Italian Nut Wedding Cake With Ganache Filling/ Red Hat Society

This cake was a little stressful. My friend and I did this together. We also did a grooms cake. My friend used the Viva paper towel trick on all the layers and then I did the colored decorations while she decorated the panda bear grooms cake. Unfortunately, my friend refuses to do another wedding cake. I on the other hand do. Cake sizes, 14, 12,10, 8, 6
Just wonderful!
WOW! That's IMPRESSIVE!!!! I'll bet they flipped their hats over this!!!! Bravo!
Thank you. It really wasn't the red hat society I just named the cake this because of the colors. The Bride was very happy with it.
Gorgeous!!! and Perfect! How many does this feed?? Wow!
Top 3 layers were styrifoam. The bottom Two were real. The books say 134 but we estimated about 120.
It is beautiful! Can I ask you, what is the viva paper towell trick? :?
Beautiful! I love the colors and scroll work!
:o Beautiful!!! Don't give up--you do beautiful work!
The Viva papertowel trick works mainly with crisco based frostings I think like buttercream. After the frosting sets a few minutes you place a Viva papertowel over the cake and rub your hand across it several times. the warmth of your hand rubs out any lines in the frosting. Works like hot knifing but without the water and knife. Got this trick from this site. I think it is called the Melvira or something like that.
Oops, the melvira is a little different. that is using a high density roller directly on your frosting after it has crusted a little. I guess I picked up the
Oops, the melvira is a little different. that is using a high density roller directly on your frosting after it has crusted a little. I guess I picked up the
I picked up the Viva paper towel trick from another cake decorator in my area. It really works nicely most of the time. Just remember only Viva papertowels or you may have your frosting peel off your cake.
its lovely, what kind of ribbon did you use, and did it get grease spots? i'm looking for a good ribbon that doesn;t
I used regular ribbon but I backed it with cupboard clear liner paper sticky side towards the ribbon.
HOLY CHEESEBALLS is all i can say
HOLY CHEESEBALLS is all i can say