An easy and true black MMF that is easy to make, and tastes great!
True Black MMF
6 oz. of semi sweet chocolate chips (about half of a bag)
1 bag of mini marshmallows
3 tbsp. of clear Karo syrup
3 tbsp. water
1 1lb. bag of powdered sugar
gel black food coloring
Put your marshmallows in a microwave safe bowl, add the water, and microwave on high for 1 minute. Stir mixture, and microwave for another minute. When marshmallows come out they will be HOT, stir again, scraping the sides with a scraper. Immerdiately add your chocolate chips, and stir until the chips are completely melted. Add your karo syrup and stir again this time with a butter knife, making sure that all of your syrup is incorporated. Add a good amount of black gel food coloring, and stir again with your knife, making sure that you scrape around the edges. Once your mixture is the blackest black that you can get, (I added about 1-2 tsp. of the gel coloring) then add about half of your bag of powdered sugar, and stir until the mixture is thick, with your knife. Grease your hands liberally with Crisco and add the rest of the powdered sugar* to the bowl. Knead your fondant until all of the powdered sugar is gone. Store for up to a month wrapped in plastic wrap, sealed in a gallon Ziploc, and stored in an airtight container.
*Depending on the humidity in your area it might take a little more powdered sugar, or even a little less to get the consistancy of fondant.
HI, I am from Melbourne and i cant find mini marshmallows. Can i use the bigger ones. They come in pink and white. Will that be ok. Please let me know. Thanks.
wow! Thanks so much for posting this. Iv always had trouble with black mmf and i just used it tonight and it was amazing! Thank you thank you thank you! Now if only there was a way to get perfect red
I use Americolor gel and it is fantastic. I do not have to use nearly as much coloring as when I use the wilton coloring. And Charleesgal: I have made regular MMF before and it tastes way better than Wilton's fondant. I am pretty sure playdoh tastes better than their fondant lol. :) Hope that helps.
I love this! To get black fondant I have always bought the chocolate and colored it black... This tastes so much better, does crumble and looks amazing! Thank you so much, will definately keep on using!
This looks like an amazing recipe, i'm very eager to try it out. and i agree with previous posts, wilton fondant is very disgusting. looks great, tastes like plastic. thank god for marshmallows!
I just made this I used 160z bag of small marshmallows I used 2lbs of 10x because I was looking at two different recipes. OOPs and I use one extra tablespoon of water. It mixed to a great black and my god is it yummy. I can't wait until my cake is done!!
I forgot to add that I will NEVER use wilton fondant again. MMF is so tasty everyone is gonna love it. I rolled a little piece out and it rolled nicely as well.
I am super excited about this. I am known all around my area for my "you can actually eat it and not gag" mmfondant. I cannot wait to try this recipe tonight, I am really excited about it.
one question, I have made the chocolate mmfondant and it was more dry and crumbled easy, does anyone who used this know of any special handling instructions on this?
I was so excited to try making this I just couldn't wait! I am going to make the Ateam van and need a black fondant. After trying the sckyscraper for a sex in the city cake and failed with another recipe, I researched and found this recipe, THANK GOODNESS! I just finished making this and it taste delicious. I was able to get a good black color out of it, I only had wilton tint and it's true you have to use allot of it to get the color. I'm farily new at all this so I don't know where else to get other food coloring that's not wilton. I used a bag of mini marshmellows, box of powder sugar and the karo syrup. Wonderful! Thank you so much for this recipe, it will be something I use going foward. Anyone wanting to know if this is a good recipe, YES, YES, YES! Happy baking!
This was the best darn fondant I have ever tasted!! I made it up and it was quick and easy. I have worked with regular fondant for great lengths of time to get them black and then they had that chemical taste from the coloring. I am very impressed with this and will continue to use it every time I need black fondant!! YUM!!
Ok, so I'm not experienced with fondant, but needed to have some, so I tried it. I have to say, it's delicious! I haven't yet put it on the cake, but had to leave a post anyway to tell you that I won't try another recipe! This has my vote, for sure!
Wow, thanks for posting. This seems like a really awesome recipe for black fondant. Do you have a recipe for regular white fondant? I've read so many online w/completely different ingredients and techniques. Thanks!
