Fondant Olaf from Frozen!
I absolutely love the little snowman Olaf from Disneys Frozen, so I had to try to make him in fondant!

You will need:
1. Styrofoam
2-6. White, black, orange, dark blue and brown fondant
7. Water
8. Cotton
9. Pliers
10. Tylose powder
11. Rolling Pin
12. Brush
13. Shell and Blade Tool
14. Flower/Leaf Shaper Tool
15. Sharp knife
16. Wooden skewer
17. Tiny circle cutter

Take a small piece og white fondant and mix it with a bit of tylose powder. Roll it in to a ball and place it on the table. Use two fingers to to roll back and forth on the top bit of the ball to make it a bit thinner on the top.
Gently press down to flatten the top
Place the little leg on top of a piece of styrofoam and put the wooden skewer through the fondant and in to the styrofoam. Make sure the wooden skewer is secure enough to hold the entire figure. The little legs needs to dry completely before you can put the other parts of Olaf’s body together

Now for the hair and the arms. They need to dry before you can use them so it’s a good idea to do these next.
Mix your brown fondant with a bit of tylose powder. Roll out three small pieces of brown fondant. Take the sharp knife and make a little cut halfway into the fondant. Use your fingers to slightly pinch the edges

The arms are made with the same technique. Roll out two pieces of fondant mixed with tylose and make them slightly thicker in one end. Olaf has four fingers so you make three small cuts with the small knife. One of the cuts has to be a bit one the side, to make his thumb. Slightly pinch and roll the fingers between your own fingers 

Use the Flower/Leaf Shaper Tool to make a few marks in the arms. Let them dry

Take a piece of white fondant for the head. Roll it in to a ball and press it flat.
Use two fingers to pinch 2/3 of the head down into a slightly point. This is were his big smile is going to be

Turn the head and do the same thing to the last 1/3 of the head. Make sure there is room enough for his cheeks

Turn the head to the side and pinch an upper lip with two fingers

Mark the mouth with the small side of the Flower/Leaf Shaper Tool. Press the mouth area down with the tool and smooth it out with your finger

Roll out a piece of dark blue fondant. Lay it across the mouth and use your finger to mark the edge of the mouth all the way around

Use the sharp knife to cut out the blue fondant and glue it on with a bit of water

Use the wide side of the Flower/Leaf Shaper Tool to mark a little lower lip. Smooth it out with your fingers

Now for the teeth. Roll a small piece of white fondant and flatten it. Press it into a rectangle – it doesn’t have to be symmetrical

Use the Flower/Leaf Shaper Tool to create a little hole under the upper lip for the teeth. Glue them on with a bit of water

Use the small end of the Flower/Leaf Shaper Tool to create a line across the face. The line has to bend down i little in each corner to mark the cheeks

Roll out the black fondant. Cut out two small round pieces and glue them on the face with a bit of water. Take to pieces og white fondant, roll them at glue these on to. Then take two tiny bits of black fondant, roll them in to small balls and flatten them. Glue them on with water. Be careful with the black fondant on the white surface, as the black colour can come of

Olaf is ready to get some eyebrows

Roll out two pieces of black fondant into tiny balls. Roll them between your fingers into small sausages. Bend them slightly and attach them to his face

Roll a piece of orange fondant into a small ball. Put it into the palm of your hand and use your finger to roll back and forth to create a point. Use the Shell and Blade Tool to make marks in the little carrot

Glue the carrot on with a bit of water

Make a little hole on top of Olafs head with the Flower/Leaf Shaper Tool and put a bit of water in it. Place the head next to a piece cotton and put the three pieces of hair in the little hole. Let it dry for a couple of hours

Now for the lower body part. Take a bigger piece of white fondant, mix it with tylose and roll it into a ball. Do the same as with the little leg. Place it on the table, use your hands to roll the top bit a little smaller and press it down slightly.

