Bithday Gift For My Bonus Mother

Bithday Gift For My Bonus Mother on Cake Central

It's hopeless. Every year the same. My father and his new wife never wishes for anything for their birthdays and they have everything they need already. So this year I mady my fathers wife a cake for her birthday "instead" of an normal gift. It's a white sponge cake, with limemousse and coconut mousse inside. Coverer with sugarpaste and flowers made of gumpaste on floralwire. It was a hit!

Comments (10)


Absolutley elegant. Beautiful. The flowers are just absolutley beautiful. I can see why this cake was a hit. You did a really fantastic job.


Your flowers are exquiste! It that a buttercream border or Royal Icing? It appears to be a little pinkish, but could be the photo. :roll:


tyty - I have whipped cream inunder the sugarpaste, so that´s what creates the puffy look when quilting the cake.