enjoy it.

Tonight I am going to do something with the ground beef and chicken breasts I bought last night. well atleast with one of them, since I don't want to stay up all night.

I bought some stuff to make lasgana for me and my brother to eat at lunch this week. I know it isn't the best thing but it sounds really good right now. I did buy low fat cheese and the whole wheat noodles and I'm planning on making more tomato sauce and using less beef, so that helps cut some calories. And I'll eat a smaller portion with a big salad on the side. So maybe I'll do that tonight, and save the chicken for tomorrow night when I don't have class. I bought a big package of breasts and plan to boil some and then grind some.

Good luck on the weigh in tomorrow everyone! Reminding myself to drink alot of water tonight!!

Kay_NL Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Kay_NL Posted 28 Oct 2009 , 11:12am
post #309 of 1590

Welcome Barb! icon_smile.gif I home, and know you can, stick to a regular exercise and better eating schedule! Cake is evil, of course we all know that. icon_smile.gif

I find that having cake on the counter after leveling is way too tempting, so I cut off a piece to make sure it tastes good, then trash the rest... When it is within reach, it is soooo much harder to NOT eat it! I love early morning exercise, and lunch time exercise, when it comes to exercising at home in the evenings, I am horrible.

Shelley, congrats on the weight loss!!!!! That is awesome, we are all proud of you! Besides in restaurants when they bring out the free bread at the beginning, our house hasn't seen white bread for as long as I can remember. I guess it's easy to stick to it when my husband and kids aren't used to white stuff!

Our house is white-product free in our menu. Whole wheat pasta, brown rice, brown or multigrain breads, tortilla shells, pitas, etc. We also eat very very little ground beef. Our ground meat of choice is white turkey and I use that in lasagna and stuff, I also weigh the low fat shredded cheese, and use whole wheat fresh lasagna. I do consider it healthy, I would prefer not to know the calorie-fat-salt content, but we eat it with salad once every couple weeks! icon_smile.gif

I hope everyone's weigh-ins are good this week. Off to post mine! icon_smile.gif

Kay_NL Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Kay_NL Posted 28 Oct 2009 , 11:16am
post #310 of 1590

I really really want to get past this point I'm stuck at, lingering around 170 all the time. Where are you 160?? I am happy with my weigh in this week considering the awful weekend I had for eating and exercising. I didn't weigh my waist this week but here are my weights:

Sep. 16 - 169.8
Sep. 23 - 170.4
Sep. 30 - 171.0
Oct. 07 - 165.6 (definitely where I want to be now!)
Oct. 14 - 172.0
Oct. 21 - 171.8
Oct. 28 - 171.0

I think it looks really bad that I had that awesome week in early October then let things go badly, really badly. icon_sad.gif

Barb1959 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Barb1959 Posted 28 Oct 2009 , 12:01pm
post #311 of 1590

Yeah!! icon_smile.gif I got up at 5AM and did my excercise video (Slim in 6 - Cardio Work out). It was hard getting up but I feel really good having done it. I am also resisting stepping on the scale as I usually do it no less than once a day. I figure if I can wait until next week I may (WILL) see a drop.

I am also done with most of my cake in the house. I do not plan on making anything "just to see how it comes out" for a while. Right now I am just filling orders for cake balls - my new passion.

Good luck on all for a tremendous week. And by the way GO YANKEES!!!

butternut Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
butternut Posted 28 Oct 2009 , 12:07pm
post #312 of 1590

Good morning everyone. Well, don't have a scale anywhere around so I can't post a weigh in this morning. (probably a good thing) icon_rolleyes.gif It's been difficult concentrating on food again this week. We've been out and about working and unexpectedly a couple of cases took us out of town. When that happens, you just grab what you can to eat when you can. Anyway, I should be home and back on track soon. I see we have a new member. Welcome Barb!!!! Look forward to getting to know you......
OK, sorry to make this short but work is calling... Have a great day everyone.

Kay_NL Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Kay_NL Posted 28 Oct 2009 , 12:36pm
post #313 of 1590


Okay everybody, here are a couple new things for you to try this week! Some may be known to you of course, the most important thing is to take it easy, and don't hurt yourself!!