So I just made this, followed the recipe. I had great expectations because the reviews but was a little disappointed. It worked but the texture was "off". I will try it again though....maybe it was just too humid after the rain we had lastnight....
Can anyone tell me if this will cover a 9x13, 4" cake? I used a 10.5oz bag since that's what I found in the store and almost 2lbs of sugar. I think it looks right but I am letting in rest and then I'll try it. Please advise if you know how much cake it'll cover, I'd hate to be short. Thanks :) Sweet success to all my fellow bakers =0)
Hopefully this will help someone else trying this recipe who was just as confused as I was after reading the recipe itself and the comments that followed regarding what size bag of marshmallows to use and how much powdered sugar. After I followed the recipe exactly, I found that the fondant was still WAY too gooey. (16 oz bag of mini marshmallows and only 1 lb of powdered sugar), so I kept adding sugar until it felt like my other fondants. I had to add tiny amounts of water now and again to keep it from getting too dry while I was kneading away. I love that I didn't have to use nearly as much black gel and it tastes like chocolate yay!!
MamaL-Did you use the whole bag of chips or only half? Maybe that's what happened because I just made this again today and I accidentally added the whole bag. I had to use more p. sugar because of my mistake. I didn't add more of anything else though. It's just more chocolaty.
To clarify the recipe:
10.5 oz. mini marshmallows
1 lb. powdered sugar.
everything else stays the same!
Hope this helps.
It is a great black fondant and if you don't need black just chocolate or brown, don't add food coloring, still comes out awesome.
Thanks so much for this recipe tho do agree it was a little soft with 1lb of powdered sugar. I think I will just add more if it doesn't stiffin up some over night. For the color and taste it is exactly what I was looking for! :)
I have used this recipe 3 times all ready. I can't say thank you enough for posting it! Its incredible! Tastes great and you couldn't ask for a better Black. Its my go for MMF! I use white chocolate chips and any color I need or no coloring if I need white.
Is MMF typically a lot softer than pre-packaged fondant? This is only my second fondant cake the first i used the pre-packaged, and this was a lot stretchier and soft. I am still waiting for it to long should that take, it has been about 2hrs. I did use the smaller bag of marshmallows and extra powdered sugar. The color and shine is great, I just want to get some clarification before trying the recipe again. It is SO MUCH cheaper and better tasting than the pre-packaged stuff!
Im about to try this out, never made black fondant before but I'm doing a zebra stripped cake :) So here goes nothing!! Gotta love mmf though very fun to make and work with.
Sounds so good I will be attempting this for a wolverine cake (making black and yellow) for my sons 5th birthday. Last year I did a spiderman bust cake and it came out awesome. I am super excited for this.
This recipe is AAAAAAAMAZING!!!!! This is even better than the 20.00 for 2lbs Fondarific! Rolls out easier, covers easier and tastes better! I added a little more powdered sugar to reduce the shine and make it more matte like and used dark Karo syrup. 20 stars out of 10 on this one!! Thank you so much for this recipe!! You re saving me so much money since I dont have to BUY ready made black anymore!
I also used a 2lb bag of powdered sugar and welted the chips and mixed them with the syrup and black color BEFORE putting them into the hot marshmallows. Made it much easier and faster to mix.
Just tired this and it worked great! I doubled the recipe and had to add a little more water once I was kneading other than that it was perfect. A true black colour with little effort, LOVE IT!
tried this and the color was perfect. Just found it too gooey so I doubled the powdered sugar, adding until I reach the right consistency, let it sit overnight to firm up a bit. so yummy!!!
I absolutely love this recipe, the taste is yummy and it goes on smooth. I also love to work with it for stripes and cutouts. The heat from your hands smooths this very easily, I did add a bit of crisco to the marshmellows and it makes it a bit easier to work with. Thanks so much for this. Its great!
Gotta say I love this recipe. It tastes so good I am pretty sure my tongue is black, lol. Any way just thought I would let you all know that this recipe works amazing with colored melting wafers. I am in Ontario and they sell them at the Bulk Barn. I substituted the red melting wafers instead of the semi sweet chocolate chips and used wilton's "no taste" red gel color. Turned out great. Can't wait to try it using the violet and blue melting wafers :) Thank you for this recipe, it rocks!
Has anyone had trouble with consistency after refrigerating? I've made MMF before but not with chocolate chips added- hoping it will not deteriorate when microwaving in a few days to soften and use.
