Gingerbread Sleigh
I decided to give gingerbread houses a break this year and do a sleigh instead (havn't done one since early highschool!). I got the side design for the sleigh from a photo of a sleigh figurine and thought it was simple and elegant and made my own template from the image. Red and green quilting on sides/front/back and chair and holly also on the sides are done with fondant and all the piping is done with RI and edible gold paint. I then added some tree ornaments I found also that i thought were perfect to add and then did a mixture of crushed up RI and icing sugar to make the 'snow' at the base of the sleigh. Final picture shows it as a final centre piece with my mum's favourite santa figurine she has :) Thanks for looking!! Oh and added a template scaled down from A4 :)
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