Hi guys
What are the size of your sheet cakes and what price do you sell them for.
I have a 9x13 which i was charging $20.00
a 11x15 which i was charging $25.00
a 12x18 which i was charging $30.00
The reason I am question this is because I just did the price on what it cost me just to do the 9x13 which was round off at $13.00 and it would take me some hours including baking, making frosting and decorating. Yet at this price I am only making $7.00 off this cake , which if it took me two hours just to do it thats only 3,50 per hour

A $13 cost for a 9x13 seems really high. What are your costs? Are you making your cakes from scratch? List out your costs for the 9x13 and we'll see where we can lower your cost of goods.

Mixes 2 x 1.00
eggs 6 =.75
flavoring 2 teas poon .25
power sugar $4.00
flavoring .25
milk .50
foil, plastic wrap and non stick paper . ( for freezing cake) $1.00
board and boxes $1.50 to a 1.75 ( depend on how high you would like the cake to sit)
fanci foil $100 to a $1.50

OK here is my take...please bare with me..
if you use just a cup of milk out of a gallon you find out how much that cup of milk cost you...figure out what your cost is per cup of milk...same way with sugar flour and so on. You don't want to charge the customer EACH for a gallon of milk or a 5 pd bag of sugar. Hope this makes sense.
Sorry I am really of no help

I charge $53 for a 12x16" single layer sheet cake. My cost on this is about $15 for ingredients and $7 for the foamcore board/covering and box, for a total of $22. (Note: I am overseas so the costs are higher on alot of things). I will probably raise my prices a little in the fall, maybe go to around $65 for a 12x16.

Mixes 2 x 1.00
eggs 6 =.75
flavoring 2 teas poon .25
power sugar $4.00
flavoring .25
milk .50
foil, plastic wrap and non stick paper . ( for freezing cake) $1.00
board and boxes $1.50 to a 1.75 ( depend on how high you would like the cake to sit)
Ok. Are you estimating the costs above? They seem too high. You may actually be making out better than you think. Let me know if they are estimates and we'll go from there.

fanci foil $100 to a $1.50

Tame- I think your prices are to cheap, just my opinion though.
My prices are:
These are the prices that my sheets start at. Buttercream icing and simple decorations. Additional items are extra.
I haven't any customer yet tell me I was to high. ( I have probably jinxed myself now)lol.

I agree with the above post .... it looks like you are estimating your costs instead of figuring your actual costs.
you're paying 12 cents an egg??? Even at walmart, my price is only 6 to 8 cents an egg.
$4 for powdered sugar for a 9x13? my walmart price is $1.28 for a 2 lb bag and I'd probably only use one 2lb bag.
$1.50 for shortening? I use 1-1/3 cups with 2 lbs of powdered sugar .... my Sam's Club price is $0.15 per cup, so 20 cents for shortening.
That said, my sheet cake pricing is $1.50/serving, based on a 2x2 serving. And I don't do anything smaller than 11x15.
11x15 - serves 35 - $53
12x18 - serves 54 - $81
*IF* I was to do a 9x13, I would charge $40 (1.67/serving, 24 servings), because smaller cakes have the same overhead, the same fixed costs and the pricing should be adjusted to cover those costs.
You're charging 83 cents per serving for your 9x13.
You're charging 75 cents per serving for your 11x15.
You're charging 55 cents per serving for your 12x18.
If you refigure your actual costs, you'll look better than you think. But your pricing is still too low.

You are right; it is not worth doing at those prices. You definitely need to go up. Ask yourself what would really make it worth it to you; what would be fair for you as well as your customer. My lowest price is $30 for a 13 x 9; nothing less than that is worth it to me; and I don't do smaller cakes.

OK I'm still kinda new at this but wouldn't it also depend on what area you are in. I figured up my cost then I visited a few local bakeries and kinda went somewhere in between.
9x13 = $15
12x18 = $30
But most people still tell me that I am way underpriced.

OK I'm still kinda new at this but wouldn't it also depend on what area you are in. I figured up my cost then I visited a few local bakeries and kinda went somewhere in between.
9x13 = $15
12x18 = $30
But most people still tell me that I am way underpriced.
My cakes way higher than local grocery stores and bakeries. So? Your point is.....?
My cakes taste way better than local grocery stores and bakeries. You can't get some of my designs from a grocery store/bakery. My cakes haven't been sitting in a freezer for a year.
You would expect to pay more for a dress designed and hand crafted from a seamstress than you would for a dress off the rack at K-Mart. Why is your craft any different?
As I posted in another thread recently:
"I am good at my craft.
My cakes are worth it.
If you don't want to pay my price, then eat crap cake from the grocery."

"I am good at my craft.
My cakes are worth it.
If you don't want to pay my price, then eat crap cake from the grocery."
Oh I so want to hang this on my door and put this on all of my advertising =)
But I completely agree with Indydebi. All of my cakes are priced per slice, which are 2"x2"x2" or 2"x1"x4". But whether it is a mother's day cake, birthday cake, or wedding cake the cake itself cost the same. I have seen birthday cake designs done for weddings and vice versa, so why should they cost different.
It is hard to charge for a 6" cake, because a round serves 12, a square serves 18. So why should they cost the same when you are using more ingredients in the square one?
As for sheet cakes, I know Indydebi has said this multiple times, I do not call them quarter/half/full. Every town you go to that is a different size. I find out how many they want to serve and then offer sizes/shapes.
If they don't want to pay the price that is fine, there is someone else who will make a cake in their budget. But I am going to make sure I am paid for my time and my expenses are covered. I refuse to work for under minimum wage (which I don't think any cake decorator should be paid minimum wage, it's a skilled trade that not everyone can do)

