Cake Decorator ErinK


ErinK's Cake Photos view more

  • Wilton Course 2 Final Cake Here is my final cake for course two. I love it! I really didn't think mine would turn out to be cute. I love the rope border too, it...
  • Final Cake For Wilton Course 1 This is my final cake for Wilton Course 1. I don't eat chocolate, but they tell me it was tastey. :)
  • Wilton Rose I made this rose last night in class 3 of course 1. I'm not very good at the rose and it hurts my feelings! hehe. It tears, I can'...
  • Class One Lesson 3 Clowns Here's some clowns on cupcakes. I really like the clowns. I need more heads on sticks. :)
  • Purple Heart Cake This is my first ever cake. I'm taking the Wilton cake class at a craft store. I have to bring an iced cake to my next class and I was...

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