First Wedding Cake

This is my first solo wedding cake. It's made out of 18" 16" and 12" rounds. At brides request all the flowers are silk. I had to adjust the design a little as I made the cake but the bride had given me adjustment freedom and in the end we were both very happy with the outcome. Comments and critiques welcome.
Beautiful!!!! I bet she was very happy!
Pretty!! Looks very smooth~ The colors blend very well~ Can you breathe yet? Congrads on your first one Capri~
Thank you...! Yes the bride was very happy, & I am finally breathing. ;-D
Beautiful!!!! I bet she was very happy!
Pretty!! Looks very smooth~ The colors blend very well~ Can you breathe yet? Congrads on your first one Capri~
Thank you...! Yes the bride was very happy, & I am finally breathing. ;-D