My Disaster! Golden Anniversary Cake!
MMF Three Layer Golden Anniversary Cake with Edible Pearls and Edible Gold Dust MMF Lace. This is my FLOP cake. The heat was an unbearable 110 degrees that day and the building had NO A/C. Bummer! But, I put this cake in my album to remind me that things can always be worse. This is pretty darn bad! Thank goodness we keep on decorating, right?

A Gory Feast!
I guess that the "eyes" have it this year. There are several of us that have been inspired by "Kimberly". Well, this is my version. A scrumptious feast of a Monster's Eyeball served with Cobweb Bloody Mary with unexpected guests aka worms! Everything on the cake is edible. I even inserted candy sticks to hold up the plate. Cakes are frosted with buttercream and covered with homemade MMF.

Redneck Cowboy Hat
This cake was designed to look "just like" the cowboy hat my neighbor's Dad wears. He almost picked it up to put on...before realizing that it wasn't real. Boy, oh boy, was he surprised. I even captured the worn-out, beaten look. Although I must admit, this one smelled a whole lot better! LOL!!!

The Pearl Ladies Autumn Luncheon Cakes
These cakes were made for a small gathering of women in my town known as The Pearl Ladies. They are a group of five that were born and raised in my neck of the woods and are highly praised for their history knowledge, charity events, high teas, etc. They have a quarterly meeting (each season) and meet to discuss our towns up-and-coming events. They really loved that the cakes had edible pearls resembling their own pearl necklaces and a reflection of Fall. Bottom cakes 6" and top cake 3" covered in MMF.