
Merīkurisumasu メリークリスマス - This is my piece for Santa’s Passport, a fun Christmas collaboration. I chose Japan as my Christmas country for this collaboration. In Japan, Christmas in known as more of a time to spread happiness rather than a religious celebration. As Japan has many animated figurines, I decided to model what I think the cutest animes. Here is the story: Petit Miku pulls the sleigh where Rilakkuma (lazy bear), Korilakkuma (mischivous bear) are sitting with presents for the children in Japan. Kiiroitori (the smart and hard working canary) sitting on a torri (bird abode) guids Petit Miku. The gingerbread Christmas tree is decorated with fondant origami kusudama’s. On the banner is written ‘’Merry Christmas’’ In Japanese. I am honoured to be a part of this lovely collaboration headed up by Heba, and I enjoyed every minute making this piece.
Looks fantastic!