Cake Lace / Edible Fabric Question

Decorating By mrsmac888 Updated 16 Dec 2022 , 3:52pm by ReginaCoeliB

mrsmac888 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
mrsmac888 Posted 9 Sep 2022 , 9:42pm
post #1 of 12

Hi All.  I am going to try to explain this the best I can.  smiley

So think of a cake on pillars.  You know, the way cakes used to be done a long time ago.  LOL  I'm doing one soon and the bride wants "drapes" hanging down the pillars.  I'm thinking either cake lace or edible fabric.  The problem is that when I make either of those they become dry and brittle over the course of a day.  Is there any way to make cake lace or edible fabric so that it can stay out of an enclosed container and have it not become breakable?


11 replies
-K8memphis Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
-K8memphis Posted 10 Sep 2022 , 2:48pm
post #2 of 12

i would find a different method -- but i don't know what kind of drapes you mean either -- full disclosure i have never used edible fabric but i have used the lace -- i mean you could use fondant or pipe cake type drapes -- if she means like curtain drapes, you can pipe those too or use fondant-- use something that would be ok for it to harden like royal -- maybe?

kakeladi Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
kakeladi Posted 11 Sep 2022 , 9:02pm
post #3 of 12

I am thinking along he same lines as K8 :)   I would drape thin fondant 

mrsmac888 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
mrsmac888 Posted 15 Sep 2022 , 9:03pm
post #4 of 12

Thank you ladies!  Always great advice.  

I'm going to have to figure out a way to post pictures somehow.  I'm still in the "practicing" mode as the wedding is still 3 weeks away.  I ended up making edible fabric with the chocolate method, not wafer paper.  It's amazing!  I hope the rest of this cake goes as well.  :-)


-K8memphis Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
-K8memphis Posted 15 Sep 2022 , 10:36pm
post #5 of 12

sounds good! 

mrsmac888 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
mrsmac888 Posted 12 Dec 2022 , 8:57pm
post #6 of 12

Well, I did it!  And survived it all!  The only way I can show off the final product is to send ya'll to my Pinterest page, and that might or might not work.

Here's my "Lord of the Rings" themed wedding cake with edible drapes....

-K8memphis Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
-K8memphis Posted 12 Dec 2022 , 11:00pm
post #7 of 12

very nice! great cake, glad the drapes worked out!!

MBalaska Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
MBalaska Posted 13 Dec 2022 , 6:41pm
post #8 of 12

pretty cake, fabric looks great.

ReginaCoeliB Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
ReginaCoeliB Posted 14 Dec 2022 , 12:47pm
post #9 of 12

Wow, fabulous! Are all the tiers real cake? Lots of work and patience in there!

kakeladi Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
kakeladi Posted 14 Dec 2022 , 1:20pm
post #10 of 12

Wow.  Nice work! 

mrsmac888 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
mrsmac888 Posted 15 Dec 2022 , 9:44pm
post #11 of 12

Quote by @ReginaCoeliB on 1 day ago

Wow, fabulous! Are all the tiers real cake? Lots of work and patience in there!

Thanks Reggie.  Yes all the tiers are real cake.  The bride was my daughter, one down 6 to go!  LOL.  She designed the cake herself and I did my best to oblige.  

ReginaCoeliB Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
ReginaCoeliB Posted 16 Dec 2022 , 3:52pm
post #12 of 12

Oh, the love of a mother's heart! I hope the rest of your children are not that close in age, so you can recover between cake and cake! Surely, a cake that awesome only a mother could do! God bless!

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