Pricing Question

Business By kakeladi Updated 15 Sep 2023 , 1:10pm by kakeladi

kakeladi Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
kakeladi Posted 27 Aug 2023 , 10:09pm
post #1 of 8

I know this is a HOT topic.  I usually tell people how much is involved in coming up with a price.   I have not sold a cake for some 15-20 years.  At that time I priced according to current suggestions of something like $$ per serving.    I have be asked to make a wedding cake that will be 10", 8 and 6" with each tier 3 or 4 layers.   This is for a very good friend and I'm lost as to how to charge them.    It will be a semi naked with fresh flowers that the bride will provide.    What would you charge?  

7 replies
-K8memphis Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
-K8memphis Posted 27 Aug 2023 , 11:58pm
post #2 of 8

idk -- and with today's ski high prices I just truly don't know -- sorry!


ASimpleBaker Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
ASimpleBaker Posted 28 Aug 2023 , 3:12pm
post #3 of 8

I have to agree with K8memphis, hot button topic. And so many variables. Costing is so many factors, so what you charge would be pricing it all out for your costs.  Like ingredients plus non-edibles like cake boards, electricity, etc plus your time.  Maybe add it all up and work with that base to decide what you might actual charge for a straight customer.  Then you could use that base to decide how much of that you may gift or discount if you planned to do for your friend.  If you decide to discount, make sure your friend is aware that full value cost versus your charge, so they are aware that you are providing what they want at a friends cost, etc.  Using what I do as an example, I offer matching cutting cakes to my petite fours glace and petite cake. I only offer floral buttercream options, and my price includes all buttercream decorations. I also only offer products without preservatives and anything artificial, and I locally source as much as I can. So I set up my CFO licensed and insured business to an amount that makes it viable.  In my state/city, the average per slice cost is around $4 a serving, and mine is $8.  I do offer a plain cake option for fresh flower placement at $6.50 a serving, since I simply have to base frost and nothing more.  Again, this is based upon my markets and it's variables (like what things cost here,etc. )  I hope this helps.  sun_with_face

ReginaCoeliB Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
ReginaCoeliB Posted 28 Aug 2023 , 5:22pm
post #4 of 8

I'll charge for the ingredients and give the labor away as a wedding gift... seriously, life is complicated as it is!

kakeladi Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
kakeladi Posted 31 Aug 2023 , 5:46pm
post #5 of 8

K8 exactly my problem.   

Simple baker as I mentioned I am very aware how to set pieces and all the hidden things most don’t even think about but  this is most likely the only cake I’ll sell.  I’m in my mid 80s so don’t plan on going into business

kakeladi Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
kakeladi Posted 31 Aug 2023 , 5:46pm
post #6 of 8

K8 exactly my problem.   

Simple baker as I mentioned I am very aware how to set pieces and all the hidden things most don’t even think about but  this is most likely the only cake I’ll sell.  I’m in my mid 80s so don’t plan on going into business

ASimpleBaker Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
ASimpleBaker Posted 11 Sep 2023 , 9:01pm
post #7 of 8

I have seen you postings for years, no disrespect meant here. Honestly I don't think it changes how to figure pricing.   The only difference is if you were doing it for profit or simply cost.  Tally up the costs, and if you are doing it at cost, give them that as the price. Have a lovely day!

kakeladi Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
kakeladi Posted 15 Sep 2023 , 1:10pm
post #8 of 8

I ended up charging $250 & they were fine with it…instantly pd cash.  As far as I can tell my expenses are $100  —hope I thought of everything .  

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