Cardio Bursts these can be used between strength training sets, or any time at all, to give your heart a little pick-me-up.
1) Jump Scissor Switches
Stand as if you are going to do a lunge, jump and switch your legs so that the one that started in the rear is now in the front! If you can, go into a lunge position then jump out of it into an opposite lunge. Start with 5 in an attempt to get the right form, once you get the right form start increasing the number you do! There is a video here:

2) Squat with Front Sweep
Stand with your feet hip width apart and hold a weight (ball or dumbbell) in yoru hands. Squat as low as you can, keeping your abs tight and your knees behind your toes and touch the weight or ball to the floor. Press through the heels to stand up and at the same time sweep your arms (keeping them straight) in front of you to straight over your head. Try to use your muscles by keeping controlled movements rather than using momentum!

TexasSugar Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
TexasSugar Posted 28 Oct 2009 , 1:22pm
post #314 of 1590

Monday and Tuesday were making me think the scale was gonna tease me again. That plus the fact that I'm craving salty!! I tried to hold off anything really salty yesterday but today I will probably give in.

Sept 23: 157.2
Sept 30: 156.4
Oct 7: 155.6
Oct 14: 156.2
Oct 21: 155.4
Oct 28: 153.8

1.6 lbs for the week, which it is really great to have that 1 before the . for once week to week. I know the smaller numbers do add up but it is nice to see a larger difference in those numbers.

After class last night I did not make it into the kitchen. Instead I stayed up way to late reading, then couldn't go to sleep and once asleep didn't sleep good. It promises to be a long day, though it is all my fault for staying up to an horrible hour when you have to get up and go to work the next day. Thankfully I don't have class tonight, so my evening is free until 9 (gotta watch Top Chef). Hopefully I'll talk myself into the kitchen. Otherwise I'll end up taking a nap after work.

Katherine, why is it when you are at those last numbers before seeing the new oen in the tenths place that it seems to take forever to get it to flip over? The scale playing tricks on us again? You can do it though, I know it!!

My mom made a comment this week about how we should have measured my waist. I keep forgetting to get her fabric tape measure from her house. And I'm pretty sure my brother would look at my funny if I used the 100 foot one at work and was wrapping it around my waist. I know I've lost some there cause my pants are fitting better. My mom thinks my boobs are getting smaller, but I don't see it.

Shelley, congrats on the loss this week. Feels great doesn't it??

Barb, I'm impressed with your morning work out. Great job!!

Don't bother weighing more than once a day, especially at night, since your weight goes up through the day. Weigh first thing after getting up in the morning (okay, after you go tinkle) since you are lightest at that time of day. Also, check out my post I made last week, on examples on how much our weight can change from one day to another. If weighing yourself every day gets you down (when you see those numbers bouncing up and down) then I'd really suggest only doing it once a week. I know it is hard to do that, but if it helps you from getting frustrated then it is worth it.

Hey Margie, missed seeing you as much this week. icon_smile.gif We will be here when you get back home and more settled with the routine.

I'm off to eat my cottage cheese and pineapple to go with the piece of toast on the way to work and decide if a cup of coffee would be helpful or not. I'm not a big coffee drinker but the caffine may be worth it this morning. We shall see.

Kay_NL Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Kay_NL Posted 28 Oct 2009 , 1:44pm
post #315 of 1590

Margie, you will get back on track when you return! It is SOOO hard travelling and eating well, they just don't want to go hand in hand!

Tracey, CONGRATS You are doing so awesome!

And, I know my boobs have shrunk considerably. Oh well, I'll deal with it as long as everything else is shrinking too. lol!! I plan on measuring all my parts on Monday... I have re-joined a running group and will be running 8:30 every Sunday morning, 10 kms this weekend.

TexasSugar Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
TexasSugar Posted 29 Oct 2009 , 1:39pm
post #316 of 1590

Katherine, I was one of those girls that hit puberty and went from nothing to a C cup, skipping over the training bra stage. For a while I was wearing a DD but am now back into a D for most bra brands. I may lose some in my breast, but I don't think I will ever be small in that area. Guess I have to wait and see.

