Pricing For Seven Cake Toppers

Business By LynneCakes Updated 12 Oct 2017 , 3:49pm by LynneCakes

LynneCakes Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
LynneCakes Posted 20 Sep 2017 , 9:20pm
post #1 of 29

Hello.  So I have flowers to make for a wedding taking place on Saturday October 7th.  I'm not making the cakes as the mother of the bride is handling that part.  She actually makes wedding cakes herself but since she is ALSO doing her daughter's wedding dress and hosting a crowd, she ran out of time!  The stand has 7 shelves, each holding a separate tier (so a satellite cake).  Top one is a 6" for which I am doing a bride & groom owl topper.  The other 6 shelves each holds an 8" cake.   Oh and the bride hates fondant so her mother is making buttercream cakes.  I'm making the topper for each cake on a 6" plastic separator plate so they just need to pop them onto the buttercream cakes on the day.

Flowers requested (gumpaste):  roses, dahlias, carnations, lily of the valley, sunflowers, and red currants (the father loves to pick them).  I was thinking of adding tiger lilies (but they are pretty big), stephanotis & blossoms (latter two as fillers).  Plus fall foliage stuck here and there to produce a nice full half dome of flowers.  The arrangement will be on a 6" plate with a 4.5" styrofoam half dome in the middle.  Times 6 since there will be 6 8" cakes.

This is for my company's director's daughter.  He asked me to help his wife out, I agreed.  Stupid me never discussed the issue of money.  They're both great people (plus the wife MAKES wedding cakes so knows how much $ and time they take) so I'm sure they won't rip me off.  So the owl topper plus 6 toppers of fall flowers made with gum paste.  How much would you seriously expect to be paid for that work?  I think my work is pretty decent (see gallery).

How Many Flowers Are Needed?How Many Flowers Are Needed?How Many Flowers Are Needed?

28 replies
-K8memphis Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
-K8memphis Posted 20 Sep 2017 , 9:54pm
post #2 of 29

first of all -- if the mob does the flowers there is no cost to her -- so there was no line item in the budget for this so dot, dot, dot -- and they haven't mentioned money? it's very likely you are doing this out of the goodness of your heart all things considered -- i do hope you get paid but i doubt it will be near what it's worth because this is worth like a thousand dollars no? i mean even at $150 per each that's $900 -- that little beautiful vignette there in your pictures with the owls should easily be $150 right?

that domed arrangement has nearly three dozen roses plus the fillers so -- $4 per stunning handmade gumpaste rose times 32 is agh a lot -- that's $128 -- so if you go $128 for each of  the six items that's  $768 -- less the cost of gum paste, coloring, dusts, wire, florist tape, delivery packaging and foam dealios -- 


that's a lotta dough to cough up -- hope it all goes well for you -- keep it simple -- go easy on you -- because this is all because she didn't manage her time -- you will knock me over with a feather if they cough up for you -- not that they're not wonderful people but because they haven't counted the cost in the first place --

use the lily of the valley to stick up out of each one -- forget the filler flowers do what they asked for and use the red currants for your filler -- just make the colors work --

best to you -- lemme know how it goes

-K8memphis Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
-K8memphis Posted 20 Sep 2017 , 9:58pm
post #3 of 29

oh wait -- its times seven so let's see at $150 that's over a thousand dollars -- at $4 per handmade flower with the $128 times seven  that's agh $896 -- ain't gonna happen blush

remnant3333 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
remnant3333 Posted 21 Sep 2017 , 12:01am
post #4 of 29

Have they asked you what are you going to charge them for this? If they have not asked then they probably think you will do it for free as a wedding present. That is a whole lot of work for you to do. I hope they pay you for your time because you deserve to get paid. Good luck and please let us know the outcome of this situation!!! I am sure they are nice people but when it comes to money some people will try to take advantage of you!!!

johnson6ofus Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
johnson6ofus Posted 21 Sep 2017 , 4:39am
post #5 of 29

All that runs around my head are the beggars who ask you to "help a brother out..." The MOB may take it as you "helping a fellow caker"..... and NOT as a contractor providing a service.

