Bingo Night Cake

Bingo Night Cake on Cake Central

Second of three due in three days. I was not happy with this one at all. One of the cakes broke in half and I didn't have time to finish th cake at home. I ended up having to pipe the border on after I delivered them. I really didn't like them, but everybody else did. I thought they were too plain.

Comments (7)


They may not be as jazzy as you envisioned them but they sure do look neat and pristine (ok except the spot where the cake cracked, oops, but that really doesn't detract from the cake since the rest is sooo smooth). I'd say for next time if you keep the cakes simple, just make sure the cake board is a little more souped up - even a solid color would have given a nice visual touch.


I know ceshell, the cake board was definitely a no no. I ran out of time but I did manage to pipe just a plain blue border on once I got to the venue to try and cover up some of the grease spots and the fact that the cake was sliding off the board :oops: being new to cake decorating, I know next time not to take on more than I can chew, at least until I get a little more experienced. Thanks for the critique. Much appreciated! :)


With more experience jazzing it up will come so quickly because you will have already used various design techniques and tried new elements--I can tell it won't be very long for you, though; you're very good at this and your perfectionism shows with how great the numbers look and evenly spaced the squares are! I'd have a helluva time with those numbers - great work!


i think they are lovely - they needed the border - which you did after - so i am sure they were a great hit - i like it ! 8)