
Snoopy on Cake Central

I was running a little late and didn't get to write Happy B'day. It's ok my son didn't even notice!

Comments (11)


Hello Jan13 I've just sent all the details on how to make this cake! If anybody else would like the details let me know and I'll send them to you!


Hello Jan13 I've just sent all the details on how to make this cake! If anybody else would like the details let me know and I'll send them to you!


Hello Jan13 I've just sent all the details on how to make this cake! If anybody else would like the details let me know and I'll send them to you!


Hello Jan13 I've just sent all the details on how to make this cake! If anybody else would like the details let me know and I'll send them to you!


I LOVE Snoopy, my all time favorite cartoon, and this cake reminded me of my childhood!! This is simply fantastic!!!! Snoopy looks perfect!! :-)