Cake Decorator milkwithonesugar


milkwithonesugar's Cake Photos view more

  • Tangled Tower Cake I made this for my daughter's 5th birthday - she is into art and got an easel, so worked that into the cake too. She's crazy...
  • Butterfly Cake This was my 3rd fondant cake, made for my daughter's 4th birthday. It wasn't meant to come out like this - I tried making fondant...
  • Pirates Ship On The Ocean This was my 4th fondant cake, this time for my son's 3rd birthday. Pirates was the theme, but he also liked Finding Nemo, so I went...
  • Ladybird Cake This was the second fondant cake I ever made, this time for my son's 2nd birthday - he was into ladybirds and bugs at the time! I'...
  • Mickey Mouse Clubhouse "toodles" Cake This was the first fondant cake I have ever made. It was for my daughter's 3rd birthday, and she loved Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. I made...

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