"dog Fur" Anyone Know How To Duplicate The Fur?
Decorating By dailey Updated 8 Jan 2024 , 3:22pm by kakeladi
If you click on the link, you will see a dog made out of cake. It looks like his fur is made of partly shredded coconut?? I tried finding more information about the baker but had no luck. Anyone know by any chance what they used to get the shaggy look?? Thanks
I remember seeing that pic… your guess is as good as mine. I’m allergic to coconut so never even thought of using it for fur but it looks like the perfect solution. My only other suggestion is to mix some finely grated fondant with the coconut.
Good luck. I saw in a book by Autumn Carpenter a very similar looking dog topper & she said to use tip 233 with b’cream.
Another possibility: Don’t remember the reason it is used for but recently read about someone using ground up wafer paper. Maybe a mixture ??
let us know what you end up doing
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