Cake Decorator paintinggrams


paintinggrams's Cake Photos view more

  • A Trip To Sesame Street My grandson loves Grandma's cookies almost as much as he loves Elmo LOL.. I made these for him as he will be turning 2 on the 12th of...
  • Baby Carriage Favors I made these for my Nephew and his wife's baby shower this past weekend. NFSC/RI
  • Champagne Glasses And High Heel Shoes I made these for a customer who ordered three dozen ccokies(a dozen of each style) for a friends birthday. NFSC/RI
  • Coach Designer Handbag Cookies I made these for an order of 5 dozen coach purses for a women's birthday party. I had originally done trial cookies of Louis Vuitton...
  • Grumpy,dopey,doc, And Bashful rest of the Dwarfs
  • Snow White And Six Of The Dwarfs I had some leftover cookies and always have wanted to try these. Unfortunately Happy was a casualty in putting on the final touches so He&#...
  • Justice League Cookies Yesterday was my grandson Josh's 8th Birthday and today we did cake and cookies. The cake I ordered from Sam's and asked them to...
  • Multi Theme Birthday Cookie Order I made this order for my daughters sister-in-law who was throwing a multi Birthday party for my grandson, his other grandma (irish theme)...
  • Louis Vuitton Cookies I made these as a trial for a lady my daughter works with who asked if I could do a coach or Louis Vuitton purse for a possible order that...
  • M&m Character Cookies I made these to sell at our bi-annual garage sale this past weekend. I had made them previously(page 7 of my photostream a couple years ago...
  • Chicago Bear Cookies Samples of Chicago Bear cookies I made to take to a barbeque we are attending tomorrow. NFSC/RI
  • Caterpillars And Ice Cream Cones NFSC/RI
  • Order For School Theme And Summer Food Cookies This was an order I got from someone who had ordered graduation theme cookies that was so pleased with them she placed and order for...

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