I hate pizza for lunch yesterday and ate one more piece than I should have and felt icky after ward. When will I learn to just say no. I knew I shouldn't have eaten the last piece but it was just good and I was hungry. Sigh. I did make up for it by eating light at dinner. I hope.

Yesterday wasn't a great day for me mood wise. I had a headache most of the day and just couldn't shake it (blaming it on the weather). When I got off of work I really wanted to just crawl into bed and sleep, but I knew I had things I needed to do since I won't be home this weekend. I made the lasgana last night finally. Tonight after class I am hoping I have enough energy to finish doing something with the rest of the ground beef, though I did weigh it out in to potions last night.

I still have a package of chicken breast I need to do something with. And I have two bags of sweet potatoes from my Great Uncle that I need to freeze. Because of all the rain we have had local sweet potatoes are going to be scarse and aren't holding over for long. My plan is to cook, mash, and freeze them to use in breads and stuff later on. The guys at work loved the pumpkin bread this week so I'm betting they will love some sweet potato bread next week. Maybe I can make a dent in both the sweet potatos and chicken Friday night.

I also have to pack up all my stuff to take to the Wilton Training this weekend. I'm getting up early Saturday morning, to leave by 6 to head to Irving for the training. I hate having to get up that early to go, but I just can't talk myself into spending $80 more for a night alone in a hotel room. I'd rather be at home getting stuff done. Especially since I won't be back home until 8 or so on Sunday.

Here's hoping today is a better mood day for me.

Kay_NL Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Kay_NL Posted 30 Oct 2009 , 1:16pm
post #317 of 1590

I was never large-breasted so can't relate! I am mostly a C, but some brands I'm a B, I was almost a D while nursing but once my children weaned they quickly shrunk. lol!! My biggest concern with a large bust would be potential back problems related to them, and that is something I don't want!

Tracey, I hope your mood improves today and over the weekend! Enjoy your training and try to eat well of course!

I am having a really awesome week. Eating GREAT, exercising almost daily (I skipped Wednesday as the weather was horrible and I was busy at work). I am below 170 again and plan on staying there!

My husband was all excited about starting to eat well again, but he's snacked on something terrible each and every night, and when he's done he gets all depressed and sooky and starts calling himself fat, etc. icon_sad.gif I try to help him by not buying snacks and cooking well, but I can't kick him out to exercise or prevent him from stopping at the store. I find low self confidence so hard to deal with as I'm just not a good person for what to say when people are hard on themselves. *sigh*

If I'm not on any more over the weekend, I wish everybody a happy weekend with good eating, some exercising, and good weather (hoepfully!!). icon_smile.gif

TexasSugar Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
TexasSugar Posted 30 Oct 2009 , 5:21pm
post #318 of 1590

I thankfully haven't ever really had back problems related to my chest. So that is a plus. icon_smile.gif

I started my period yesterday (sorry if that is TMI) so you all can guess how I am feeling today. Not only am I tired, but also I have a sore spot in my throat. I really hope I'm not coming down with anything.

After class last night I ended up eating dinner and going to bed, didn't even make it into the kitchen to deal with anything. So I'll have to work on everything tonight, including packing for the training and baking a cake to freeze that I'll have to come home and work on Sunday night.

When I am complaining about it on Monday, please remind me that I should have said no to the last minute cake order when I knew I was going to be gone all weekend. The plus about it though, is that it is for my SIL and it is a small cake.

I had a donut for breakfast today. Sigh. I brought cereal with me this morning but the donut just looked better. I do have to go to Walmart tonight, and I plan on picking up something to take with me to heat up in the microwave Sat night while I am hanging out in the hotel. I figure that is better than hunting out fast good. The plus is that since I'll be in training and in a hotel room it isn't like there will be alot of food laying around waiting to be snacked on.

I'll be back to check on Monday morning. Hope everyone has a great weekend!!

Kay_NL Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Kay_NL Posted 3 Nov 2009 , 4:38pm
post #319 of 1590

Tracey, how was your weekend??