I made this the other night and it was falling apart and tearing. Anyone know what might have been the problem? I kept adding a lil bit of powdered sugar at a time but it wasn't helping.
Hi, I also had a bit of a problem, I used my kitchen aid mixer so I don't know if that was the case, I only used 3/4 of the one pound sugar bc the fondant was already very firm, the color looks great just that it is very hard, any suggestions?
Chendra, you are adding too much powdered sugar, it is drying it out. When that happens you could add a few drops of water at a time and knead it until it softens. You could heat it in the microwave and then knead it too.
No one has said how much of a cake this will cover? I'm going to be making this and black and hot pink since I'm making a zebra striped cake for my daughter's 1st birthday. I'm doing a 10 inch 2 layer cake covered in either white or hot pink fondant with black zebra stripes. Then I'm doing an 8 inch two layer cake covered in black with the hot pink polka dots on it. I'm wondering if a double batch of each will be sufficient? I'm leaning toward covering the 10 inch in hot pink. I would only need more hot pink for the polka dots on the top 8 inch tier. What does everyone think? I'm planning to make the MMF some time this week since her party is next week. I'd hate to not make enough...
I made this for my daughter's 1st birthday cake. It was excellent. It makes a good bit. I doubled the recipe to cover a 10 inch two layer cake and it was WAY more than I needed. So, for anyone that is going to be making this, one batch will cover a two layer cake! I actually made 5 batches all together and have SO much left over...LOL!
This was the first time I've made fondant and I will continue to do so from now on. What a savings! I used vegetable shortening to grease the glass bowl and added my food coloring to the melted marshmallows. After mixing in the chocolate chips and corn syrup, I transferred the mixture to my greased Kitchenaid metal bowl and used the dough hook to knead it for me. This method worked really well and was considerably less messy and time consuming than kneading it myself. Great recipe!
I'll admit I was skeptical because no black MMF has ever been black enough for me... I just finished making this and I am beyond impressed!!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this recipe!!!
wow well thank you for the recipe and thanks you all for your inputs about it. i am going to try this . I am making a dartboard cake and needed black fondant . wish me luck!!
This is the best recipe for Chocolate Black fondant. My first batch didn't make it on a cake. I wanted to try it and let everybody else try it and it was gone!! Everybody loved it. So easy to do. I also use my mixer. My kitchen is so cold, I heat my mixing bowl before hand so I have a little more working time. LOVE LOVE LOVE this recipe.
i need advice. I have always done buttercream cakes..and skipped any fondant what so ever.. if I do a chocolate cake with buttercream icing covered in MMF with this True Black MMF for zebra stripes.. is this going to be way too many flavors?
Just made this and accidentally used 16oz of mm, so I did have to add more powder sugar. Color is great though, can't wait to see how it works out tomorrow as it is crumbly at the moment.
Just made this. It taste sooooo good. Thank you for sharring. I wonder if Milk Choclate would taster better then the semi-sweet. I know it would be alot more sweeter but the sweeter the better. :)
i only need a small amount of black for some lettering and the black keys on a piano, so i dont want to make a whole batch. is there any way that i can do a small batch?
after reading all the comments for some clarification I made this and it is AWESOME. it worked great. I weighed the powdered sugar since I only have 2# bags and didn't quite use it all but I like to start with my fondant a little soft. It smells delicious and I will add some gum tex to a small amout tommorrow and make a black and pink (with regular mmf) bow. I can't wait. I will post again after I work with this wonderful recipe. THANKS FOR SHARING!
I think you will be okay. Just use the Butter cream as a crumb coat. I do this with regular MMF with no problems. Since you are doing a chocolate cake this should be yummy. I think you will be hooked on MMF after you try it. I just made this recipe for the first time but have used MMF a lot. SOOOO much better than Wilton Fondant which tasts like paste. MMF is nummy. Good luck.
i wish i had found this when i did a Rockabilly party. 165 cupcakes were covered with black and red fondant and this would have been sooo much better and it would have tasted better too. I wonder about the red candy melts too. i might try it. If anyone has already tried it let us know. :)
This recipe seems smaller than regular mmf. If you make the full recipe you can store it for quite a while. I even keep it wrapped in plastic wrap, in plastic bag in fridge. I keeps well and all you have to do is take it out, let it warm to room temp and start working with it. You could always make a batch of cupcakes and top them with the dellicious Black MMF. Just go for it.
