Course 3 Final Cake

Course 3 Final Cake on Cake Central

This is the final cake for my intensive-9-days-crash-course for Course 1,2 and 3. Already addicted, will keep practicing!

Comments (12)


This is beautiful! Excellent job! Board on top layer too big, but of course you know that. Hope my Course 3 final is as lovely! Keep decorating!


I have actually travelled out of my country for the courses and during this 9 days I did all the stuff in the hotel, and on the last day I'm so rush that I have forgot to bring the 8 in. Baker's Plate for the final cake! :D


I have actually travelled out of my country for the courses and during this 9 days I did all the stuff in the hotel, and on the last day I'm so rush that I have forgot to bring the 8 in. Baker's Plate for the final cake! :D


This is beautiful! Excellent job! Board on top layer too big, but of course you know that. Hope my Course 3 final is as lovely! Keep decorating!