How To Make Your Own Cookie Cutters

The step-by-step guide will show you how to make your own cookie cutters using materials found at your local hardware store.

Items required:

  • Roll of aluminum flashing (the heavier the gauge the stronger your cutter will be and the harder it will be to bend) You can find this at your local hardware store. 

WARNING: Be sure to ask the hardware store if the aluminum is safe for food contact. Some kinds are not safe because they are chemically treated.

  • Photograph of shape you want your cutter to be
  • Ruler or straight edge
  • Old pair of scissors (or tin snips if you get a really heavy gauge aluminum)
  • Knife or any sharp instrument (used to score aluminum)
  • Twine 
  • Clips (mini ones work great and cost about .35 cents each at the hardware store
  • Adhesive (make sure it is non toxic) I use a two part epoxy (J B Weld, cold weld) I called the company and they said it is safe to use for cookie cutters.

Take the twine and lay it on the photograph following all of the lines of the picture, if the picture has a lot of turns and curves, add 2 to 3 inches for your measurement. Once you have followed the lines of the photo cut the twine to length. Use the twine to measure a length of aluminum flashing, cut to length.

I purchased a 6″ wide roll of flashing so I lay my ruler on it and score with the ruler the width I want my cutter to be, in this case the width of my ruler (approx. 1 1/2 to 2 inches).

Cut the aluminum using an old pair of scissors or tin snips to the desired width.

Begin bending the aluminum following the curves of the photo as a guide and template. You can use needle nose pliers if necessary…for small curves I use dowels, pencils, etc. in order to achieve the shape of your photograph.

Rub on a small bit of adhesive to the ends of the cutter, making sure to have an overlap of at least an inch.

Place clamps and allow to dry per the directions of your adhesive. An adhesive tape would work well too (3M brand makes a double sided adhesive tape).

Wash your cookie cutter before use. The adhesive I use holds the metal together well enough that I throw my cookie cutters into the dishwasher with no trouble. Be sure to check the back of your package of adhesive to be sure it will work at high temperatures before doing this yourself.

Make some cookies and have fun!!

Comments (12)


My Dad has made me several cookie cutters. He has a rivot gun, and is able to rivot the edges together. If anyone needs a special cutter and can't find it let me know. I can get my Dad to make it.