Keep up the good work girls!!! We're changing their minds about fondant one customer at a time. This is also my goto MMF recipe. It's fabulous every time. Even the picky kids love it....and thats saying something LOL
Oh wow. Just what i was looking for! Just made it for a guitar cake i was planning on air brushing. Love MMF and this is perfect. I used glucose syrup instead being from Australia but seems to have worked great. Just kept adding sugar until it was right consistency. Thanks so much
I am making a Lightning McQueen cake for my son's 3rd birthday and I only need the black for the wheels, and the back window any ideas on how much fondant I will need to make for a 9x13 + 8" square car shaped cake? also I am in need of a great RED fondant recipe, can I use this one and just use the red coloring? any ideas will help!! Thanks all
Love this recipe! I don't make it very often or use much so I usually have a lot left over. I have seen where it says it can be store for a month but I am wondering if something it goes bad or it just dries out? I would hate to make a cake with it if it wasn't safe for them to eat.
Could some of you please post the brand of mini marshmallows you use and size? Looks like this recipes works with both sizes. I've been having a lot of issues making black and red fondant using other recipes that used to work for me....looking forward to making this tonight :) Thank you!!
I have been looking for a black fondant recipe for weeks, glad I have found this one, Im going to try it tonight. Thank you so much
I made this today and boy oh boy it turned out amazingly! Thank you for sharing....I now have another project to accomplish...cake #2..go me go...:)
what is karo syprup? What might i find it?
Karo is a brand name for corn syrup, it comes in light and dark. I think the light is what is used here.
What size bag of mini marshmallows? 10.5 ounces or 16 ounces?
by the looks of the rest of the ingredients & their amounts i would guess it's a 16 oz bag.
HI, I am from Melbourne and i cant find mini marshmallows. Can i use the bigger ones. They come in pink and white. Will that be ok. Please let me know. Thanks.
I think you can use the pink and the white ones since you desire a black fondant. ;-)
Is the taste better than Wiltons? Theirs is so nasty to me.
wow! Thanks so much for posting this. Iv always had trouble with black mmf and i just used it tonight and it was amazing! Thank you thank you thank you! Now if only there was a way to get perfect red
what brand of black gel did you use? I have not had a good experience with black coloring. Thanks in advance!
I use Americolor gel and it is fantastic. I do not have to use nearly as much coloring as when I use the wilton coloring. And Charleesgal: I have made regular MMF before and it tastes way better than Wilton's fondant. I am pretty sure playdoh tastes better than their fondant lol. :) Hope that helps.
Amazing and easy! i made it tonight in like 10 minutes!!!
I love this! To get black fondant I have always bought the chocolate and colored it black... This tastes so much better, does crumble and looks amazing! Thank you so much, will definately keep on using!
This looks like an amazing recipe, i'm very eager to try it out. and i agree with previous posts, wilton fondant is very disgusting. looks great, tastes like plastic. thank god for marshmallows!
Can anyone how has tried this tell me what size marshmallow bag? please
I just made this I used 160z bag of small marshmallows I used 2lbs of 10x because I was looking at two different recipes. OOPs and I use one extra tablespoon of water. It mixed to a great black and my god is it yummy. I can't wait until my cake is done!!
I forgot to add that I will NEVER use wilton fondant again. MMF is so tasty everyone is gonna love it. I rolled a little piece out and it rolled nicely as well.
used this for a last minute wedding shower cake, love my mmf and this is the best recipe ever! nice texture, nice flavor, perfect!
Can't wait to try this!!! I have always had a struggle making black. Thanks for posting this!!
How much fondant does it make? Enough to cover what size cake?
I am super excited about this. I am known all around my area for my "you can actually eat it and not gag" mmfondant. I cannot wait to try this recipe tonight, I am really excited about it.
one question, I have made the chocolate mmfondant and it was more dry and crumbled easy, does anyone who used this know of any special handling instructions on this?