I too, doubt you will see any cash in this.  And I too, am anxious to hear that it went well (If it does).

Coffeelover77 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Coffeelover77 Posted 21 Sep 2017 , 1:11pm
post #6 of 29

At least a thousand dollars. That is going to take up all your time for the next couple of weeks! Omg that's a lot of flowers.

honestly I would bring it up now before you start. If they aren't planning to pay you then you should probably just tell them you will make the owl topper and suggest fresh flowers for their toppers.

unless These are such close friends you are willing to provide 50+ hours of your time over the coming weeks

-K8memphis Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
-K8memphis Posted 21 Sep 2017 , 1:27pm
post #7 of 29

oh yeah what coffeelover said

Coffeelover77 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Coffeelover77 Posted 21 Sep 2017 , 1:41pm
post #8 of 29

Even if the lady does make wedding cakes that in no way means she knows how long it takes to make sugar flowers. Many people who make cakes don't make sugar flowers

if this is a wedding gift type situation the owl topper as a gift is generous enough  IMO 

LynneCakes Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
LynneCakes Posted 21 Sep 2017 , 1:52pm
post #9 of 29

Hi.  Oh I don't expect to be paid what these are realistically worth.  It was more out of curiosity in case I am asked in the future to do toppers for other couples.  Yes, I know money should have been discussed beforehand but since this is for a couple I have known for over 20 years I would be happy getting my material costs covered.  If I don't then I can blame myself for being so naive as to think any decent person wouldn't expect to get these for free.  My bad.  All the material has been purchased and with the wedding just 2 weeks away, I'm not going to bail out on them now.  Chalk it up to a (costly) learning experience if I get zip out of this.

I'm not doing that exact rose arrangement it was more to show how the final product will be, with the domed centre.  Flowers requested are dahlias, roses, sunflowers, lily of the valley, red currants, and I may add tiger lilies, stephanotis and blossoms plus fall foliage as fillers.  On that topic, how many "pieces" do you think it would take to produce a somewhat full arrangement?  It's 6" plates with a 4.5" styrofoam half ball glued in the center.

Thank you all for your input!  Pricing is evidently a hot topic ;)

-K8memphis Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
-K8memphis Posted 21 Sep 2017 , 5:45pm
post #10 of 29

no, you straight up asked what would you seriously expect to be paid for that  blush

like i said there''s about two and a half dozen roses on your sample -- it just depends on how big you make all the other flowers -- how do i know -- 

LynneCakes Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
LynneCakes Posted 21 Sep 2017 , 6:19pm
post #11 of 29

Hey.  I wrote:  "So the owl topper plus 6 toppers of fall flowers made with gum paste.  How much would you seriously expect to be paid for that work?"  I just put the picture of the dome made out of roses as an example of the "look" I am going for, not "how much would you price that exact piece".  

Anyhow, it was just out of curiosity so I appreciate those who took the time to answer my query.

kakeladi Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
kakeladi Posted 21 Sep 2017 , 6:57pm
post #12 of 29

Just seeing this post.  That owl topper is soooooo cute!!  I would probably charge somewhere around $50-$100 (can't really tell the size w/o actually seeing it) 

My thoughts Re pricing  the flower domes:  tiger lilies and sunflowers can be *very* large.  I would think a 6" dome would use one tiger and 3 sunflowers then fill in the rest of the area w/those small fiddly currents; roses(maybe); stephnotsi and/or lily of the valley.   I have heard many state on this site that the cost of a gp flower should be the same (or nearly) as one would pay for real flowers.  I haven't purchases any fresh flowers for a long time so I have no idea what they cost.   Hope that help you.   