Sorry Guys
I have being working and have had a lot of cake orders this week, mother day, graduation, I have a whole sheet fruit cake to do today and a pound cake to do also So I be back soon.
Lisa Ms - you gave me some good advice a year ago when I was only charging $ 12 for a 9x13 and $20 for a 12x18. I was just giving my stuff away. Yet I went up to the current prices and even though i lost a few customer I gain many more.. I think I am about to raise my prices about $5.00
Indydebi- I see you are there ( to that level)and you do a great job. Yet I don't think I am there yet( if this makes sense to you). There a lot more differnt kind of cakes that I want to do. That's why I don't want to raise my prices to much.
Wgoat5 - I might not be pricing this correctly I just don't see my self making a profit v my spending . I think my problem is when i have an order for a cake I tend to over spend on some items that I do not need.
okay every one let me go and finsh these cake

I completely agree with Indy!!
My sheet cake prices are 11x15~$55.00; 12x18~$65.00
I have had on several occasions people pay more more that what I ask because they thought the cake was worth more than that because it was obvious I put a lot of work into them. That's always nice to get those customers!!!
Anyone can go to Costco and for $16.00 get a larger than 12x18 carrot cake with those oh too cute little carrots conveniently places to outline each slice. Yeah, show me the cornelli lace and the decorative borders on those cake!! Don't think so! I tailor my cakes to the individual of course. I don't mass produce and skimp on design by any means.
If you are going to keep those prices then you need to lessen the work you do on the cake. I'm pretty sure you don't want to do that so please, charge more and don't short change yourself.

We don't offer actual sheet cakes, but our undecorated serving cakes (by undecorated I mean iced smooth with a bottom border...4" tall filled cakes) are $2.00 a serving (1"x2"x4"). They are only available with wedding cakes of 100 or more servings.

OK I'm still kinda new at this but wouldn't it also depend on what area you are in. I figured up my cost then I visited a few local bakeries and kinda went somewhere in between.
9x13 = $15
12x18 = $30
But most people still tell me that I am way underpriced.
You are, our local grocery store charges more than you do for a sheet cake.
I've been charging $35 for a 9x13 and $65 for a 12x18.

When you are talking sheet cake do you mean a single layer or two layers with filling? How do you price differently betweent the two?

Okay, just wanted to "jump in" for a sec. as I am heading out to a Mother's Day Breakfast at my church.
My son called yesterday (It was my grandson's 4th birthday!!) and told me that he was going to send me a pic of Britain's cake. It was a "half-sheet" (Now we ALL know that could mean ANY size to a 'layperson'" LOL) with an edible image, double layered with raspberry filling. Cost? $37.50!! and THIS from a BAKERY...not Costco! Where you ask? Visalia, CA! I was blown away and can't wait to visit this bakery when I'm out there in a couple of weeks!
Okay, back to the thread! Tame....you're cheaper than ME and that my dear....is NOT good! Raise your prices! Believe me, people expect it.
Beth in KY

I just raised my prices to $2/serving...I figure its not worth my time to do cake for much less.
The only problem is that I'm trying to get away from sheet cakes and stuff and just focus on the 3D stuff (and maybe weddings someday if I would get more orders for them!) but recently I had a friend tell somebody they should order cake from me for a party for 150 people...I'm groaning because no matter how you "slice it" that is going to be alot of money and I am not sure if they are prepared for that. (Church people usually expect other church people to be cheaper than the store). I gave her my website so she could scope out my prices before she makes anything final for me. I do not like my acquaintences to know me as "The Cake Lady" because I charge generally more than they are accustomed to paying. I target people who care more about how the cake looks than how their budget does. haha. Not because I'm snobby but because if I'm not pulling a profit, I'd rather be napping or doing other projects or doing stuff with my family on the weekends!

i've read in a few threads that you should charge at least 3x's your cost. so you should be charging at least $39.00 for your 9x13 cake. i also read that if there are elaborate decorations you should charge accordingly for your time.
i think some of us under estimate our selves and have a hard time charging for something we enjoy doing. indydebi is right on!

I had a rummage sale one time...put out some stuff that was marked FREE- take as much as you want! Maybe 2-3 people all day took things (they were good things...not junk) BUT...they BOUGHT from me all day long! Maybe they didnt' need the stuff I was giving away.
I notice you are from Tennessee, KINDA in my neck of the woods. People won't pay New "Yawk" prices...but they WILL pay more than what you are charging my dear.
I do this for fun and to be helpful to people that I love. IF I did this for MONEY....$3.50 an hour just wouldn't cut it. I am a retired BSN who taught nursing for 15 years. Even though I LOVE playing with cake....as a living....MUCH MORE than $3.50/hour!
Beth in KY

Okay, everyone
after this week I would agree that my prices would have to go up. I just did a whole sheet fruit cake cake (2 12x18 which I realize later was a mistake on my part). I only charge $85.00 dollars for this cake, yet as i was doing the cake I had to complain to my self after all the fruit it took me to do this cake and then i realize that i should have use the 11x15 pans instead ( this cake was huge ) it had filling and whip cream icing with nuts on the side. The cake was so heavy that it took two people to carry the cake to the car. Then on top of that the person that order the cake wanted to pick the cake up around three. yet aound 4 pm a friend of mine's who refered the lady to me came instead to get the cake. She said that the girl was running late and told her to pick the cake up but guess what she didn't get the money from the girl. I told her I was not letting that cake leave without it being paid for. She left, 30 min later her friend came and got the cake and paid for it . What the !!!!!! did they think i was , already a fool because I was already undercharging for the cake and then to insult me more , i was just going to give away a cake with no payment. Boy i am glad this week is over with.

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