Customer Just Wants A Cake For Pictures And Is Haggling...

Business By Frank68 Updated 12 Apr 2017 , 9:21pm by kakeladi

Frank68 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Frank68 Posted 11 Apr 2017 , 3:24am
post #1 of 7

So I received a call from someone who needs a three tier cake for 125 people in 2 weeks. Her original baker friend fell through and she was charging $150. I have the date open and can accommodate the request  

My base price per serving is $6 so I quoted her $750 for her sweet 16 cake. My minimum for any cake is $350. We've been going back and forth via email and a few things are obvious:

- she doesn't care about the quality of the cake

- she only wants it for pictures

- she wants me to come down to my minimum price  of $350 and doesn't care if all she gets is a two tier cake that will serve ~50

I do cakes all the time for my minimum but this cake will clearly look too small and I feel that this reflects on me. It's possible I'm over thinking this, any thoughts on you've handled a similar situation? I'm inclined to say no to this order. She would wind up with a 10' and 6"two tier cake  at that price point.

Thanks for any advice,


6 replies
hopefulcakelady Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
hopefulcakelady Posted 11 Apr 2017 , 3:49am
post #2 of 7

If there is a certain number of guests, and the type of cake required for that many guests is $750 (for all those servings), then you have to protect your reputation and your business by politely telling her to seek someone else to make her cake. Sometimes these things just don't work out, but you can't compromise the quality of your work for just one customer.

You can simply say that it won't be possible to accommodate her request, and suggest she try someone else.

Gingerlocks Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
Gingerlocks Posted 11 Apr 2017 , 10:07pm
post #3 of 7

Honestly; if it were me I would make her the smaller cake; just be sure to get everything in writing,  signed and paid before you do anything for her. 

me_me1 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
me_me1 Posted 12 Apr 2017 , 3:47am
post #4 of 7

I'd be inclined to say no as well. I'm getting the twitchy 'troublesome client vibe' just from what you've said. 

leah_s Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
leah_s Posted 12 Apr 2017 , 3:36pm
post #5 of 7

I'm twitchy too.  Would she accept a dummy cake?  Are any servings of actual cake needed?

I had someone try to order a fondant cake from me for a "centerpiece" because he knew fondant didn't taste good.  He'd order the "real" cake from a bakery.  Sent him packin'.

gscout73 Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
gscout73 Posted 12 Apr 2017 , 5:48pm
post #6 of 7

My FIRST thought when reading the headline, is DUMMY CAKE! Why would she expect an edible cake if it is just for pics??????  Um, I think she's trying to get a way with something if she asks for a cake for photos but wants to eat it too, and pay next to nothing.....

That being said, even dummy cakes cost money and time to decorate. 

Sounds fishy...

kakeladi Cake Central Cake Decorator Profile
kakeladi Posted 12 Apr 2017 , 9:21pm
post #7 of 7

I don't thing it's fishy......just a person who thinks cheap - doesn't have an inkling of what is involved in making such creations.   

I probbly would do something for her at your minimum.

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