Froggy Baby

Froggy Baby on Cake Central

This Baby Shower cake was designed after the bedding set being used in the nursery. Almond cake covered and decorated with MMF.

Comments (21)


Wow I think this is sooo cute!! I love the dowell rod "cattails" .... I love it all :)!!!! Actually have a customer wanting a cake with frogs and I think this would work... would you mind if I used your cake for inspiration? :D


This is soooo cute! I love how the reeds of grass extend beyond the top of the cake giving it such a 3-D look. And your froggie is just precious!


This is so darned cute. I love the cattails and the frog..also how did you make the grass so perfect?


I just rolled out some green fondant, cut out long triangular strips with a pizza cutter, and then lay them out on a cookie sheet, shaped them and left them to dry for 3 days. Et voila!