Michele Hester of SugarVeil uses chocolate SugarVeil and metallic luster dust painting technique to create a lifelike satin bow. Learn how to create this bow that will have people saying "wow" when they see your cakes.
Extra Dark Chocolate SugarVeil Icing
Confectionersâ Spreader
Confectionersâ Mat
Copper Luster Dust
Clear alcohol
Cosmetic sponge
Parchment paper
1. Mix copper luster dust with grain alcohol to a painting consistency. Place a SugarVeil Confectionersâ Mat face down onto a tabletop.
2. Brush the dust mixture onto the Confectionersâ Mat.
Note: The SugarVeil Mat does not need to be greased.
3. When luster dust mixture is dry, use a cosmetic sponge to even out any brush strokes.
4. Prepare Extra Dark Chocolate SugarVeil Icing and spread onto mat. Tip: Spread a thick layer over the entire mat, then increase spreading pressure to remove excess SugarVeil with subsequent swipes, resulting in a thin layer being deposited.
5. When set, place face down onto parchment paper and peel back Confectionersâ Mat. Result will be a flexible chocolate, copper âfabricâ.
6. Cut the sheet crosswise into four strips.
From two of the strips, cut two small sections. These six pieces will make two bows: Longest strips = bow loops, medium strips = bow tails, smallest strips = bow centers.
7. Fold down a hem on the lengthwise edges of all the pieces.
SugarVeil will stick to itself with a bit of pressure. If necessary, use a slight bit of moisture on a fingertip to secure the hems.
8. Make one complete twist in the center of the medium-length strip.
9. Gather and pinch both ends of the longest and the smallest strip.
10. Overlap one gathered end atop the other of the longest strip, and pinch to hold (or use a bit of moisture on a fingertip to secure, if necessary).
11. Gather the underside of the loop as well and place the loop directly atop the center twist of the tails. Use the smallest strip to wrap around and bundle all together, overlapping and securing the gathered ends of the smallest strip on the underside of bow.
12. Shape the bow by placing thumb and forefinger inside of bow loops; squeeze toward center: This squeeze is the most important step in making an attractive bow. Because SugarVeil stretches, you can squeeze and shape the bow as desired.
13. Make two âspringsâ by scrunching the small end of a parchment strip and rolling it within the length of the strip.
14. Place springs within bow loops, unwinding them to fully support bowâs interior.
15. Allow bow to dry minimum 24-48 hours before removing parchment. Tip: a finger-swipe of white chocolate or candy melts inside of bow (especially at the gathers) keepâs the bowâs nice 3D dimension in humid areas.
To make the largest of bows, cut the SugarVeil sheet in the lengthwise direction of the Confectionersâ Mat. Sheets/strips may also be joined together with a bit of moisture.
This is amazing!!!!! Never worked with SugarVeil before, but I am now!
Absolutely beautiful. !! I have my first tub of sugar veil waiting for me to use it. This looks amazing. Thank you
Love it!!!!amazing!!!
Love it.
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