Put a bit of water on the wooden skewer. Place the lower body part slightly in and angle over the little leg. Put some cotton under the fondant to support it. Let it dry

When the lower part is dry, do the same with the upper part of the body.
Use the Flower/leaf Shaper Tool to make two small holes of the arms

Put a bit of water in the holes and stick the arms i. Support them with cotton and boxes/bowls or whatever you have that matches the height

Cut the wooden skewer and put a bit of water on top

Place the head on the wooden skewer in an slight angle

Roll out three small balls of black fondant and attach them to the body with water. It doesn’t mater if they are different sizes or slightly uneven as they should resemble small stones

Lastly make the other little leg in the same way as the first one. Glue it on with a bit of water and support it with some cotton until its completely dry

Olaf is ready for summer and new adventures!
thanks so much for sharing. You make it look so easy. I have become a fan of your facebook page. looking forward to more great tutorials.
awesome TFS!
Great tutorial. Awesome!
Great Job! :-)
Awesome :)
Great tutorial :) As I have never made a fondant figure why do you tylose with the fondant? What is it, as I have not seen it in Joann's or Micheals? Thanks
Great tutorial. Thanks so much for sharing. I'm with gmapam----the cake community used to be about sharing---for FREE. Now everyone wants to sell classes. I certainly appreciate anyone willing to share for free. THANK YOU!!
Thanks everyone!! And yes English is my second language (Although I do see quite a few typos in the end of the tutorial that I could have caught) :)
@Nuttynetty I use tylose to make the fondant harden much faster and much harder, so that I don't have to wait days before I can move on to the next step :) I think it's the same as using gumpaste or flowerpaste, I've just never used any of those
ChristineF, Thank you so much for sharing your work and putting your effort into creating this tutorial. We appreciate it and so does the community. Our apologies for letting the tutorial be published with typos as we make it a practice to proof read user submitted content. While keeping it in your words, spelling mistakes, typos, and of course words lost in translation are things we do fix.
I have made the corrections.
Thank you soooo much for this wonderful tutorial! :0)
I love you!!! Thank you so much for posting this! My daughter is making a cake for her school's end of the year talent show and we decided to make Olaf.. (This is her first year at the school and trying to also teach her that not everyone's talents are for the stage even though she's very good on stage).. Trying to wrack my brain for the "how on earth.." you've given me new hope that she can pull this off and have it look relatively like Olaf!!!!
I used your tutorial for a cake I made a couple of nights ago and it was PERFECT! Thank you for posting this! Super helpful!
Hi. Thanks for the tutorial.
Could I ask the best way to make sure this figure stands on the cake without falling and breaking? I'm making a cake with this figure and need to transport it so don't want it to fall? Thanks
This is a great tutorial!! I followed all your steps and it turned out perfect. Thanks so much.
Thank you - what a great tutorial! I loved the way mine came out! I found it helpful to use a piece of spaghetti in the arms for support - once dried I inserted them and they stayed up on their own. I also did this for the hair which helped a lot. Thanks again for being so kind to post this!!
Love it! :)
Just wanted to say that I appreciate your time and willingness to share this tutorial...
I made Olaf in the summer, it was a real pain in the neck.
Exactly what I needed. Thanks for posting. I made Olaf sitting with a straw dowel through is body and head, and held the feet on with a toothpick, for the sake of drying time and I painted the eyebrows with black gel color. Thanks!
Sorry to be a nuisance, but you may want to check this Facebook Page -
I have a nasty feeling that they may be passing this tutorial (or in fact have already done so) as their own. I haven't requested a copy myself, but they are using your final image as the image for the tutorial on the page. They also have form as two other people have found their tutorials being offered on their site as well.
Just thought you should be informed.
Keep up the great work
Wayne :-)
Sorry to be a nuisance, but you may want to check this Facebook Page -
I have a nasty feeling that they may be passing this tutorial (or in fact have already done so) as their own. I haven't requested a copy myself, but they are using your final image as the image for the tutorial on the page. They also have form as two other people have found their tutorials being offered on their site as well.
Just thought you should be informed.
Keep up the great work
Wayne :-)