White Tiger

White Tiger on Cake Central

Royal icing needlepoint on a sugar cookie. The size of this cookie is approx 23x17.5cm (9"x7"). It is a 100x76 grid (7600 dots) and it took about 18 hours to complete. Original artwork: David Penfound http://www.davidpenfound.com/index.html

Comments (13)


From someone that loves doing cookies, that takes the cake!  I've seen some amazing ones, but this is beyond gorgeous!  Just in awe, knowing the time it took.  Plus, I love Tigers!  Awesome, awesome job!


That's incredible! But what do you do with a $350 cookie? Because I would straight up throat punch the fool that tried to eat it.


Thanks @kimmisue2009 ‍If someone is willing to pay $350+ I will gladly part with it. In which case, I hope they enjoy every last crumb! That's what cookies - and cakes - are meant for! :)