you can possibly go into the list of forums ie baking, decorating etc. and i can get into all of them individually except "all' and "business" -- maybe you can too
Ladies, if you're wondering where all the new blood is, I think several people had experiences similar to my own. Although I've been baking and decorating cakes for nearly 40 years, I only started visiting this site a year or so ago. I was very excited to find it, but my first few posts were met with snarky responses and snide remarks, so I quickly learned not to ask for advice. It seems that this happened to several of us who were new to the community, so I (and I suspect others) stopped posting. I still enjoy reading the forum posts and have learned some great tips, but it is unlikely that I will be asking for help much after the responses to my earlier posts.
jselle -- sorry that happened -- like i said and tried not to say there was an elevated level of toxicity on here and i hope it's mostly gone now but it really put the damper down hard -- i'm glad you posted and i hope you continue but i fully understand -- and i mean we all step in it occasionally but...idk
I understand jselle's problem. Yes, there were a few threads that ended up being much too snarky but we hope and pray a few people hung around for the advice. I know I sometimes can come across snarky:( I get upset when people don't heed our advice or contradict it. I really get upset when someone says they have followed a recipe to a T then proceed to say what they did different such as saying they used my WASC recipe and then make 10 changes to it. Now it is NO LONGER the *original* WASC! What's wrong w/trying a recipe at least once before changing it completely? Well I"ve sprounted off enough and am late for a meeting so bye for now :)
A hundred years later modern scientists believe that the Marie Celeste had an explosion, blew the hatches, & sunk the ship.
Just like the forum.
It stopped working, it was bombarded by false threads, it's still regularly not working. Most people abandoned ship and either built new ships or jumped on board with other crews. and like @-K8memphis stated most (not all) toxicity is gone, however some people still rant about 'my way or the highway' and take no prisoners.
Numerous times I've tried to find a thread or a recipe in the search function to pass on to newbies asking a question and the search doesn't work. So be it -- I simply move on to other websties.
But mostly it's being barked at by another member that some suggestion that has been made is stupid, wrong, or ugly. @jselle You are brave to speak plainly about this.
but the 'all forum' issue has been resolved where we can get the full list of new posts now -- at least i can get into everything now -- how 'bout you all -- no more 'whoops something must be wrong dead ends' yes?
MBlaska, Marie Celeste never sunk. It was found floating , abandoned by it crew, it looked like the left in a hurry and no one knew what happened to the crew. That is the mystery.
Wow, so glad to see you all expressing my exact feelings on how this great forum has ended up. I miss the category where I could just go look and new cookie posts, or purple cakes. Guess that's the Pinterest niche now.
And almost every cake is these cakers are talented, or know how to filter/photeshop...especially when "this is my first cake ever"!!
Thank you for your help over the years..when I see that you've responded to a post, I know I, getting great info..
Quote by @Jeannem on 58 minutes ago
And almost every cake is these cakers are talented, or know how to filter/photeshop...especially when "this is my first cake ever"!!
I once asked someone who had fabulously smooth cakes how she got them so perfect. Her answer was "photoshop." So don't get too discouraged! I think there's a lot of shenanigans going on in that respect these days.
............And almost every cake is these cakers are talented, or know how to filter/photeshop...especially when "this is my first cake ever"!!............
Now you've gone and broken my heart!:( Here I thought everyone was SSSOOOOO talented. It never occurred to me that someone would do that! :(
Yes, it’s weird to see nothing but photoshopped airbrushed professionally photographed cakes on the galley roster. Wouldn’t that be kind of odd to pay big money for a cake that you think actually looks like that………just to receive a normal looking lumpy, bumpy, wonky cake with flaws.
And where are the buttercream cakes
Quote by @MBalaska on 12 hours ago
Yes, it’s weird to see nothing but photoshopped airbrushed professionally photographed cakes on the galley roster. Wouldn’t that be kind of odd to pay big money for a cake that you think actually looks like that………just to receive a normal looking lumpy, bumpy, wonky cake with flaws.
And where are the buttercream cakes
People don't know how to do buttercream as much anymore, but it seems to be gaining as a trendy thing now. Which is completely hilarious to me, since I just assume that everyone learns how to do buttercream as a basic skill, not as an exotic add-on.
Also, @Jeannem keep in mind that the majority of the fancy cakes that you see being shared all over social media by people are probably dummy cakes that they've had weeks or months to work on. Nobody's going to admit it, but when they say "this is my latest cake" they really mean "I'm not selling any like this because people don't want to pay me for what I'd have to charge for it, so this is a dummy cake I did for my own publicity shots." There's a lot of trickery out there these days.
hey -- we're getting a new feature -- it's called 'search this conversation' and i searched this one for my name and i came up in two posts -- apparently it doesn't search for your (-k8memphis') posts but just where i was mentioned in a post --
pretty cool!
thank you, jackie
i'm on my home computer and this new feature is located at the top of the page within each thread -- just fyi
Well thanks for enlightening me, I thought I was the only one noticing something up with all those master pieces on the gallery. I was afraid to ask, and dozens by the same person, kinda sad, people photoshopping cakes.
I am a hobbyist and I feel comfortable with fondant, gum paste, did a little RI, but the idea of piping buttercream intimidates me. Slowly I have been trying my hand at it , I feel like I am not a complete decorator. kwim
I am in complete awe of those who pipe those amazing flowers in buttercream, and intricate piping and can make buttercream look as flawless as fondant. I can only aspire to that level of perfection. So its nice to see buttercream making a come back as it were .......whats new is really old school.
While we all endeavor to turn out perfectly smooth cakes we must remember that many of these beauties on pinterest etc are dummy cakes, worked on for several days (with the aid of interns for the monotonous placing of flowers etc)
I don't sell my cakes though, so when I see real ugly cakes being flogged on FB I get really mad lol!
Especially when the makers of these ugly cakes start fighting with each other as to whose cheap ugly cake is the best.
CC has made me a cake snob I'm afraid, I'd never laugh at a "mummy" cake but the mess on a cardboard disc that some desperado is actually selling makes me mad.
Quote by @cakebaby2 on 7 hours ago
While we all endeavor to turn out perfectly smooth cakes we must remember that many of these beauties on pinterest etc are dummy cakes, worked on for several days (with the aid of interns for the monotonous placing of flowers etc)
I don't sell my cakes though, so when I see real ugly cakes being flogged on FB I get really mad lol!
Especially when the makers of these ugly cakes start fighting with each other as to whose cheap ugly cake is the best.
CC has made me a cake snob I'm afraid, I'd never laugh at a "mummy" cake but the mess on a cardboard disc that some desperado is actually selling makes me mad.
I won't mention any names, but someone sent me a picture of a cake like the one you're describing this morning. It looked like a crocheted toilet paper cover with flowers stuck into it. And your description of the cardboard disc is very accurate, hahaha!
Wow, I had no idea people did things like photoshop cake photos, really?! So what happens when they make a cake that is not quite perfect like in their photos? Surely they are setting themselves up for disappointing their customers.
I just can't go on those FB pages where "decorators" outbid each other to do a cake cheaper and then post "some mess on a cardboard disc" (hee hee love it) and everyone raves and says its amazing - YA WHAT!!!!!!!! Are they blind. My sister on the other hand loves them, she finds "stupid" hilarious.
Quote by @%username% on %date%