Pastry Pride?

Decorating By Cachanilla52588 Updated 25 Feb 2020 , 2:01am by kakeladi

Cachanilla52588 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Cachanilla52588 Posted 24 Feb 2020 , 11:04pm
post #1 of 3

I live in chicago, I've tried to look for frostin pride but they don't sell it here. The only thing I've found is pastry pride. How long can you leave it at room temp?  Like for displaying purposes. Thank you.

2 replies
kakeladi Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
kakeladi Posted 25 Feb 2020 , 1:57am
post #2 of 3

Duplicate post I replied to your other post

kakeladi Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
kakeladi Posted 25 Feb 2020 , 2:01am
post #3 of 3

I see you are a new poster here so you will not be able to reply to any post for about 30 days so if you want to say something to any post just start a new post referring to the one you are talking about & mention it in the title line

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