Buttercream Garden

Buttercream Garden on Cake Central

Vanilla Cake, Swiss meringue buttercream, lemon curd filling.

Comments (9)


This is really beautiful! I'm new to this so I'm curious if you piped the flowers directly onto the cake or onto parchment and then placed them on the cake?


Thank you all for the compliments! They are very encouraging to me! Newb2-I piped them first onto parchment and let them sit in the freezer for about 10 minutes so that I could place them on the cake and move them around as needed. There is a wonderful lady, Vanessa, on YouTube that has recently made a tutorial on Buttercream Wreaths! Cake Style is amazing! Loads of tutorials! Thank you Cake Style!

Here is the link:




Hello drea88! Yes, the flowers are SMBC, I had to place them in the freezer for about 10 minutes as to move them onto the cake. You could use American buttercream, you'll have a little more working time ...and that is always nice!.