I was so excited to try making this I just couldn't wait! I am going to make the Ateam van and need a black fondant. After trying the sckyscraper for a sex in the city cake and failed with another recipe, I researched and found this recipe, THANK GOODNESS! I just finished making this and it taste delicious. I was able to get a good black color out of it, I only had wilton tint and it's true you have to use allot of it to get the color. I'm farily new at all this so I don't know where else to get other food coloring that's not wilton. I used a bag of mini marshmellows, box of powder sugar and the karo syrup. Wonderful! Thank you so much for this recipe, it will be something I use going foward. Anyone wanting to know if this is a good recipe, YES, YES, YES! Happy baking!
i only have the dark corn syrop at home, will that be ok since i am wanting black anyway?
Did you mean a 2lb bag of powdered sugar? I've only found 1lb boxes of powdered sugar, not bags...
Cant' wait to try this! Thank you very much!
What a relief , got to try this right now ! Thank you very very much ! What should I use to make royal blue and forest green ?
great recipe! thanks so much it worked awesome and was fun to make!
This was the best darn fondant I have ever tasted!! I made it up and it was quick and easy. I have worked with regular fondant for great lengths of time to get them black and then they had that chemical taste from the coloring. I am very impressed with this and will continue to use it every time I need black fondant!! YUM!!
THI IS GREAT!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, so I'm not experienced with fondant, but needed to have some, so I tried it. I have to say, it's delicious! I haven't yet put it on the cake, but had to leave a post anyway to tell you that I won't try another recipe! This has my vote, for sure!
This is a wonderful recipe. Not dry at all. Super shiny too!! A keeper in my collection. Can't wait to try with white chips.
Wow, thanks for posting. This seems like a really awesome recipe for black fondant. Do you have a recipe for regular white fondant? I've read so many online w/completely different ingredients and techniques. Thanks!
did you mean a 2lb bag of p. sugar? it seems awful soft....
So I just made this, followed the recipe. I had great expectations because the reviews but was a little disappointed. It worked but the texture was "off". I will try it again though....maybe it was just too humid after the rain we had lastnight....
Can anyone tell me if this will cover a 9x13, 4" cake? I used a 10.5oz bag since that's what I found in the store and almost 2lbs of sugar. I think it looks right but I am letting in rest and then I'll try it. Please advise if you know how much cake it'll cover, I'd hate to be short. Thanks :) Sweet success to all my fellow bakers =0)
thank you so much for sharing!
Can I use this for a navy blue fondant
Hopefully this will help someone else trying this recipe who was just as confused as I was after reading the recipe itself and the comments that followed regarding what size bag of marshmallows to use and how much powdered sugar. After I followed the recipe exactly, I found that the fondant was still WAY too gooey. (16 oz bag of mini marshmallows and only 1 lb of powdered sugar), so I kept adding sugar until it felt like my other fondants. I had to add tiny amounts of water now and again to keep it from getting too dry while I was kneading away. I love that I didn't have to use nearly as much black gel and it tastes like chocolate yay!!
MamaL-Did you use the whole bag of chips or only half? Maybe that's what happened because I just made this again today and I accidentally added the whole bag. I had to use more p. sugar because of my mistake. I didn't add more of anything else though. It's just more chocolaty.
To clarify the recipe: 10.5 oz. mini marshmallows 1 lb. powdered sugar. everything else stays the same! Hope this helps. It is a great black fondant and if you don't need black just chocolate or brown, don't add food coloring, still comes out awesome.
Thanks so much for this recipe tho do agree it was a little soft with 1lb of powdered sugar. I think I will just add more if it doesn't stiffin up some over night. For the color and taste it is exactly what I was looking for! :)
I have used this recipe 3 times all ready. I can't say thank you enough for posting it! Its incredible! Tastes great and you couldn't ask for a better Black. Its my go for MMF! I use white chocolate chips and any color I need or no coloring if I need white.
I don't know what I did wrong, but I followed the receipe and the texture is off. It's....grainy. I can't get it to smooth out. Any suggestions?
Is MMF typically a lot softer than pre-packaged fondant? This is only my second fondant cake the first i used the pre-packaged, and this was a lot stretchier and soft. I am still waiting for it to long should that take, it has been about 2hrs. I did use the smaller bag of marshmallows and extra powdered sugar. The color and shine is great, I just want to get some clarification before trying the recipe again. It is SO MUCH cheaper and better tasting than the pre-packaged stuff!
I made this last night and tasted delicious, cannot wait to use it on a cake!
