Candy Box

Comments (9)


This cake is so adorable. Can how did you do the lid? Is it cardboard covered with fondant? Is there cake underneath the chocolates? What about the scalloped edge? I need details


The cake is a single layer choc cake covered with chocolate fondant ,wrapped with heart imprinted fondant, the lid was made using a 6 in board,the white scallops around the cake are white chocolate chips and the bottom design is buttercream hearts and scroll work


This cake is so adorable. Can how did you do the lid? Is it cardboard covered with fondant? Is there cake underneath the chocolates? What about the scalloped edge? I need details


The cake is a single layer choc cake covered with chocolate fondant ,wrapped with heart imprinted fondant, the lid was made using a 6 in board,the white scallops around the cake are white chocolate chips and the bottom design is buttercream hearts and scroll work