Cake Decorator thecakemaker


thecakemaker's Cake Photos view more

  • Icarly Ipod Birthday Coworker found a similar cake on CC and asked me to make it for her daughter. Thank you to whomever posted the original! White cake with...
  • Book Baby Shower Shower theme was 10 little fingers and 10 little toes. They asked for books instead of cards for the baby. I designed the book cover in the...
  • Justin's Birthday Strawberry cake with strawberry filling and yummy chocolate buttercream and sprinkles for my son's 14th birthday.
  • Graduation Graduation cake made from customers drawing. School logo and fondant graduation cap.
  • Graduation Done from a customers drawing. Graduation cake with fondant gerbers. She had seen the gerbers I made for a wedding shower cake and wanted...
  • First Holy Communion Cross made from a sheet cake. They wanted NO flowers though they did place a white fondant cutout cross on it that I sent along to dress it...
  • Happy Birthday! Simple sheet cake with edible image.
  • Gerber Wedding Shower This was actually a shower cake. Buttercream with fondant cut out gerbers.
  • Welcome Baby Edible images made using the invitations. Simple buttercream with edible images.
  • Baby Piper Baby shower cake for a friend. Home made mmf to match the plates. Gumpaste booties.
  • First Birthday #1 First birthday for a friends little boy. This is the cake I had trouble with the red buttercream on. It looks redder in the picture! The...
  • Shower Cake Made for a wedding shower. Black and White theme. Fondant ribbon and Gumpaste flowers painted with luster dust and vodka.
  • 21St Birthday Purse Made for a friends daughter for her 21st Birthday.

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