Godzilla, 3-D And Sheet Cake For Ds Birthday
Thanks to Doug for the diagram for the 3-D Godzilla! This is my rendition of GZ for my DS 50th birthday last month. I'm so glad I showed it to him the night before the party as I fell outside as I was carrying GZ in a box...I wasn't hurt but GZ was a mess! Also glad I had the edible image sheet cake so we had plenty of cake for the party. I stuck GZ back together and party guests were complimentary. All dark choc. cake, BCI, doweled all through the 5, 4 and small doll pan, legs from doll pan as well.
Just wanted to add, this sheet cake answers the question about an edible image on dark icing. Obviously I should have put some light brown behind my letters, or at least made it go all the way across the cake. :oops: My feeling is to match the icing as much as possible to the image colors or use white icing.
Janice I am so happy to see you caking again and back on the forum. This is a truly frightening Godzilla and just the kind a true fan would love. Great job on both.
GREAT job!
i love the 3d godzilla - my son says it is cool!
Oooh, the 3d is so cool - truly a scary monster! And the other is a well done stroll down monster memory lane!
Thanks so much for your comments.