Everybody else, how are you? I hope everybody is ready for weigh in day tomorrow, I know I am! icon_smile.gif

I found my old food/exercise journal last night while doing some gutting! The first date in it was November 2001. At that which time I was a university student, living alone mostly as my boyfriend (now my husband) was away for 6 weeks at a time, back for 1, and repeated that schedule for 2 years. I was such a bad eater back then, although I was always honest! I exercised fairly regularly, mostly by walking, swimming and aerobics. I also had weights recorded up to 185 lbs, even though I thought my first experience at that weight was as a pregnant woman! So, it has been 8 years at least that I have been battling my weight and hovering within the same terrible range. icon_sad.gif My lowest recorded weight was 163.5, still not really great for my height.

I have been feeling positive and want to believe that I can change for good... I also feel negative as it seems like below 150 is something I could never reach since I never have... I haven't touched any of my kids Halloween loot, and have been eating very well, I just need to try to stay optimistic, motivated, and strong!!

Chat with you all tomorrow! icon_smile.gif

TexasSugar Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
TexasSugar Posted 3 Nov 2009 , 7:44pm
post #320 of 1590

Katherine, you can do it! You have the tools and you have us. Just remember though, the numbers are only part of our journey. Body types and other things will also factor into our weight. At my of only 5' I have to get down to 127 to even bet at the highest number for a normal BMI. I have no idea if my body will do that. So it is hard, the not knowing how far we can go in the end.

We also have to remember what is going on around is also plays a factor in our weight. I'm guessing with your bf/hubby gone all the time back then there was alot of emotiona eating.

When I orginally started this journey I was 183. That was back about 3 or 4 years ago. I've hovered alot in the 160 ranger and am now the lowest I have been, but it is still a struggle, and I think that for some of us their may always be that part of us that struggles with it.

We just have to remember we are all doing this to be more healthy and feel better. And we can do it!

My weekend was good. Very long though. I let my non respondsible side rule out the smart side Friday night and ended up hanging out with one of my guy friends. I stayed up to an ungodly hour, only to have to get up and head to Dallas Sat morning. I was only the road at 6:30, an half hour after I had planned to leave, but I still had time. I got there in time, even after making a wrong turn and passing up the hotel, not once but twice. We did training from 9am to 6pm, then got together for pizza to talk about the different accounts. I ended up staying up late that night drinking wine with two other instructors. Definetly made some new friends! And then woke up bright and early at 6am on Sunday morning. Did training agian from 9am to after 5pm, finally got on the road and headed home.

The training meets rehype you for teaching, so I'm excited about that. Learned some great new things1

I ate well at the meals mostly, it was just that cheesecake they brought us for snack in the after noons. Sigh.

I stopped by my parent's house on the way in so by the time I got home I just wanted to go to bed. Yesterday I had to finish a cake up after work for my SIL, it turned out okay but wasn't anything great. I also broke out with something yesterday. It started yesterday afternoon at work. I had a spot on my neck that was itching and looked like a misquito bite. Then there were a few others. I thought at first a misquito got in the office. The bumps faded away. When I was walking home I started itching on my side and the back of my shoulder, which I knew couldn't be a misquito cause they usually don't bite through or under clothes.

By the end of the night last night I had bumps all over my neck, my ears were itching and my upper eyelids were puffy and itching, not to mention a few other spots on my stomach or back. I was so afraid I'd wake up this morning and it'd be worse. Thankfully though the bumps are all gone, or almost all gone as there are a few places that still itch a little. My upper eye lids are still puffy feeling.

I'm also feeling emotional today. Not sure if it is from not feeling good last night, the lack of sleep since Friday or part of my period. All I know is that I don't like it!! I'd love to just take a nap right now, but I'm at work so that isn't going to happen. I do have class tonight and may or may not be headed to a friends after.

I also had pizza for lunch again. My brother went to pick up quick and easy on his way back from an errand. I did though limit it to two pieces, so that is a plus for me. My scale was nice this morning, but I doubt after the pizza it will be tomorrow. We shall see.

