Paige's "pongo" Cake
The rear is 1 mix wonder pan, 4 mini loafs pans for legs, carved, (1) 8 inch round cut in half for body and 1 1/2 mix wonder pan for head. Dowel rod for tail all covered with rolled buttercream with rolled buttercream spots, ears, eyes, nose and tongue. Inspired by DianeLM. Thanks for looking.

Hog Roast
This cake is (1) 8 inch round, (2) 10 inch rounds (4) 9 inch rounds (1) 8 inch round (1) wondermold then the snout and lower legs are rice crispy treats all covered with rolled buttercream. Real apple. I carved the pieces after I cut the bottoms off to be flat to stand up- leaned a little against each other. the upper part of the back legs are carved cake pieces. real Kale for accents. Thank you to Rachael1013 for the inspiration

Ally & Scott's Wedding Cake
4 tier, 6, 10, 14, 18 funfetti, marble, white & chocolate with chocolate frosting in center. The bride was thrilled. They ate the top tier the next day because they couldn't resist it. I used the 2 plate method recommended by Jody Runyan with the stress free support rings for support.

Small Friends Wedding
I tried to do some of Than Than's pretty work with buttercream though. Definitely not as pretty, but I liked how it came out. Unfortunately though the bride picked up the cake and when they put it in the limo they decided the front seat with the heat on was the best place for it. Needless to say the frosting slid off and the restaurant re-did it with a comb. I'm so Glad she is easy going and didn't really care!

Italian Nut Wedding Cake With Ganache Filling/ Red Hat Society
This cake was a little stressful. My friend and I did this together. We also did a grooms cake. My friend used the Viva paper towel trick on all the layers and then I did the colored decorations while she decorated the panda bear grooms cake. Unfortunately, my friend refuses to do another wedding cake. I on the other hand do. Cake sizes, 14, 12,10, 8, 6