LynneCakes Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
LynneCakes Posted 21 Sep 2017 , 7:18pm
post #13 of 29

Hey Lynne ;)  Thank you!  In my head I was thinking $50 for that owl topper but disclaimer, I'm obviously a newbie at charging for my work!  Hence why I wanted input, for future reference.  I'm a full time Biologist so do "event" cakes for my work, which they compensate me for.  First time making something like this for an "outside" party, even though it is our director's daughter.  

I'm making the owls tonight.  The base and arch are done.  I'll post a picture once I wrap up.  I never even knew "bridal owls" were a thing!  Tons of pictures came up when I googled it which shocked the heck out of me.  I cheated on my rule of "everything must be edible" by buying little "diamonds" at Michael's to add, as per the above picture.  I guess I could have made them out of isomalt but that is not a skill I currently have.

As for the other cakes, the dome is actually 4.5" glued to a plastic 6" separator plate.  Again, I was thinking the same that the tiger lilies and sunflowers are huge.  I looked at the posted video on this website on how to do dome toppers.  I think the lady used a total of 14 poppies (that's what I think they were), filler hydrangeas and berries.  Another one I saw had 23 medium sized flowers, 9 fillers, then leaves.  Best thing is for me to make one of these then I'll know for the rest.  Oh the dahlias get quite big too, as can roses of course.  So I think I can get away with making fewer big/mediuum flowers and a few fillers (stephanotis, blossoms, lily of the valley, red currants, and fall leaves).

kakeladi Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
kakeladi Posted 21 Sep 2017 , 7:25pm
post #14 of 29

.........14 poppies (that's what I think they were), filler hydrangeas and berries.  Another one I saw had 23 medium sized flowers, 9 fillers, then leaves..........

On a 4.5" dome???   WOW!  I don't think it will take near that many but of course it depends on how large you make those larger flowers and how much you enjoy making those little fiddley fillers :)

LynneCakes Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
LynneCakes Posted 21 Sep 2017 , 7:49pm
post #15 of 29

I don't know what size her dome was but the video is posted on this site.  I looked up "dome of flowers" or something like that.  She shows how she makes one which is incredibly helpful!  

Here's hoping you are right on fewer flowers!  I'll also post an update on that, once I get cracking.  I'm actually working on another project due Friday of next week featuring a Muskoka chair and a gumpaste figure of my first boss.  No pressure  :O  

LynneCakes Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
LynneCakes Posted 21 Sep 2017 , 7:53pm
post #16 of 29

Link to the video, in case someone else is looking for help making domed flowers:

She actually made anemones, not poppies.  Plus hydrangeas and berry fillers.  She doesn't say what size half dome was used.

LynneCakes Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
LynneCakes Posted 21 Sep 2017 , 7:56pm
post #17 of 29

Dang...she actually DOES say she used a 6" cake board and a smaller styrofoam ball.  Looks to me to be the same size as what I used on my 6" plastic separator plate, so I'd say around 4.5".

kakeladi Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
kakeladi Posted 21 Sep 2017 , 8:32pm
post #18 of 29

She works from bottom to top.....I would do just the oposite - top to bottom:)   I'd put the biggest flower on top, then 3 to 5 around & under it then Fill in w/those small ones.   But it's been years since I 've made one so ....... what do I know? :)

LynneCakes Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
LynneCakes Posted 21 Sep 2017 , 8:41pm
post #19 of 29

Well I can try both ways and post what I found worked best.  I DO have six of these bad boys to whip up in the next 2 weeks  :O

LynneCakes Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
LynneCakes Posted 11 Oct 2017 , 3:39pm
post #20 of 29

Update:  Here is the final results for the wedding cake last Saturday.  My costs were $165, including the separator plates, styrofoam domes, fondant, gum paste, white chocolate (what I used as glue), wires, paste color, and dusting powder.  This was done for friends so honestly, I was happy to have my costs covered.  I was given $350 so $50/arrangement.  Yes, if I tally time and costs, $125/arrangement would have been a fair price to charge.  But since I volunteered to help the mother of the bride (who baked the cakes) by making the toppers, plus I never mentioned a price before producing these, I'm happy with the $350.  But no, I would never produce that many flowers (96) plus berries (144) plus leaves not to mention the owls for that amount!  Just wanted to let you know the final result and that I did actually get paid  ;)

