How do you not gain weight doing this? I can't stop myself from eating all the domes I cut off my cakes

I throw them in a scrap bowl and offer them to my hubby and daughter - if they don't want them then they go straight into the bin.
To avoid having much of a top to level turn your oven down a little and you will get a flatter cake - less to throw in the bin that way.

I have to chime in here with not really liking cake as well. That's not to say I don't have weight problems, but it does make the diet easier since I don't like to eat cake.
As for cake scraps, I hate throwing things out, so I save them in the freezer, labeled by flavor. When I need to shape a cake I can pull cake scraps out, mix them with frosting and have sculpting clay. Also, if I need to bring a snack to an event, I pull out cake the cake scraps and make cake pops.

I thought it was just me that didn't really like cake much! I've never even said it out loud! I never eat the scraps. They go into my siblings bellys! :)

My biggest problem is I love cake (except for chocolate!), and I love ice cream -- especially if it's homemade ice cream (which it usually is, but again, not chocolate)!! I do have a weight problem, but I'm working on it so the cakes go to someone else and so does the ice cream, especially since my husband has recently been diagnosed as diabetic! I love to bake too much to give it up completely, so I guess I like other people telling me how good something I've baked is.

I can make icing all day long and just taste enough to know that it is flavored right...
On the other hand... I can eat cake all day long... especially nice warm cake...
I also have to use all my willpower to not eat nice hot fresh cookies, breads, scones, etc...
Really any baked good straight out of the oven...
We all have our baking struggles...

Who are these people claiming they don't like cake or they throw away scraps, and how do we send them back to their planet? LOLwut?!
I eat everything I make. Moderation is key though. I limit myself to 1 cookie when I'm baking. I'll only eat half and put the rest in a ziploc bag because I know I'll want some later or the following day lol. Same with scraps. I'll take some nibbles and put the rest in a ziploc bag to be GIVEN away. I don't throw away gold.
I never have sweets in my apartment though. I absolutely love ice cream (Haagen Dazs Caramel Cone for life), but don't buy it anymore because I bake. I never drink soda and only drink one cup of orange juice every morning. Everything else is water. I only eat fruit for breakfast usually and I make sure there are at least two veggies with dinner. I'm not fat and I don't exercise like I should, though I recently started running as one of my goals is to run a 5k this year. I sponsor my bad habit by making necessary adjustments elsewhere. It works for me.

I hit the gym 5 days a week and am training for a 5k run in June, so my dislike of cake works out well for me! I'll taste what needs to be checked on, but that's it. My husband is used to coming home to find a cupcake quartered and left on the counter with only one piece in it. That's my limit. :)
Now, pie is another story ;)

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