Im about to try this out, never made black fondant before but I'm doing a zebra stripped cake :) So here goes nothing!! Gotta love mmf though very fun to make and work with.
I can't wait to try this! I have a cake next month that needs a lot of black fondant! Thanks so much!
Sounds so good I will be attempting this for a wolverine cake (making black and yellow) for my sons 5th birthday. Last year I did a spiderman bust cake and it came out awesome. I am super excited for this.
Can't wait to try this!
This recipe is AAAAAAAMAZING!!!!! This is even better than the 20.00 for 2lbs Fondarific! Rolls out easier, covers easier and tastes better! I added a little more powdered sugar to reduce the shine and make it more matte like and used dark Karo syrup. 20 stars out of 10 on this one!! Thank you so much for this recipe!! You re saving me so much money since I dont have to BUY ready made black anymore!
I also used a 2lb bag of powdered sugar and welted the chips and mixed them with the syrup and black color BEFORE putting them into the hot marshmallows. Made it much easier and faster to mix.
Just tired this and it worked great! I doubled the recipe and had to add a little more water once I was kneading other than that it was perfect. A true black colour with little effort, LOVE IT!
tried this and the color was perfect. Just found it too gooey so I doubled the powdered sugar, adding until I reach the right consistency, let it sit overnight to firm up a bit. so yummy!!!
I absolutely love this recipe, the taste is yummy and it goes on smooth. I also love to work with it for stripes and cutouts. The heat from your hands smooths this very easily, I did add a bit of crisco to the marshmellows and it makes it a bit easier to work with. Thanks so much for this. Its great!
Gotta say I love this recipe. It tastes so good I am pretty sure my tongue is black, lol. Any way just thought I would let you all know that this recipe works amazing with colored melting wafers. I am in Ontario and they sell them at the Bulk Barn. I substituted the red melting wafers instead of the semi sweet chocolate chips and used wilton's "no taste" red gel color. Turned out great. Can't wait to try it using the violet and blue melting wafers :) Thank you for this recipe, it rocks!
Excellent! I have used every recipe out there for black fondant and this one is the ONLY one I will ever use again...thanks so much for this!
will regular fondant stick to the mmf?
Has anyone had trouble with consistency after refrigerating? I've made MMF before but not with chocolate chips added- hoping it will not deteriorate when microwaving in a few days to soften and use.
I made this the other night and it was falling apart and tearing. Anyone know what might have been the problem? I kept adding a lil bit of powdered sugar at a time but it wasn't helping.
Hi, I also had a bit of a problem, I used my kitchen aid mixer so I don't know if that was the case, I only used 3/4 of the one pound sugar bc the fondant was already very firm, the color looks great just that it is very hard, any suggestions?
WOW!!!! This was so easy to make! Thanks so much for the recipe!
Chendra, you are adding too much powdered sugar, it is drying it out. When that happens you could add a few drops of water at a time and knead it until it softens. You could heat it in the microwave and then knead it too.
No one has said how much of a cake this will cover? I'm going to be making this and black and hot pink since I'm making a zebra striped cake for my daughter's 1st birthday. I'm doing a 10 inch 2 layer cake covered in either white or hot pink fondant with black zebra stripes. Then I'm doing an 8 inch two layer cake covered in black with the hot pink polka dots on it. I'm wondering if a double batch of each will be sufficient? I'm leaning toward covering the 10 inch in hot pink. I would only need more hot pink for the polka dots on the top 8 inch tier. What does everyone think? I'm planning to make the MMF some time this week since her party is next week. I'd hate to not make enough...
I made this for my daughter's 1st birthday cake. It was excellent. It makes a good bit. I doubled the recipe to cover a 10 inch two layer cake and it was WAY more than I needed. So, for anyone that is going to be making this, one batch will cover a two layer cake! I actually made 5 batches all together and have SO much left over...LOL!
Almost doubled the powdered sugar, but this is the best recipe I've used for black! It actually WORKS and tastes great!!
I just made this and it is sooo delicious! Tastes like a tootsie roll!
This fondant is AMAZING! I now make all my fondant using chocolate. It tastes wonderful!