Pricing For Seven Cake ToppersPricing For Seven Cake ToppersPricing For Seven Cake Toppers

LynneCakes Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
LynneCakes Posted 11 Oct 2017 , 3:45pm
post #21 of 29

End result:  2 large roses, 2 medium roses, 1 large sunflower, 2 small sunflowers, 4 carnations, 3 dahlias (yeah they're all big), 2 lily of the valley, and 4 bunches each with 6 red berries.  Plus a few green leaves stuck here and there.  Hard to fit them in with all those big flowers!  If anyone has tips on arranging those type of flowers (some flattish, some more vertical like roses) I am all ears!

Quote by @kakeladi on 21 Sep 2017 , 3:25pm

.........14 poppies (that's what I think they were), filler hydrangeas and berries.  Another one I saw had 23 medium sized flowers, 9 fillers, then leaves..........

On a 4.5" dome???   WOW!  I don't think it will take near that many but of course it depends on how large you make those larger flowers and how much you enjoy making those little fiddley fillers :)

-K8memphis Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
-K8memphis Posted 11 Oct 2017 , 4:15pm
post #22 of 29

it's gorgeous -- wonderful work -- you said your boss "volunteered" you blush

but i'm glad you got paid -- happy for you -- happy ending and so pretty 

LynneCakes Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
LynneCakes Posted 11 Oct 2017 , 4:31pm
post #23 of 29

Thank you!  I need to find an online course for gumpaste flower arrangement though.  I pretty much winged it but did put the largest flower (sunflower) on top.  I thought "larger/higher" but I don't like how the domes with the largest roses at the top looked vs being placed at the base.  

Oh and what worked best was putting all the flowers on toothpicks plus using melted white candy melts as my "glue".  Ok, I might have rushed it so the wires all fell out when I turned my roses and dahlias upside down to dry.  I gave the centers a day to harden but it wasn't enough.  I made ALL of those flowers/leaves/berries in a 4 day span, from last Monday to Thursday!  The lily of the valleys fortunately were super fast and no drying time needed plus the owls were quick, once I had the Rice Krispie base done.  Fortunately I had done the owl platform/arch with tiny flowers last week.  Just so many highly detailed cakes in a few weeks, not to mention my full time job as a Biologist!  I hate being so rushed for time but it couldn't be helped.

Now time to breathe after 3 big projects in a row!  Very happy to have some cash after all that hard work too.  I'll try not to spend it all on cake supplies  ;)

kakeladi Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
kakeladi Posted 11 Oct 2017 , 10:29pm
post #24 of 29

Wow what a great job!  Yes, a lot of work but so well done.  The arrangements look great and the presentation of the tiers wonderful.  Super nice owls :)

Carla83 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Carla83 Posted 12 Oct 2017 , 2:42am
post #25 of 29


LynneCakes Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
LynneCakes Posted 12 Oct 2017 , 1:10pm
post #26 of 29

Thanks!  The owls were version #3.  First ones were way too small.  Second ones I made out of gum paste which would not dry and resulted in squat owls.  These ones I made with Rice Krispies covered in fondant.  But from little I've researched, seems that most pros use modelling chocolate.  The adventure continues!

SandraSmiley Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
SandraSmiley Posted 12 Oct 2017 , 2:12pm
post #27 of 29

Your cakes turned out beautifully, Lynne!  I am glad you did receive payment!

Coffeelover77 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Coffeelover77 Posted 12 Oct 2017 , 2:32pm
post #28 of 29

You did a beautiful job! Your flowers and owls are lovely. I’m glad you received some compensation:)

LynneCakes Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
LynneCakes Posted 12 Oct 2017 , 3:49pm
post #29 of 29

Thank you.  Me too ;)

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