Ashlie2009 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Ashlie2009 Posted 3 Nov 2009 , 10:54pm
post #321 of 1590

I would be happy to get about 50 pounds off i need to lose weight and have had a hard time doing so since i am in school and work 40 hours a week. I am also newly married. My husband says he would not change me if he could but i need to get stated on a diet so that i can be happy with myself.
I need alot of support cause it is to hard to lose weight alone.

Kay_NL Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Kay_NL Posted 4 Nov 2009 , 2:14am
post #322 of 1590

Welcome Ashlie!! We hope you jump right in here and find some support, we all know how hard it is, and as far as I can tell we all have the same ups and downs and it is soooo hard when it is a down.

We usually post our weights and progress every Wednesday so feel free to jump right in and join us! icon_smile.gif

Kay_NL Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Kay_NL Posted 4 Nov 2009 , 1:34pm
post #323 of 1590

I am so happy today, but need to remember that this is only a step closer to my goal!! icon_smile.gif I will not spend the next week over-indulging because I am doing so great, I vow that next weeks weight will also be less than 170!!

Sep. 16 - 169.8
Sep. 23 - 170.4
Sep. 30 - 171.0
Oct. 07 - 165.6
Oct. 14 - 172.0
Oct. 21 - 171.8
Oct. 28 - 171.0
Nov. 04 - 165.4 (waist = 36.25 inches)

I had a great week, I exercised all days except Saturday and ate really well. I'm home with a sick 3 year old today but might join the running group this evening for a run. Normally I run in the mornings or lunch times...

How is everybody else??

emrldsky Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
emrldsky Posted 4 Nov 2009 , 3:21pm
post #324 of 1590

Ok, I really need to get back to this! Between birthdays in September, vacation in Oct, I'm back up to 150. I really REALLY must lose that weight I put on.

So, here we go.

Nov. 4 - 150.4lbs

Hey...at least I didn't let myself gain more than 8 pounds! lol

TexasSugar Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
TexasSugar Posted 4 Nov 2009 , 3:36pm
post #325 of 1590

Sept 23: 157.2
Sept 30: 156.4
Oct 7: 155.6
Oct 14: 156.2
Oct 21: 155.4
Oct 28: 153.8
Nov 4: 152.8

I'm down another pound! Woo Hoo! It's gonna be one of those days though I think. My spots are back this morning and are starting to itch some. I took some Zyretic the other night that someone gave me so I'm left wonder if it was a 24 hour pill and just suppressed it all, because I didn't see the spots again until the middle of the night. They aren't itching too bad yet, and I took another Zyretic so I'm waiting to see what happens. My health insurance doesn't kick in until the end of the month so I don't want to rush out to the dr for a few spots. Plus I'm not sure there is much they can do besides give me something for itching and let it run it's course? Maybe they will go away today and stay away.

Congrats Katherine! You are doing awesome! How is everyone else doing?

Welcome Ashlie. I think that it is great that your new hubby loves you for you, but you probably want to sit him down and have a serious talk with him. Explain to him that this isn't about you becoming super skinny, but about you becoming more healthy. Being more healthy benifits us all but helping to live longer, hopefully get less diseases and so on. As I was saying in a post above, sometimes we need to forget about the numbers. There are so many benefits to us losing weight that go above and beyond those numbers on the scale.

I also think that sometimes men get scared when their woman wants to lose weight because they feel we are going to change. And we do. But you want to remind him that you love him and want to be with him, and you want to be a happier person not only for you, but also for him.

I've had people in my life that tell me I look good at this weight and that I shouldn't lose any more weight. When I start factoring in family medical history, I can't see a reason why I shouldn't keep losing weight. My family's history includes heart disease, cancer, and diabeties. Losing weight can help reduce your chances for some things. Plus I want to have kids and I am getting older so I want to do everything I can now to help with that, and hopefully try to prevent alot of complications that can come with being over weight.