This was the first time I've made fondant and I will continue to do so from now on. What a savings! I used vegetable shortening to grease the glass bowl and added my food coloring to the melted marshmallows. After mixing in the chocolate chips and corn syrup, I transferred the mixture to my greased Kitchenaid metal bowl and used the dough hook to knead it for me. This method worked really well and was considerably less messy and time consuming than kneading it myself. Great recipe!
This was awesome, I saw so afraid to try black because it is never black enough but it came out perfect. Thank You so much.
would this work for red if i used the red color melting chocolate? Red is also another hard color to make really bright and vibrant.
I'll admit I was skeptical because no black MMF has ever been black enough for me... I just finished making this and I am beyond impressed!!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this recipe!!!
wow well thank you for the recipe and thanks you all for your inputs about it. i am going to try this . I am making a dartboard cake and needed black fondant . wish me luck!!
This is the best recipe for Chocolate Black fondant. My first batch didn't make it on a cake. I wanted to try it and let everybody else try it and it was gone!! Everybody loved it. So easy to do. I also use my mixer. My kitchen is so cold, I heat my mixing bowl before hand so I have a little more working time. LOVE LOVE LOVE this recipe.
i need advice. I have always done buttercream cakes..and skipped any fondant what so ever.. if I do a chocolate cake with buttercream icing covered in MMF with this True Black MMF for zebra stripes.. is this going to be way too many flavors?
Just made this and accidentally used 16oz of mm, so I did have to add more powder sugar. Color is great though, can't wait to see how it works out tomorrow as it is crumbly at the moment.
Just made this. It taste sooooo good. Thank you for sharring. I wonder if Milk Choclate would taster better then the semi-sweet. I know it would be alot more sweeter but the sweeter the better. :)
i only need a small amount of black for some lettering and the black keys on a piano, so i dont want to make a whole batch. is there any way that i can do a small batch?
after reading all the comments for some clarification I made this and it is AWESOME. it worked great. I weighed the powdered sugar since I only have 2# bags and didn't quite use it all but I like to start with my fondant a little soft. It smells delicious and I will add some gum tex to a small amout tommorrow and make a black and pink (with regular mmf) bow. I can't wait. I will post again after I work with this wonderful recipe. THANKS FOR SHARING!
Mndi2 I think you will be okay. Just use the Butter cream as a crumb coat. I do this with regular MMF with no problems. Since you are doing a chocolate cake this should be yummy. I think you will be hooked on MMF after you try it. I just made this recipe for the first time but have used MMF a lot. SOOOO much better than Wilton Fondant which tasts like paste. MMF is nummy. Good luck.
i wish i had found this when i did a Rockabilly party. 165 cupcakes were covered with black and red fondant and this would have been sooo much better and it would have tasted better too. I wonder about the red candy melts too. i might try it. If anyone has already tried it let us know. :)
briloves2bake This recipe seems smaller than regular mmf. If you make the full recipe you can store it for quite a while. I even keep it wrapped in plastic wrap, in plastic bag in fridge. I keeps well and all you have to do is take it out, let it warm to room temp and start working with it. You could always make a batch of cupcakes and top them with the dellicious Black MMF. Just go for it.
Keep up the good work girls!!! We're changing their minds about fondant one customer at a time. This is also my goto MMF recipe. It's fabulous every time. Even the picky kids love it....and thats saying something LOL
Oh wow. Just what i was looking for! Just made it for a guitar cake i was planning on air brushing. Love MMF and this is perfect. I used glucose syrup instead being from Australia but seems to have worked great. Just kept adding sugar until it was right consistency. Thanks so much
Just an update - if you are wondering if this truly does come out black, have a look at the results, Very happy
I am making a Lightning McQueen cake for my son's 3rd birthday and I only need the black for the wheels, and the back window any ideas on how much fondant I will need to make for a 9x13 + 8" square car shaped cake? also I am in need of a great RED fondant recipe, can I use this one and just use the red coloring? any ideas will help!! Thanks all
Love this recipe! I don't make it very often or use much so I usually have a lot left over. I have seen where it says it can be store for a month but I am wondering if something it goes bad or it just dries out? I would hate to make a cake with it if it wasn't safe for them to eat.
Could some of you please post the brand of mini marshmallows you use and size? Looks like this recipes works with both sizes. I've been having a lot of issues making black and red fondant using other recipes that used to work for me....looking forward to making this tonight :) Thank you!!