Lesser Known Or Appreciated Buttercreams!
Baking By saadi Updated 23 May 2024 , 11:31pm by ReginaCoeliB

Hello! I was wondering if anyone knows of buttercreams that aren't that common or lesser known. Im obsessed with trying new ones and seeing if theres something out there thats amazing lol Im in search of a buttercream thats close to sweet as ABC but smooth (although not silky) like meringue buttercreams, pretty stable, good to pipe with as well as frost a cake with, not too heavy but not too light either. I dont know...I feel like I havent found a buttercream thats perfect yet. I love the ease and sweetness of ABC (although id like it a tad less sweeter) but I love how smooth meringue bc is (although I dont like that it feels kinda greasy and tastes too buttery and also that I have to add eggs to it and also it's just not sweet enough for me). perhaps im asking for too much I usually use ABC and even though its supposed to be easy to work with, it always gives me some kind of issue.

Have you ever tried ermine buttercream? It is a classic in Europe!
Ermine Frosting (Flour Frosting or Boiled Milk Frosting) | Sugar Geek Show
How To Make Cooked Flour Frosting (Ermine Frosting) (youtube.com)
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