Sometimes we have to factor out the personal parts of the equation. Now we all have personal reasons for it too, and that is fine. I would love to look in the mirror and be happier with what I see, or not be so worried about how I look in pictures, or be able buy cute matching bra's and panties, or a single digit jean size... But when talking about weight with those that don't get it, if you take out the personal parts they may understand more of why it is important to you. A guy can argue that you look good in your jeans now, but there isn't much he can agrue about when you say you want to reduce your health risks so you can live longer to be with him longer.

I know that at the end of the journey I can look back and said I did it for me, for a vairtey of reason and be proud of myself. I just have to get to that point there. icon_smile.gif And we all can, with our hard work.

Okay sorry for the long ramble, just in one of those moods this morning. I hope you join us and get the support you need. Katherine and Margie have been with me through this journey for a long time and with out them I probably would have quit long ago.

Hugs to my chunky monkey sisters!!

ShelleyMJ Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
ShelleyMJ Posted 4 Nov 2009 , 7:26pm
post #326 of 1590

Hello everyone!

Welcome Ashlie! You will find lots of support here.

I gained back a pound this week. icon_sad.gif Life has been very hectic. Sunday morning my grandson, Brycen, was taken to Vanderbilt. He has pneomonia in both lungs and RSV. He was released from the hospital last night but then, his little sister, Lydia, only 10 months old now has an ear infection and upper respiratory infection. This grandma is very tired.

Sam, my daughter, is keeping Brycen and I am keeping Lydia. I have washed and sanitized everything, again. It seems my poor grandson is getting everything.

Anyway... sorry for the ramble. I am very happy to see you ladies are making progress. Hopefully I will be able to get back on track very soon. icon_sad.gif

No cakes this week so I get to concentrate on my grandbabies and maybe even take a walk or 2.

Take care.

TexasSugar Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
TexasSugar Posted 5 Nov 2009 , 5:53pm
post #327 of 1590

Missed you Jade! Welcome back.

Shelley, don't worry about that 'gain'. It may not really be a gain, but just a flucuation. I hope your grandbabies gets better soon!

Kay_NL Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Kay_NL Posted 7 Nov 2009 , 3:22pm
post #328 of 1590

Jade, I'd love to say it's great to see you, but the reason you are HERE is not one you want to be right?? Welcome back, we know you can do this again and we all look forward to hearing from you!!

Congrats on antoerh loss Tracey!

Shelley, don't worry about the small gain. I hope your grandchildren get better soon!! It must be wonderful to have a grandma like you!!

I discovered a horrible way to lose a lot of weight. icon_sad.gif I have influenza, Wednesday morning I was perfect, by that night I was "dying". My children seem to be off and on and we thought were suffering from some side effects from the H1N1 vaccination, and my husband is feeling ill now too. It is a really hard time to live in this house. icon_sad.gif My parents call often but if we need something they basically leave it on the front step, knock and run... I understand them not wanting to catch this! The smell and taste of anything besides water turns my stomach. Ugh.

I hope everyone is having a better weekend than I!

ShelleyMJ Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
ShelleyMJ Posted 7 Nov 2009 , 4:23pm
post #329 of 1590

Good morning everyone icon_smile.gif. Grandbabies are getting better and Brycen has gone back home to mommy and daddy. I still have Lydia, who is just an angel! Now, grandma is getting it. icon_sad.gif

Thank you all for the kind words. I am a mean ole grandma.... I spoil my grandbabies like there is no tomorrow and it shows!

Good news... My DH surprised me yesterday with a very nice treadmill. He put it together and is ready for my use. I am so excited!

Kay, I sure hope you get to feeling better soon. I know you don't need me to tell you, getting sick is not the way to loose weight but it sure looks good in the jeans!

Have a great day!

emrldsky Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
emrldsky Posted 7 Nov 2009 , 9:27pm
post #330 of 1590

I'm not too upset to be back at that weight. If I had gotten back to where I started (180lbs) I'd be upset.

I think the largest portion of my weight loss had to do with getting my thyroid under control. Now I just need to fine tune my diet to drop back down below 145. Everyone keeps telling me how great I look, so I'm not too worried. icon_wink.gif

Are we allowed to post pictures of ourselves? I'd like to post before and after pictures, but I wasn't sure if it was allowed.

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