Cake Decorator ChristineCMC


ChristineCMC's Cake Photos view more

  • Fido
  • Owl Owl cake for my son. It was modeled after the two owl statues that my son keeps in his room.
  • Rainbow Cake Rainbow Cake
  • Dragon Cake 3D Dragon Cake for my son's birthday. Used PVC piping to support the neck and head that are made from RKTs and modeling chocolate
  • Breakfast At Tiffany's Cake
  • Shark Cake
  • Star Cake Two rounds (size 9" & 8") cut into a star shape. Larger round cut for the points. Smaller round cut into a pentagon.
  • Let's Go To The Circus Bottom tier is vanilla cake covered in crusting buttercream with fondant accent and gum ball border. Top tier is chocolate cake covered in...
  • Titanic Cake for my son's 12th birthday. If this was for anyone else, I would not have made this. Very time consuming, but he loves it!
  • Gumpaste Flower Cake This is the first time making gumpaste flowers. Happy with the way it turned out, but would make some adjustments next time.
  • Dragon Cake Castle with a RKT dragon
  • Puppy Dog 3D dog cake
  • Valentine Candy Box Red Velvet cake shaped like a heart and decorated to look like a heart candy box

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