I used air brush after assembling but I think you can just paint with a brush. For the details onthe walls and roof, I used a big straw, cut so you can get a half moon shape, and back of a knife or a metal ruler. make sure before you bake dough.For the gold look, first I used royal icing, and then when it dries paint it with luster dust,old gold.
I realllllllllly loooooooooooove this cake! This is gorgeous, and the attention to detail blows my mind. Nice, nice, nice.
Thank you. I like very bad &cool Halloween items, not smiling pumpkins or smiling ghosts. What about you?
Very good idea!!! congratulations!!! nice job 8O
I realllllllllly loooooooooooove this cake! This is gorgeous, and the attention to detail blows my mind. Nice, nice, nice.
Thank you. I like very bad &cool Halloween items, not smiling pumpkins or smiling ghosts. What about you?
Very good idea!!! congratulations!!! nice job 8O
Thank you, Patto and Bennnett5. I went to so many Halloween shops to get ideas. It's fun. :evil: :evil:
I ADORE this cake!!!!!!!!!!!!
could you tell me how you got the color and the detail on the walls and roof...it is great !!!!!!!!also how did you get the gold look?
I used air brush after assembling but I think you can just paint with a brush. For the details onthe walls and roof, I used a big straw, cut so you can get a half moon shape, and back of a knife or a metal ruler. make sure before you bake dough.For the gold look, first I used royal icing, and then when it dries paint it with luster dust,old gold.