Christmas Candle

3 layers of chocolate cake. 6 inch round, bc frosting, then covered in mmf. Sugar glaze spread on and make to look like melted wax. Battery operated tea light candle. I put mmf in the hole, so the candle wouldn't get all nasty, and was easier to pull out. The plate was a beautiful red plate from the dollar store, and the poinsettas, are silk flowers. This was for a x-mas bridal shower. The wedding cake, is also posted in my pics.
Gorgeous! The plate really sets it off also.
cute idea
How cool, what a great idea!!
Looks great! I love the wax look dripping down the sides!
Looks like real! Gorgeous!!!
neat idea!
Lovely, really lovely. The sugar glaze makes it!
Beautiful idea. You did a great job! :)
great idea!
Love it!
I love this idea! Into my favorites!
Beautiful idea. You did a great job! :)
Gorgeous! The plate really sets it off also.
cute idea
How cool, what a great idea!!
Looks great! I love the wax look dripping down the sides!
Looks like real! Gorgeous!!!
neat idea!
Lovely, really lovely. The sugar glaze makes it!
great idea!
Love it!
I love this idea! Into my favorites!
soooo pretty!!!!
very elegant!!! Beautifully done!