Square 16"
This is a MMF covered dummy cake. My first. Tiers... 16" square, 14"round, 10"square, and 7"round I want to thank the ladies that helped me with the making of this beautiful cake. shannonann, ropalma, cakegrandma and specially fondantslinger, thank you for everything. CC members ROCK!!!! I would like to thank also the unknown designer of this cake.

Bubble Guppies Birthday Cake Vanilla Cake With Buttercream Filling Covered In Mmf 1Tier X 8In One Layer 1Tier 9In 2 Layers 1Tier
Bubble Guppies Birthday Cake vanilla cake, with buttercream filling, covered in MMF. 1tier x 8in (one layer), 1tier 9in, (2 layers) , 1tier 10inches (three layers) the last 7in (4 layers) Number one is Gumpaste+fondant(it broke because of heat, but was able to fix it!All decorations are MMF+Tylose. Characters are Fisher-Price. Base is very large fondant covered FOAM board. Some years ago I saw a very Beautiful cake by CC member DianeML, It was so beautiful that I put it in my favorites I knew that some day I would like to attemp to do it. I am only a HOBBY decorator, and did not think I would t do it justice, but was determine to try it here it is! I would like to thank Diane, of Cake Diane Custom Cake Studio for all her help !!I know I would not have been able to pull it off,without her! THANK YOU, Diane.

3Layer Vainilla Rum Buttercream Fillingmmf Covered I Did A Different Take On Same Theme A Week Later This Time I Used Edible Images With
3layer vainilla rum, buttercream filling,MMF covered. I did a different take on same theme a week later. This time I used edible images with different regions in my country Peru in South America. My country is devided in three regions the coast, the country side and the Selva (which translates to mean the jungle)

Vanilla Rum Cakethree Layer Buttercream Fillingmmf Covered A Gift To Raise Funds Since My Countrys Independence Day28 Julywas Ve
Vanilla rum cake,three layer, buttercream filling,MMF covered. A gift to raise funds. since my country's independence day.(28 July)was very close I decided to have that as a theme for this cake. The funny thing is that I was given the wrong date for the fund raising BBQ and I ended taking it to my mother and we all ate it!!! Then I needed to make a new cake for the correct date, a week later!!!

2 Tierbottom 2 Layertop 3Layer Vanilla Cake Dulce De Leche Filling Birthday Was 4Th Of July Celebration50 Years 50 Stars In Different
2 tier,bottom 2 layer,top 3layer vanilla cake, dulce de leche filling. birthday was 4th of July celebration.50 years (50 stars in different sizes)Edible images of family and her.They never expect that!! I was paid for this cake Yipiiii!!!!! $85.00 For me it was more than enough, because it gave a chance to practice and try making a bow for the first time...I succeeded!!!!

Jamilla And Geovanny
3tier cake.Italian theme was acomplished with a three color cake board! Bottom tier was a napolitano cake 1 chocolate layer,1strawberry layer,1 white cake layer and the last top layer was chocolate again with buttercream filling. When that tier was cut it looked so beautiful and was delicious too! The second tier was vanilla rum cake and the third small was chocolate. The cake disappear so fast everyone was having a second slice! There was no cake left!! Everything came out so good. I was so happy and so proud!!! Thank you everyone for the help and inspiration!!!:) :)

Mini Cake Centerpiece
5in vanilla cake with buttercream filling with a 3in chocolate cake on top. I made five 2tier mini cakes and toppers as centerpieces for my son's bride shower. Every body loved them they even said that I was an artist!! I also made 60 cookies but do not have photos of that but they were beautiful! I was busy, busy, busy!!! :) Had lots of fun and felt so proud! I would like to mention that my daughter helped with the cookie decoration and the bagging.She did not expected so much work and everything came out beautiful!!!

Allie' Cake
Vanilla cake with butter-cream filling. This is the third cake I got paid for!! It was for the baby girl of one of my son's friend. They tell me that the mother of the baby was so happy, that she cried when she saw the cake and it was also delicious! I was right on with the colors on the cake it went well with her decorations. I also made the topper, it came out perfect! Thank you to all of you for the inspiration and help.

Noah's Ark For Josue
12x18 choc cake covered dulce de leche buttercream, and MMF. Noah's Ark oval 10in Wilton pan 2 vanilla layers dulce de leche filling, MMF with cocoa covered, The little house on top of it all is vanilla 2 layer buttercream filling MMF with cocoa covered also. The board is MMF covered with royal icing on waves. Decorations were attach with Royal Icing. Decorations made with MMF+Gumpaste 50/50. For the first time I was very calm making this cake and right on schedule. 3 days before made decorations,baked on Monday, decorated on Tuesday, all set and ready to go for Wednesday. I just talked a lot to myself during all of this, luckely there was no one at home! had lots of fun and very proud of myself. First time on using royal icing.Thanks to everyone here for inspiration and the help. :)

vanilla cake with butter cream filling and MMF. Gum paste roses painted with airbrush pearly red color. I used the new Wilton pearl mold, very easy to use, just dusted with cornstarch and came out easy, nice length of pearls too. I covered the board with fondant and tried to roll a skewer stick around it but was not successful. :( I had some issued with this cake it was too crumbly, and do not know why.?? it is the first time it happens, my cakes are usually on the dense kind.

Annie;s Cake
I made this figurine as a toper for my niece's cake. It is OK. I wished I did better, maybe next time! My hello kitty looks like an alien( when you look at it sideways or from the back) I will get better, I promise:) I have you guys to look up to!This is my hobby. Thank you for any input, advice or suggestions.CIAO,

Orange Birthday
lots of first!! First time for stripes, for quilting and for rose dusting.. Chocolate cake with dulce de leche filling. MMF cover cake. Those letters gave me a hard time, i need more practice with those tappits. Every body said it was and looked "AWSOME" I was very proud of myself . I created the design as I went along, of course I had all of YOU here on CC for inspiration!! :) Thank you!!! CIAO

This Is It!
two layer 10in. chocolate cake, buttercream filled am crumb coat. It was almost a wreck!!! But manage to save it. The cake is covered in white fondant which I tried to color with the Wilton black spray canister, very bad decision:( :( I almost gave up and was thinking of going to a bakery for my sons cake, because it was almost 7pm and my son was coming at 9:30PM And I still had to put all the other decorations. I was against it because for my children's birthday , I always made their cakes, even if I never frosted or decorated it.( This was before being "hook" into decorating by a Wilton class) I wasted about 20 minutes before coming with the idea that you can see in the picture!! And then it was another matter with the little hand...they broke and had to figure out how to resolve that to, I made new ones and attached it with long pins, it looks like the figure has rings in both hand. (I did this because there was no time for the new little hand to dry, much less the glue.) I hope I did not bore you with my "baking crisis" But it was fun !!. My son was so happy and surprise with the theme of the cake..He has been a fan of Michael since he was five years. Thank you for lookin!!

Milly's Birthday
This is all vanilla and buttercream iced,fondant accents.this was for my little niece¡¦s 1st birthday. Castle design is from CUPCAKE DIVINITY, the rest was done with the toppers my sister ¡Vin-law gave me. I just went with it. This time my buttercream was smoother, I am getting better at it! Thank you for lookingº º